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doradora's Clan

Ancient Lair
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Flotsam Town icon

Clan Info

After a few flashy (and unsuccessful) raids, Flotsam Town has finally been overtaken by greedy pirate CRIMINALS who call themselves the Lily-Liver Clan and Crew! Besides their monopoly on oversea trade and their questionable accounting methods, they seem mostly harmless...






Before the arrival of the Lily-Livers, Flotsam Town was a port town that traded shells, shellfish, and ships (sailors sold separately). In terms of the settlement's founding, most of the dragons who live there are fuzzy on the details; not even old Quintus, the clan's historian, remembers who cast the first net. Dragons busy themselves with pottery, jewelry-making, crabbing, and competitive diving. A small, yet somewhat overqualified, council presides over local politics and a few young dragons hone their combat abilities with the unspoken understanding they'll never have to put them to use. Sure, sometimes the tides rise too high and the fish don't bite, but life in Flotsam Town is nothing if not easy-breezy.

Or was, until the Lily-Liver Clan and Crew first docked their ships in Flotsam's ports. They were hardly fighters, lookers, or smooth-talkers, but they still called themselves pirates (the greatest to ever sail the Sornieth Seas, they might add). Flotsam's two strongest (and only) generals, unamused and frankly too old for this, quickly forced the Lily-Livers' retreat. Unfortunately, this crew was as persistent as they were uncoordinated! After two or three more raids, everyone agreed it would be easier to just let them think they ran the place.

And it worked...for awhile. Every Flotsam dragon knew, though, that the Lily-Livers' presence, no matter how benign, was trouble nonetheless. Soon real pirates would wash up on Flotsam Town's shores, and among the council there is a looming suspicion that the same trick won't work twice...



i'm emmy (21) i am a pre-med student and i love nintendo, kpop, and chatting on here! never be afraid to send me random friend requests or pings :D @bogfriend is my older sister and i copy everything she does

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bogfriend's avatar
March 24, 2024 19:10:09
SaintMotel's avatar
February 10, 2024 10:25:11
Thank you so much :D
MidnightGarden's avatar
November 24, 2023 19:54:58
Thank you for the compliments on my canopy dragons! I love them so much and I feel like they're super under appreciated as a subspecies!!
Gusui's avatar
November 18, 2023 21:54:46
i love your username! i'm also a big fan of ugly dragons and kpop :'D
bogfriend's avatar
November 12, 2023 16:36:56
ravishing lair
bogfriend's avatar
November 11, 2023 23:31:52
be lair or be square
MidnightGarden's avatar
August 19, 2023 11:30:15
Thank you for buying Maple! I love her parents so much and I'm really proud of their offspring!
bogfriend's avatar
July 28, 2023 19:31:41
with style and flair
bogfriend's avatar
July 28, 2023 19:31:34
your lair is there
Arvani's avatar
February 11, 2023 21:57:02
Thank you for buying Sissy! That skin looks amazing :)
bogfriend's avatar
January 25, 2023 10:56:44
no gem or treasure can compare / to the sight of yonder lair
bogfriend's avatar
December 08, 2022 05:51:34
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Date Joined
May 10, 2019

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bogfriend's avatar
bogfriend (#463762)

bookwyrm bestwyrm
MaizeAngel's avatar
MaizeAngel (#712635)

fodder/exalt lair
aceofducks' avatar
aceofducks (#710682)

leetle cwimes :3
bittersuite's avatar
bittersuite (#244603)

peep the horror
Littlelion420's avatar
Littlelion420 (#675937)
SkyDancer10's avatar
SkyDancer10 (#316894)

feel free to haggle on any AH listings !
Terboherbo's avatar
Terboherbo (#707425)

| tay | she/they | training lv. 25 dragons |
DraconemSeptum's avatar
DraconemSeptum (#109980)

ouch oof owie my eyeball
Gaaming's avatar
Gaaming (#405902)

So many transformers fandragons...
luvcupids' avatar
luvcupids (#683781)

pretty dragon hoarder >:3

Recent Activity

Feb 23
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Fae Female, 1 Guardian Male
Feb 23
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Guardian Female, 1 Guardian Male
Feb 23
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Fae Male, 1 Guardian Female

Recent Achievements

Feb 13
Aren't You a Little Short for a Dragon?
Feb 12
Aaaaand... Scene (100)
Feb 08
Patience and Precision (1000)
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