Show me Fandergs your proud of!

Clan Info
It's one of my favorite things. I find it relaxing.
If you have business with me, PM me anytime, and as much as you want! I can have a short memory.
Feel free to offer on ANY dragon.
Everything has a price...
If you have previous business with me, please PM me! I've recently come back from a hiatus.
(And feel free to PM if you wanna strike up a long-term convo.)
GEN 1s for Sale-! (Tons in hibernation!)
(Know I'm always happy to haggle.)
Also, don't be afraid to ask to buy ANY dragon! With enough gems and treasure, anything is obtainable...

I'm vacationing in FIRE!
(But I will always be a hardcore Plague-loyalist!)

Looking for Following:

Trading/Selling Following:(All on AH--PM to Haggle.)

-~-HisScale-~-: The Best Business That Burns~!!!
Clan Hisscale was once a mighty economical trading post and oasis stationed on the edge of the Abiding Boneyard that had lucrative trade with the The Tangled Woods and Dragonhome.
However, once life in the oasis degraded past the point visitors from non-plague flights could be live comfortably, the dragons of Clan Hisscale decided to move operations into the Ashfall Wastes.
Currently, Hisscale has established a new trading post that is working to use sulfuric hot springs to create a new oasis.
However, clan services aren't yet available to the public.
Regardless, the dragons of Hisscale welcome you!
Hatchling/lineage letters and roleplay is happily supported and accepted!
Lair|-|Reviews: Yay! Ego-Trips!
#77049 Clocks--
Hooooo boy... calling your clan... 'special' would be a huge understatement. This lair is definitely unique compared to any other lair I've reviewed so far. A few things -- I normally try not to choose skins, but you had so many and they were all so well-used that most of my picks did include them. Also, I do know a few of the dragons didn't have fully-fleshed out bios, but they looked great so I hope that's fine. Lastly, I've always thought to myself "I wonder what would happen if someone just threw as much apparel on as possible, careful layering be damned." Something awesome happens.
#50780 Zorigami--
Ah yes another ancient plague lair (seeing ancient lairs just screams a lot of time and love put into your dragons). On first glance I see a lot of very dressed up dragons, accents, and skins throughout your lair. Then they seem nicely organized, by color.
Which speaking of the colors I see a lot of muted colors and earthy looking colors in your lair.
Then some last notes, I do like some of the ways you experimented with the apparel layering, since I haven't seen same of the pieces apparel layered like that which gives them a different and unique effect.
#176432 sailorlunatone:
...your lair as a whole:
It is, in a word, chaotic. Artfully chaotic, though. I like your command of color scheme a lot; though a lot of your dragons would normally be considered "overdressed," the colors you choose to dress them in aren't offensive. From what I can tell, you go for "edgy but humorous" in your lore, and, for the most part, I think you're successful with it!
Thanks for letting me peruse your lair! It was definitely an adventure. I hope you found this useful!
#111855 TheFreakShow
Overall rating: 8/10
Very cute dragons, weird names though. The first 5 dragons look like apparel without a dragon. Really lovely accent usage though.
#184584 Xanox:
Your profile starts off quite interesting, yes I read your 'ego trips'. I did find the overall description of the clan slightly amusing as you just threw in 'murdering' between gathering or crafting. I like how you made your lore into a trade center as it leaves a very open place for storylines. Again more landscape detail would be nice, what does the clan home look like? However you did put quite a bit of detail into everything else! I like the description of tourism and various imports. Though maybe you could also put in a bit more about their less savory dealings.
Your lair is pretty awesome, kudos on making it to Ancient level. Your lore is a mixture of dark and humorous which I love. Your apparel taste is interesting and apparently your dragons must be extremely spoiled. A few dragons could use expansions in their bios but otherwise, good job!
#202494 Aloice
Pros: I love how whimsical and clever your lair is. The names "uh" "oh" "no" and "CHOOOOOOOOCoLATE" absolutely crack me up, and the dragons are really cute too! I nearly picked "no" for favorite dragon because the setup is just so clever.
Cons: Not a whole lot of organization, name/color-coded or otherwise, although I feel like this is probably deliberate to some extent? Like it adds to the whimsical feel. I think I'd definitely like to see all the "BLOOOOOOOOOOOOOD"s on the same row though, I just have a bit of an OCD.
#233649 Phoenyxx:
-the lore on the front of the page is really nice!! I like the layout
-the badge is great, it makes clans unique and different and really can signify a clan
-i would add some more drawings! Maybe even an entrance logo saying the clan name and what is written below with some headings , it could really make it look cool.
-overall lore in the bios looks great, and thought out.
-also I like the art you have in some, it really shows that you take time to put the personality in the dragons and make them come alive.
-overall organization of the lair is really nice, with the dragons with more apparal out front.
-you could organize it maybe by breed, colour or roles as well -can make it look regal-
- the three middle dragon on the top row really look like dragons in power so I like where you put them.
-overall apparl looks well thought out and planned
-I love the dragons with lots of appparl it really gives them more personality
-maybe add some to dragons who don't have any apparl, or even a accent makes them look even better and add the your lair ascetic.
#196708 Kairo:
BWAHAHAHAHA! I have to tell you, some of your dragons’ names and outfits really make me laugh. You do the best job of naming dragons–there are a few that I just can’t stop laughing at. Hmm, what else stood out to me? Oh! Yes! Your dragons’ wonderfully creative outfits. It seems to me that most of your dragons’ outfit took a lot of time and money to put together. And, well, the result out your efforts is magnificent! Most of your dragons have incredible outfits, so hats off to you for your marvelous dragon-dressing skills. You really seem to know your way around apparel. However, there are also some outfits that really got a laugh out of me. So thank you for making me laugh today!
I like the idea that your clan is a massive trading post! I don’t think I have seen that yet, which makes it a unique and completely new concept to me. I see that all of your dragons are required to have a job and a way to make money! That is a concept not found in my clan, haha. I adore how you incorporated other flights’ territories into your lore as well. It’s a nice and creative addition, one that makes your lore all the more realistic. Your lore is wonderful. I enjoyed learning about your clan.
#98525 Tox:
Overall: Your lair is hilarious. Makes it a bit hard to choose who to praise, since most of them are jokes, but they're still fun to look at and I had a great time. And your fandragons are top notch!
#531974 aiiren:
Your lair is so chaotic in the very best way, I am obsessed with it and want to move in immediately. Your dragons have such rich, detailed and unique personalities, it makes them stand out so impressively! I’d love to visit your lair if I could magically teleport myself into Sornieth! I had so much fun doing this, I’ll definitely be on the lookout for any new arrivals in your lair, I’m hooked on your lore now. Normally a detailed review looks at more dragons than I’ve done here, but as a lot of yours seem to be fodder I've just picked a few- I hope that’s ok! Let me know if you want me to review any more <3 Thank you!

(Links to topics on hiatus.)
I SELL MAD COWS-!!! (Grilled BBQ Demon Cows might become a thing.)
I ALSO MAKE ADOPTS~! (Hiatus, tablet exploded.)
Note to Devs: IP
My IP is a mess since I travel and use many different electronics to access Flight Rising. I have family and friends who play the game as well.
Recent Comments

Amazing Avatar!

Oh hey! Nice to see you're still active!

Scorch was front! Wow!

GLaDOS was on the front page!

Lancelot (#56873287) was on the front page!

Lancelot is on the front page! Wow, he's pretty!

Lancelot was on the front page!

Thaeron was on the front page

SpaceDandy was on the front page - you have a wonderful collection of fandragons!

Bro was on the front page and that was glorious.

Bro was on the front page, what a magnificent creature

Happy birthday!
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