Help me scry this 1st Gen gal:D

batuk's Clan
Clan Info
+9 FR time
I like green and blue....
Just because my dragons aren't sometimes fed doesn't inherently mean I'm inactive, just putting it out here.
note to admins: i often log on from different devices
Random friend request will always be accepted.
formerly liska99
I like green and blue....
Just because my dragons aren't sometimes fed doesn't inherently mean I'm inactive, just putting it out here.
note to admins: i often log on from different devices
Random friend request will always be accepted.
formerly liska99
Recent Comments

what's a dragon

pee pee poo poo (friendly) (hope I don't get banned idk what the conduct is like on this site)

3 eggs!

Aleee,také nehovor,vyzerá to skvelo zatiaľ! Inak dúfam,že tie projekty sa ti podaria. Ak potrebuješ hocijakú pomoc,či je to s nedostatkom treasure a gems alebo s drakmi a inými vecami tak ti rad pomožem kedykoľvek. :)

Som veľmi rád,že sa ti páčia! :D Pozrel som si aj tvoje draky,a vyzerajú super,hlavne tie farby čo majú. Inak som veľmi prekvapený,že z ničoho nič si sa na mňa trafila. xD

Thank you for buying my robin/pearl imp girl! I'm glad to see she's found a nice home :D

Paxy was on the front page! I love them..!

I think??? I love you too???

Hello ~ Just a random stranger passing by to say I really like your lair! :D

Thanks for buying the Tundra! Nix is such a pretty dragon

Yaasai was featured on the front page, congratulations!

Aureus was on the front page! I got a screenshot if you want it. :)
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