| Butterfly Coatls Hatchery | XXX Coatls

Carna's Clan
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You can refer to me as Carna! I enjoy role-play. And that is all you're getting. Thanks for coming by! (He/They)
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Locknest was on the front page!

Laceiena was on the front page!

Nala was on the front page!

ura was on the front page!

Awesome. Fingers crossed for the kiddo!

Got 2 eggs

Heya! Thanks for accepting. Yes I did :) nice to meet you

Ah, my apologies, I'll most likely train them and exalt them after they've grown up. If you'd like them back, just let me know. I'll send them back over to you via private auction.

Oh! Thank you so much, i'll send my boy over as soon as he's ready to breed (which is the 26th!) hopefully I come up with a name for him by then-

hello there! I'm trying to breed for a wildclaw boy with abyss/midnight/ and white or anything reddish tert color with cherub/shimmer/underbelly or capsule and I was wondering if i could maybe send a male over to breed with Lapis? If not that's okay!

Gerhart was on the front page! His colors are really neat!

I just wanted to stop by and thank you for giving me Padan when I first started. I really love him and it was incredibly kind of you to do so.
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