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AlchemicaLeopard's Clan

Ancient Lair
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The Celestial Citadel


Imagine yourself as a dragon from your lair. Any dragon will do.

On a trip to the Sunbeam Ruins, you've found yourself hopelessly lost in the Hewn City. The dark haze seems unending, and everywhere you turn in the decrepit city looks the same. Perhaps you were travelling in circles by now; you've lost track of how long you've trekked through the ruins.

Your food stores have run out and all your limbs ache with exhaustion, but you're determined not to stop for a rest within the Hewn City. The place fills you with dread, and you're in no hurry to find out what sort of creatures lurk in the shadows. So you carry on, in search of any sort of exit.

After rounding another corner you at last spot a break in the gloom. Distant, colorful lights twinkle at the end of a long road. Tired of endlessly wandering the accursed city, you hastily make your way towards the lights, watching as they grew brighter and brighter until you found yourself at the outskirts of a forest.

Luminous flowers and colorful lanterns adorn almost every tree you could see, the chromatic lights reflecting off silvery bark that curled and twisted into elegant branches. Stars were scattered across the night sky up above, a sliver of the crescent moon among them. In the far, far distance, a massive structure rose above the forest canopy, so tall that the rooftops looked like they could pierce the heavens.

You find yourself in awe of the spectacle, when the snap of a branch catches your attention. A large imperial with a bridle emerges from the forest, his eyes fixed on you. He is holding a lantern, illuminating his pastel purple scales with a white glow.

You tense as he approaches, but he stops at a safe distance as he greets you.

"Greetings, fearless traveler," he says. "I welcome you to our brilliant, shining citadel."

Your surroundings definitely look more like a forest than a citadel, but you don't comment on that, instead asking where you are in relation to the Sunbeam Ruins.

"You stand in the domain of the Astrologist. I am not allowed to disclose the location of our citadel without its permission," the imperial explains. "However, I can point you in a direction that leads to the Moonportal, from which you can orient yourself."

You like the sound of that, and ask him where to go.

"I can show you," he begins. "But I would first like to extend the citadel's hospitality to you. Navigation will be far easier in the morning, and you're looking a little worse for wear."

His words remind you just how hungry and tired you are, fatigue weighing heavy on your shoulders. You're not sure if you could make it without stopping to rest if you left right now.

The imperial continues. "The citadel offers its visitors food and drink, as well as shelter and the company of its residents. Many are quite fond of guests, but always keep their distance per request of the visitor."

He walks closer to you and extends a paw.

"What do you say? Won't you spend the night with us?"

> Accept the offer

> Decline

Recent Comments

Synapsid's avatar
February 03, 2025 15:46:32
Gamma (#46727830) was on the front page! :3
Andromesa's avatar
January 21, 2025 18:24:26
Comet was on the front page. Pretty!
AlumTheDragon's avatar
March 26, 2024 09:53:25
Monastic was on the front page!
IgneousReaper's avatar
January 06, 2024 10:04:29
Midnight was on the front page! Stunning!
skrimshaw's avatar
December 13, 2023 12:25:33
Mango was on the front page!
Lunifae's avatar
October 20, 2023 19:39:38
Paradise was on the front page! Wow, so bright and eye-catching! :)
skyaleer's avatar
September 16, 2023 11:27:24
Primrose was on front page!! She’s so pretty, and I love her lore <3
Shamura's avatar
June 12, 2023 16:02:15
persona2's avatar
January 01, 2023 13:56:17
ragnaron was featured! he is IMMENSELY cool
Lixue's avatar
January 01, 2023 13:56:06
Ragnaron was on the front page!
rainbowcol0rs' avatar
October 03, 2022 13:01:39
Shade(#62921697) was on the front page :O
Lara8's avatar
August 21, 2022 01:02:58
Mirion was on the front page, beautiful shadows.
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I exist. Mostly.
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You need a high IQ to get the E
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Tis I, the frenchiest fry!
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the first step to any murder is to have fun and be yourself
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Ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves
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Shamura (#546964)

semi-hiatus. feeding my dragons, not much else
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weirdoctopus (#646537)

And the Old Faith shall be preserved

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Mar 05
Welcomed new hatchlings!
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Feb 21
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Nov 24
Became friends with BonniesBand
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.

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Nov 13
You Can Never Have Too Many Dragons (5)
Nov 13
You'll Get Nowhere With Those
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