Your fav and least fav dragon breed?

xKreideprinz's Clan
Aberration and Nocturne enthusiast <3
Clan Info

Nessa | 32 | FR+0 | Hobby Artist
Discord: resplendentsilver

Recent Comments

Oh hey, your Nocturne looks great too, I love that aesthetic, that apparel just looks great with arcane multigaze =D

Dragonsbane was front page!

Dragonsbane was on the front page!

BloodMage was on the front page, and they were a very welcome sight. Gorgeous colors!

whoa, sorry for just disappearing out of the blue for nearly an entire month... let's just say that pursuing higher education is really kicking my butt right now. anyhow, me too! genshin themed dragons are literally so breathtaking, what with all the different ways their outfits + vibes can be interpreted and translated into flight rising apparel LOL — i really had to hype myself up for scara in order to create his fanderg alongside wanderer, so i feel you when you say you can never find the time. i want to create alhaitham and wriothesley fandergs, but i'm not hyped up enough (although i do love them) and i genuinely don't have the time... though i hope you end up finding the time to create some fandergs when you decide you want to! it becomes a source of pride (hehe) and i'm sure your creations will be absolutely gorgeous. i'm preparing myself to give them all a like! ^^

no worries about the double comment! i'm delighted that you decided to comment at all, so i really don't mind. ^^ thank you for taking notice of my teyvat tab and checking it out! (p.s. i was so happy when i got a familiar that actually somewhat looked like azhdaha, like it was so perfect LOL)

Thanks a bunch!

your plague tab is super cool, very cool creepy dergs, wish to be like you one day

Sungleam was on the front page!

Cupcake (#47872755) was on the front page, so pretty!

oktobre was on the front page!! really pretty!!!

Leif was on the front page! :3
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