free fodder babies!
SoftSucculent's Clan
What if all the dragons were secretly robots...?
Clan Info
The SoftSucculent clan is full of lovers of plants, rocks, and natural garden-scapes!
Everything is currently a big work in progress, I've got many slots and many unfinished descriptions, so ignore the mess! I'm not someone who likes exalting dergs that I buy, so don't worry for your derg if you sold it cheap on the auction house, but perhaps worry for their hatchlings lol
The ultimate plan is to get one pair from every species of dragon in the game, pairs with my favorite matching genes, and for each and every dragon to have a specific place in the clan. Endgame, I'd like my lair to be FULL of nature-themed dergs, with all my pretty dressed up dergs squirelled away in my "hibernal" den, which, for my own lore purposes, is really more like a senior sanctuary in the back of my territory where they're not really asleep, just enjoying their retirement/sunset days!
The dergs in the Modern and Ancient lair tabs are all part of my on-going projects and arent being sold - I'm willing to haggle on all the ones in the aptly-named Sell tab - whether or not the derg in question is already listed in the auction house, but if they're unlisted, they're likely being used for exalt fodder!
Speaking of breeding projects, if you'd like my help with a project, just hit me up! I'm totally okay with pinging people who want hatchlings from my pairs with specific color/gene combos and I'm also willing to help host your breeding projects in my lair so your babies can have nature eyes!
Peace and love and safety to yall~!
*Please note that while I'm a nature elemental, I uh. Actually haven't read ANY of the lore for Flight Rising??? I Am Simply Dressing Up Pretty Dragons lkajsdlkadj and I'm just here to have fun :)
Notes for myself:
Spaces in the clan:
healers (medics)
healers (researchers)
healers (hatchery)
seers (of danger)
seers (of luck)
seers (of earth)
seers (of space)
alchemists (mixing)
alchemists (making)
artists (textiles)
artists (traders)
artists (smiths and weaponry)
guardians (fighters)
guardians (caretakers)
guardians (plant caretakers)
gardeners (normal)
gardeners (familiars)
scouts (close)
scouts (far)
misc (librarians, book caretakers, food gathering, food making, traders, familiar trainers, seasonal dergs????, dergs transmuted FROM familiars????)
more notes to self: donate plants here
Recent Comments
volore was on the front page!
your wildclaw volore was on the front page and my eyes really did the bugging out of head like in the cartoons haha that dragon is simply gorgeous
Thank you for buying Jupiter!
Somnus was on the front page :D she's so gorgeous!
Kolinsky was on the front page!! She's so gorgeous oml
Thanks for snagging Raad!
Hi, I'm a follower on Tumblr I love your art!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you so much for selling my new favorite derg! I named her Jamey, but I bought her because it looks like she stuffed her head in a jar of jam. She's one of a kind, I like having a unique derg.
Qune was on Frontpage! Wery beautiful dragon! :D
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