Thank you for the compliment on Conjure, But I only paid 40kt on the skin. The Permababy in my lair cost me 120kt ALONE. the runner up is the dragon in the link
hi! no worries, i can definitely put you down for their babies, thank you for your interest! ^^ assuming i can get phantom x2 in ten days they'll be ready to breed then! <3
Fly in the sky with my dragons, free as the wind...
Anicia (#332551)
Dudu (#393294)
Wait and see.
Aradianne (#395267)
French player
Nhemesis (#326947)
[ Fr | FR time + 9 ] Welcome in the ShadeWood
Evaenia (#331421)
mika5 (#397981)
Olwen (#360511)
Recent Activity
Mar 02
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3 Skydancer Male, 1 Skydancer Female
Oct 05
Became friends with Linaewen
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
May 30
Welcomed new hatchlings!
3 Skydancer Female
Recent Achievements
Feb 16
Sign-On Bonus
Feb 16
Swag! (Love is in the Air)
Feb 16
Of Course I'll Take the Mystery Box! (12)
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