[CG Regect] Frozen Flock (Geese) - Imp H
chuuyas' Clan
face reveal! im just a silly bunny!
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Thank you so much for buying Oak!
Virits was on front! Pretty veil!
you just bought Mokele from me and I'm just stopping by to say absolutely LOVe what you've done with her - mini snapper rainbow scarf impeccable
now i have watched bsd and i have no regrets
the fact I haven’t watched bsd and already know ur user is a reference
your broadcast message is wonderful, i have quoted that so many times.
Hi! I have five veilspuns from my oilslick pair, you'd asked for a poke when I bred the parents again! Just wanted to see if you were still interested.
Hm... Is your name a BSD reference, I wonder? If not, sorry for asking.
i'll hold them! just tell me whenever you're available to purchase them.
hello there, friend! i have 1.5kg to send your way - did you want all 2kg in gems, by the way? i have the rest in treasure, but i can get it converted over the next couple days and send it your way. just figured id ask, in case you do need treasure!
One year!!!!
god what a good username youve got fjdjhj... luxray is a very good pokemon!
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