Currency Exchange Hub [1:1000]

delsomebody's Clan
What can't be cured must be endured.
Clan Info
(I have relatively severe dyscalculia, meaning I can't read or understand numbers most of the time. Sometimes I mix up digits, forget a 0 or can't tell how many digits are present. If I offer/send you the wrong amount on something, just mention it and I'll fix it!)
Founded by Gazi and a Guardian long since forgotten, the clan was small but tenacious like a scratch in the back of the throat. In time, the forgotten Guardian perished and Gazi, Mother of Moths and Our Lady of Pain, Matriarch Forever After and Ever Since, required a new mate.
That is when Jin arrived, intrusive and sudden, like a clot in the heart. Gazi will forever be our Mother of Moths, but by her side is the Upstart Monarch. Loyal only to the Plaguebringer, he rules solely in the Deity's best interest and ideals.
Long live the Upstart Monarch.
In recent times, Our Lady of Pain's territory has become a curious locus of differing factions; some opposed to others, some passive in their relations. Taking the form of communes, cults and carnivals, these factions work towards their own goals; some with Jin's blessing, and some without.

Founded by Gazi and a Guardian long since forgotten, the clan was small but tenacious like a scratch in the back of the throat. In time, the forgotten Guardian perished and Gazi, Mother of Moths and Our Lady of Pain, Matriarch Forever After and Ever Since, required a new mate.
That is when Jin arrived, intrusive and sudden, like a clot in the heart. Gazi will forever be our Mother of Moths, but by her side is the Upstart Monarch. Loyal only to the Plaguebringer, he rules solely in the Deity's best interest and ideals.
Long live the Upstart Monarch.
In recent times, Our Lady of Pain's territory has become a curious locus of differing factions; some opposed to others, some passive in their relations. Taking the form of communes, cults and carnivals, these factions work towards their own goals; some with Jin's blessing, and some without.

Recent Comments

I'm glad you went through with it, I didn't think I'd ever run into a reference to that game here :O It was a very pleasant surprise!

Zot (#86701842) was on the front page! They're pretty

zot was on the homepage!!

i love your rebecha dragon !!!!!

Oh man that would be so cool! Fingers crossed, that would be awesome~ Thank you again! I'm still hyped eheheh

!!! Thank you for your choice! I literally got a new surge of emotions about it just reading your comment, what a game. Awesome to find someone else who enjoyed it. Thank you. :D

Kotep was on the front page!

Kennicott (#50109518) was on the gome page!

ALSO I love Uzu!! Based Uzumaki fan.

Thank you for buying my primal tundra! I hope she brings you joy!

Altasgracias (#52119970) was on the front page!

I'm glad to have mildly spooked and/or surprised another with my mass collection of point and click characters xD this game is my lifeblood
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