Ancient Breeds: Everlux Dragons

GwenniethePooh's Clan
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Adopts by TeaDino
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Sometimes that's what it takes to make a sale, even for the cheapest XXX Gold Aether on the AH! Hope he's useful to you!

Hey there!! Just stopping by to say hello -- my Spiral, Ciera, is the great-great-great granddaughter of Ganymeyde! Beautiful dragon!

Teftun was on the front page. What a beautiful dragon!

Teftun was on the front page!

Teftun was the random dragon!

Anwyl was on the front page :)

Hello is the g2 imp boy ID 77290519 is for sale ? If yes for how much please ?

Is #76541008 for sale? :0

How much do your 2g imp babs cost? i'd love a pure gal for a friend of mine! ^^

Chestnut was on the front page!!

Gladiolus was on the front page!

Went looking for a dragon with my birthday as the id and ended up on Colthairs page ^^ super gorgeous dragon btw
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