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FluffyPillow's Clan
Clan Info
Note: Before anyone sends me a crossroads (if sending me a hatchie/dragon), please PM me first telling me what it is and why you're sending it, otherwise, I'll refuse the offer thinking it was sent to me by accident (along with offers for any of my dragons that aren't for sale) - I apologize for any inconvenience this causes ^^;
Hello everyone! :3 I'm new here, so please forgive me if I don't understand how things work and whatnot ^^; I am shy (yet friendly), so if I'm quiet, please don't think I'm being rude or anything ^^; (And most importantly, I have the most sweetest and loving boyfriend in the world =^^=)
.:*FR goals/wishlist I set for myself (will add more once I think of them)*:.
~ Tiger Primary for main dragon [X]
~ Chocolate/crimson/emerald (all basic; must have green eyes also, and must not have any offspring) male Tundra or other dragon to change into Tundra [X]
~ Wind, Earth and Ice sprites (0/3) [ ]
~ PC or Fae scroll [X]
~ Wind armband [X] and Windbound Plumage [ ]
~ Bronze [X] and copper [X] gloves (2/2) and spats (2/2)
~ Rose flowerfall [ ]
~ White/white/sky female Imperial (needs to have blue eyes and not have any offspring) [ ]
~ White/white/green male Imperial (needs to have brown eyes and not have any offspring) [ ]
~ Blue and green [ ] and white and gold scarves [ ] (0/4)
~ Ripple [ ], Crackle [ ] and Clown [ ] genes
~ Sky blue (1/2) [ ], green (1/2) [ ] and gold (0/2) [ ] silks (wings and sash)
~ Red/white/sand male Tundra (all basic; any eye color acceptable EXCEPT Arcane and Shadow) [ ]
~ Any/all colored wings and tails EXCEPT purple [ ]
~ Seafarer's fur arm and leg cuffs [ ]
~ Pillager's fur arm and leg wraps [ ]
~ Autumn Breeze x2 [X]
~ Filigree armor sets: Gold [1/6], Copper [0/6], Burnished [1/6], Alabaster [0/6], Silver [1/6] and Colbalt [0/6]
~ Crystal [ ], Facet [ ], Butterfly [ ], Cherub [ ], Toxin [ ], Paint [ ] and Piebald [ ] genes
~ Ruby necklace [X], Ruby Ring [X], Jade Necklace [ ] and Jade Ring [X]
~ Sorcerer's Herb Pouch [ ], Magician's tatters [ ] and Enchanter's tatters [ ]
Helpful Links:
Color Range Tool
FR Tools Guide
FR Tools Tumblr
Chest Locs
Taleirrh's Costume Box
Ven's Familiar Giveaway
Dragon pixels are (c) Riserae

Recent Comments

If you're still looking for Filigree Armor apparel, I can give you some for free. I have a bunch just lying around in the hoard.

Bred my summer colors pair, the clutch of eggs is going to hatch in two days! Check out my nest if you wanna see the lucky couple and let me know if your interested in seeing what pops out of the eggies!

You are very welcome and I know he will be well taken care of in your lair.
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