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RainStormy's Clan
Lets go lesbians! LETS GO!
Clan Info
Welcome to the realm of Prism; a village surrounded by a vast expanse of forest and grassland on one side, and a bustling ocean port on the other. At the center of it all is the Temple of the Fractured Light. Watch your step travelers, for you never know who or what you might come across.
Adopt Shop
Some stuff about me!
I collect obelisks, dragons with stained, and UMAs
I’m currently hyperfixated on FR so I’m a bit more active than usual
I read and appreciate all comments on my profile, thank you!
For forum games, the majority of my dragons are available except for my sales, citizen, and storage tabs. For I Know That Reference and similar forum games, my fandragons can be found in my hibernation den. All of my unfinished fandragons (W.I.P) are available for forum games!
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(and i case you see 3 notifications, I kept on adding things and had to add the most recent link)
All of your dergs look doodleable, so hard to choose just one heheh
TOH fandragons especially made me smile. I have a bias for Raine, but they look sooo impeccable. The apparel, colors, genes: everything is immaculate. <3
I hope to one day achieve your level of expertise!