Galopa's Old Oaks - Old Dragons Rescue

SoulSorbet's Clan
how am i still playing this game
Clan Info

Dragons that are bought at or below fodder price and do not have a familiar will most likely be exalted.
I follow FR time.
-in the endless process of needing to rework all of my dragon bios-
Hi if you want to send me a friend request at least tell me why or how u found my lair thanks lol
To be honest I don't know what I even do on this game anymore aside from mafia games and dom pushes

-Welcome to the Circus-
-Welcome to Faerie Forest-
-Welcome to Black Sheep-
- - -
-Sound of Magic- [discontinued]
Recent Comments

1 (one) soup coming right up! here's a recipe for an irish lamb stew!

Hey!!! Hope you've been well! I haven't been active on here for years! Trying to get back into Flight Rising now, I've been a bit busy with University these days, but I kinda miss the old days playing welcome to the circus and hanging out on here <3

Dismal was on the frontpage! He looks super cool, I really love his colours and apparel :3c

........why is it that my autocorrect hates me? ;-;

Dear lord.....I seem you my new best friend because of your signature (even though my favorite is 707) ah I need to play more >.< I'm lazy and always end up missing the chatrooms and starting over so I've never managed to finish any of the routes


i know who saeran is lol and oml my friend would play that over and over, maybe a ray route?

which route? I'm under a rock rn

i love mysmess!

haha yeah thats understandable. perhaps i will drop by sometime and say hello (although ive mostly moved to discord, i think it would be rlly fun to have a fr discord chat!!) nnbut yeah bein an adult is HARD...i feel that now...

not much!! i finally game back from my year long hiatus lol. i was wondering if you/others are still in a mafia dragon skype group or some kind of group chat? i miss all my old buddies on here so much ;-;

HI!!!!!!!! REMEMBER ME? :)
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