Theme Week: Player's Choice!
trubbish's Clan
trubbish is the greatest pokemon ok
Clan Info
Hatchery (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง Wishlist
INACTIVE from 07:00 - 17:00 server time!
"it always pays off being true to one's self and loving what we love, specially literal trash pokemon" - KUYASHII
- Ping Disillusionist with lore updates
- check on Midas in Dimness' lair
NTS- do not play the guess the account age game, yeesh!
Recent Comments
Thankyou for buying MAN!(Your username is excellent, btw.)
Eau was on the Front Page! =) Congratulations - She's Lovely! =)
you're so sweet, thanks for your lovely comment!! not having a fave colour is valid <3 <3 <3 glad you liked my tarnish boi!! :D
Thank you! And yeah, I understand that. I like female faes so I can't say I dislike the whole breed, but males are just...meh to me.
You're welcome! Love that trash bag filled with love and friendship <3
escarcha was on the front page! what a cutie!
Cirrus was on the front page!
Possibly late comment, there are lots of users with names that are simply strung together syllables. I'd put yours in that category
Inanna made it on the front page, I love the accent
Inanna was on the front page! I love the yellow with the black.
Your username is amazing
Grapefruit was on the front page! She's a cutie
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