Top 5 dragons above LAZY EDITION

SarcasticHawke's Clan
Hawke's Merry Band of Misfits
Clan Info

Currently: I'm super busy IRL so I'm VERY slow to respond. If you need me try PMing me as I might see that sooner. Thank you!
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Under the murky haze and fallen monuments of the Hewn City, the Hawke Clan built its home. The dark landscape steals all light from the native labradorite and unearthed moonstones, seemingly absorbing the luster from even the Lightweaver's Temple in the east. Largely neutral with the local beastclans, the Hawke Clan is known for defending both the northern Serthis and Centaurs against aggressive outsiders, and trading with the traveling schools of river Maren. An aviary for crows, ravens, and magpies sits in the center of the communal area, north of the general housing units and hatchery. Outside of this meeting space rests a secluded assassin's den, one for two dragons far removed from the lifestyle of their peers. It is said that the secretive pair takes no pleasure in coin or power, actively choosing to rebuke the darkness of their pasts, and to live a life befitting the inhabitants of the Sunbeam Ruins. To the south lies the chalky earth of the clan's training grounds, worn into circular scars from the talons of so many warriors. |
This is an Exalting Lair
If your dragon was bought at or below fodder price, and does not have a familiar, I will be exalting it. Anything I exalt will get a name if they did not come with one, so no need to worry about ruined offspring lists with me. Please note that I am a fickle creature, and even dragons that I purchase with the intent to keep long-term can end up exalted if I find they no longer appeal to me. Yes, this includes anything I might have spent time and money leveling, adding genes to, or purchasing in an auction. |
Other Important Info
My sister, RinHawke, also has a lair! We sometimes use the same computer/IP address when I visit her. Please do not ban us! We plan to make any trades between us as fair as possible. I also access my account on my phone, especially while at work. If I'm ever online but slow to reply, that's probably why. I play ChickenSmoothie, and often sell pets there for gems/treasure on FlightRising. My account name there is the same as here, just with a space! |

Those approaching Hawke territory during the night must be wary, for the flashing eyes in the darkness belong to a local pack of Moonbeasts that guards their borders.
Having been chased out of their birth clans for their affliction, these tormented souls wandered far before they came together under their Alpha, always hunted, always feared. They have found a home here, and have sworn to protect it with their lives in return.
Patrolling during moonhigh and sleeping in their den during the day, the pack makes an effective deterrent to any outsiders stupid enough to approach the clan with dark intentions.

Most recently, a flock of Effluvial Crows has come to roost within the surrounding woodlands. Each pair has pledged their loyalty to the Hawke Clan, and are now part of the rotating patrols. They have taken over the care and keeping of the clan's aviary, and the resident corvids have flourished as a result.
The flock synergized well with the local dragon's training regiments, and have even brought their own unique styles to the fold. Despite their famed contagion abilities, there have been no issues of them infecting their new clanmates. Their fighters have even used small doses of their disease as temporary strengthening agents, though only in extreme circumstances.
Trespassers however are a different matter entirely, and should be wary of the flash of patterned wings within the trees.

Along the southernmost border and across a wide gorge trembles the shifting expanse, the former home of an allied clan who has since moved on to far colder climates.
This ally may serve a different deity, but knows well the cost of living isolated from its previous allegiance to a far darker brotherhood…
I own six cats: Julian, Frenchie, Tiger, Stormy, Kira & Jasper. Currently married with a 1 year old baby, graduated from college years ago, and wondering what the hell I'm doing with my life. Feel free to message me; I don't bite and am usually willing to haggle!

Recent Comments

That is a 10/10 perfect accent for the Ivory/Raspberry boy! < 3

Delilah was on the random dragon spotlight!! She's gorgeous!

I am also here to gawk at your fandragons :) Love the Critical Role ones <3

Don't mind me-- I am just here to gawk at your amazing Fandragons 'O'

Listen i just want to say your julian is gorgeous,, i recently got into the arcana and i love my disaster doctor and was thinking about making a fandragon of him and yours looks so nice

No problem! Of course everyone has some pretty awesome dragons but not everyone makes such entertaining stories! I know the feeling of trying to get it all done eventually, LOL.

I absolutely ADORE your lore! I have so much respect for lairs with such fascinating stories behind them.
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