EternalNights' Clan

let the water flow right through this broken soul..
Lesser Lair
near the

Clan Info

New Moon Rise
watch your step.. you’ve now entered the grimwood..

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis semper ut odio a dignissim. Vestibulum mauris urna, varius vel nisl nec, rutrum ornare dui. Aenean ac erat dapibus, feugiat felis lacinia, hendrerit nisl. Suspendisse fringilla nisl nec interdum suscipit. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Quisque sollicitudin elit et lectus hendrerit, id rutrum odio varius. Nullam feugiat a lorem non malesuada. Integer nec lectus ultricies, vestibulum erat sit amet, imperdiet orci. Vestibulum nec lorem non risus luctus hendrerit non eu sem. Donec facilisis ullamcorper ante, sed volutpat ante consequat sit amet. Aliquam aliquam pellentesque dui, sit amet mollis risus ullamcorper id. Donec ut lacus vulputate, porta leo in, volutpat massa.
Curabitur egestas faucibus neque a vehicula. In sed orci a mauris tristique faucibus vitae at quam. Mauris scelerisque commodo ante et iaculis. Nulla sed nulla felis. Ut euismod ullamcorper auctor. Donec eleifend ullamcorper sem ac scelerisque. Curabitur cursus, enim eget suscipit imperdiet, urna leo vestibulum augue, sit amet dapibus mi lectus ac velit. Proin vitae odio efficitur, pulvinar mauris vel, bibendum mauris. Curabitur malesuada felis id leo mollis, nec tristique leo rutrum. Aliquam finibus vitae sapien eget dictum. Sed vitae turpis odio. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras ultrices libero mi, iaculis pretium diam ullamcorper in. Sed quis nisl eu nibh luctus accumsan.

Can you hear the drums, echoes of the war?
Maecenas nec finibus ipsum. Duis finibus lobortis tortor ac tincidunt. Nunc in massa ut massa elementum viverra ac at justo. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Praesent convallis lorem eu tempor sollicitudin. Vestibulum eu diam ullamcorper, ultricies nulla id, ornare justo. Proin efficitur massa arcu, at dictum metus varius id. Vestibulum a augue laoreet, pharetra tortor sed, volutpat augue.

Recent Comments

1 2
June 10, 2023 19:02:26
Yes!! ^_^
June 08, 2023 17:13:35
Can I adopt Barnabas? I’ve have some gene plans for him
June 07, 2023 10:33:54
Lucifer was on the front page looking spectacular
June 02, 2023 19:00:37
Of course!!
June 02, 2023 10:56:15
AAAAH sadly shes in a private auction! she's from a retired pair and I'm just waiting for her to be picked up, I apologize!
March 23, 2023 17:47:04
Thank you for buying Risen!!!! I absolutely love your plans!
March 16, 2022 15:03:44
She is not, I just haven't had a chance to put her back up for auction after it expired. She is up now!
March 23, 2021 10:54:08
Blossom was on the front page! Shes so rad!! :D
September 14, 2020 12:27:26
Ghostlight was on the front page!
March 28, 2020 08:22:24
I know right?! He’s gorgeous and so lonely all by himself! ;-;
February 24, 2020 19:44:08
February 01, 2020 18:01:19
Thank you! I put her on a nest today so it'll be five days until it hatches. However, I'd be happy to sell her back to you once she's done nesting :)
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1 2
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Date Joined
Dec 11, 2019

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EternalNights' Friends

VerdantCowboy (#212259)

Skultetra (#210451)

Woe Plague Be Upon Ye
HeavenCrest (#503820)

Heyo! (Busy)
WhaleMonger (#494534)
MearaDagon (#493055)

Newbie please bare with me!

Recent Activity

Apr 13
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Veilspun Male, 2 Veilspun Female
Mar 19
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Gaoler Male, 1 Gaoler Female
Mar 06
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Skydancer Male, 2 Skydancer Female

Recent Achievements

Jul 12
Aaaaand... Scene
Jul 07
Festive Favors: Brightshine Jubilee
Jun 27
Prowler Pets
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