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SadChicken1785's Clan

Mighty Lair
on the
Starwood Strand icon

Clan Info

hello everyone!

about me
this bio is old i am no longer cis lmao


about my clan

At the corner of the arcane realm, there is plauge. Most dragons avoided this border, well, like the plauge. But those who did not found themselves alone...
Except here. If you are reading this, it seems you have strayed far from the Arcanist's grand dome. Here, you can see the Wandering Contagian, in fact, even stand upon it. The clan itself is a cave, wedged into a grand Crystalpine mountain. Inside it is like a ruby geode, with the fluttering magic of both plauge and arcane. Dragons come in and out, gathering food and whatnot. Three nests rest in the furthest part of the cave, with young hatchlings squirming inside. In the very center lies a huge pool, containing the only fresh water for miles. Dragons circle around it, talking and drinking their fill. They are all well adapt in both survival and mastery of various magicks. Often, dragons stop to rest here from their journeys, never staying long. The Dragons who do stay make a living out of selling supplies to travelers, or offering places to lodge in the various tunnels that bore deep into the mountain's heart.
Important Stuff!

Recent Comments

psychae's avatar
January 24, 2021 21:42:37
hello hi i'm awkward but i just really like your clan info fhdd it just Vibes
dragonpals' avatar
January 16, 2021 10:14:38
Spirit was on the front page!! It's quite pretty, I love its colors!
hellworm's avatar
March 27, 2018 12:02:50
Sorry for late reply, but you guessssed my flight right...I am Shadow!
DawnGlory105's avatar
August 15, 2017 13:22:18
Rahkali's avatar
June 11, 2017 16:23:03
The rad/rad/cyan bogs you mentioned in my thread.. I might be interested. How much will you be asking for them? :o
Glitchmonster's avatar
June 10, 2017 09:34:33
I'll be happy to send you a note when I get hatchlings from Phantom and Elegy! =) Should be about a week.
Chicken's avatar
April 05, 2017 19:13:29
Why are you sad, friend chicken. Do not be sad. You are surrounded by dragons. They will probably not eat you.
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Date Joined
Mar 16, 2017

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SadChicken1785's Friends

Joseybelle's avatar
Joseybelle (#312452)
beartoldt's avatar
beartoldt (#317833)

School started up again, sorry if my activity is spotty ^^
raenbow's avatar
raenbow (#374941)
hellworm's avatar
hellworm (#270579)

' the rotten wood whispers, and you will answer '
GravityRipple's avatar
GravityRipple (#297619)

*Insert Witty Comment Here*
KamuKat's avatar
KamuKat (#496111)

spook master general
qunaari's avatar
qunaari (#496113)

gender change changes the change
S0UNDWAVE's avatar
S0UNDWAVE (#68271)

wahoo! i do art and love pretty dragons

Recent Activity

Aug 08
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Imperial Female, 2 Spiral Male, 1 Spiral Female
Jul 14
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Obelisk Female
Oct 20
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Spiral Female

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