Scry the Daily Exalt Bonus!

springacres' Clan
Why am I still awake?
Clan Info
If you saw/knew a springacres or springacresstable anywhere on the internet since about 1998, particularly on horse sites and animal sims... it was probably me :D
Clan description coming... eventually.
Current goals:
-Give Melusine iridescent, shimmer and either underbelly or smoke (1/3 done)
-Get a Shale dragon (fem snapper, obs ripple/obs current/gembond, obs crystal/obs facet/gembond or obs speckle/obs freckle/gembond - gembond should be mulberry, storm, jade, lemon, fire or white)
-Get an Oghren - double rust bar/daub male snapper with basic tert.
-Give Vesta freckle, speckle and circuit (freckle and speckle done)
-Give Nekhbet, Evensong and Arianrhod gembond (Evensong done)
-Give Wadjet smoke (done)
-Get a Loghain dragon (male ridgie, black/black/??, bar/daub/undecided)
-Get a Sten dragon (male guardian or snapper, soil basic/soil basic/white smoke OR brown/brown/white smoke)
-Somehow get my hands on a silver crystal/violet shimmer/any tundra male.
-Get Morrigan vipera.
Clan description coming... eventually.
Current goals:
-Give Melusine iridescent, shimmer and either underbelly or smoke (1/3 done)
-Get a Shale dragon (fem snapper, obs ripple/obs current/gembond, obs crystal/obs facet/gembond or obs speckle/obs freckle/gembond - gembond should be mulberry, storm, jade, lemon, fire or white)
-Get an Oghren - double rust bar/daub male snapper with basic tert.
-Give Vesta freckle, speckle and circuit (freckle and speckle done)
-Give Nekhbet, Evensong and Arianrhod gembond (Evensong done)
-Give Wadjet smoke (done)
-Get a Loghain dragon (male ridgie, black/black/??, bar/daub/undecided)
-Get a Sten dragon (male guardian or snapper, soil basic/soil basic/white smoke OR brown/brown/white smoke)
-Somehow get my hands on a silver crystal/violet shimmer/any tundra male.
-Get Morrigan vipera.
Recent Comments

Llyr was front page!

Stigma was on the front page!

Thanks. I'm glad that I was able to put those feelings into words, but I'm sad that it resonated with so many people. FR was my comfort space, and now I look at the dragons I love and I just feel...lost.

ah okay! well I'm glad you like her! out of curiosity, how much is your current lair expansion?

ah I see your lair is packed pretty tight! well if you find yourself with a little more space you can always change your mind! or I could hold onto her until you do have space. I don't mind, I'd hate to waste her if something finds her so nice ^^

Hey! the dragon you picked for steal a dragon is actually just a fodder dragon! would you want to have her? XD

You're the first person to recognize it! It's not a style of music I listen to often, but that song has always spoken to me. :D

THANKS FOR THE REMINDER. I edited my post! ;v;

Your Dragon Age dragons are perfection! The Zevran one in partculiar! He would be so proud! :D

Caeswyn was on the front page! I love his lore, it's so unique :D

Agh, I know the feeling! xD Well, I'm not going to sell him, so anytime you can have him, just hunt me down! ^.^

And I know that he would find a good home with you!
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