[giveaway] flaunt & flare

Liar's Clan
trying to be active again
Clan Info
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★★★ Lair full of sparkling gold and treasures. Buried under the heavy soil, they are all awaiting for them to be rediscovered and shine yet again. Dragons of all ages try their luck and in most cases, they succeed. Nonetheless, gold itself is often really hard to find. Some dragons have even gone insane by trying to uncover the secrets of the Earth and foolishly believing in false gods that would bring them all kinds of fortunes. | xxxxxxxxxxxx |
"devour your oppressors."
Recent Comments

Thanks for buy my little girl!!

Thanks for giving my shiny Noc a nice new home! :)

Lovely lair you have here! I love the solid pricing baseline you have. Do you have a lot of success with those prices? I ask because I have a few pairs that produce pastels and I always feel lost pricing them.

Havn't seen you around much, hope you're doing well! ♥

Would you take 80k for this guy here? : http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&id=48391&tab=dragon&did=12030045

No problem, she's adorable! :) and I can definitely let you know if I hatch any pastel nocturnes!

Alright awesome. I have 70k atm, so it shouldnt take to long to get the full 100k~

Hey Warren ^u^ Would you possibly be able to hold Ludovico for me? I'd love to buy him back from you.

Whoa! I love your pastel nocs! Thank you for buying my dragon!

Oh, alright. x3 Sending!

Hi again, is this girl still for sale? : http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&id=48391&tab=dragon&did=11389766 And if so, would you haggle down to around 160k for her? o3o

*genes up another dragon* why do i have no money
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