Cries at Gem: Treasure Ratio

Rayen's Clan
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Clan Info
Feel free to call me Ray/Rayen/Crazy Tiger Lady/whatever.
Hatchery Thread

Gen One Sales Thread

If a Dragon has a Familiar, it is not for sale-sorry.
I Name my dragons before selling them. I will offer a free renaming scroll on request if purchased from me directly.
Bit about me:Hatchery Thread

Gen One Sales Thread

If a Dragon has a Familiar, it is not for sale-sorry.
I Name my dragons before selling them. I will offer a free renaming scroll on request if purchased from me directly.

Rayen is a Digital Media/Fine Arts/Art History Graduate with a focus on fantasy and nature based works. Dragons and Felines are generally my subject of choice.

Recent Comments

I found a male mirror of yours that is related to my beautiful spiral dragon fathom!

That's wonderful! Second time I've heard that today about one of my ah listed gened girls. I've had them up for about a month but this new system makes it so much easier to find g1s if they already have genes^^

Thank you for purchasing Izanami! I love her new name Hera, I hope you enjoy her^^

Ahhhhh! I noticed your double Flaxen guy doesn't have a familiar! Does that mean he's for sale? If so, I would love love love to buy him!

Reginald is cool. I saw him on the home page.

Sha is amazeballs

Greetings from Shadow Flight, I was tracing back one of my Imp's lineages and found that my Taka's great great great grandsire & granddame (on his mother's side) was your G1 Mirror and Guardian, Fear & Storm.

Ooh, that sounds perfect... I can't wait for the release of that gene actually, I'd like to be able to have dragons that have something other than iri/shim/tert or just underbelly... but a lot of tertiaries look way too busy with genes other than irishim.

I really like your dragon Poseidon! Do you plan to give him a tertiary gene? Either way he's really pretty @_@ It kind of makes me want a pastel tiger/current dragon...

Sorry I've been busy with life, if you still have the dragon you were trying to do a crossroads with me. I will gladly buy her from you, again i'm very sorry!!

You're welcome! And wow, awesome luck, congrats. ^_^

So jealous of your white/black, white/red gen 1s, they are gorgeous. :D
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