Galactirabbit's Clan
Honorary Niche Web User
Clan Info

He/Him | PL-ENG | I'm on other websites under the same nickname. | I'm just here to collect pretty dragons, I don't really engage with dom pushes, or the economy, or g1 collecting.
I give away fodder dragons for free if I'm in a good mood, just ask!
I don't exalt dragons due to a lack of time to grind coli, but in case of a full lair I may sell dragons I could've bought from you. Because of constant Nest floods, I sell hatchies quickly and for cheap, but if you want to book one from the Fodder tab, just send me a message.
I don't lead hatcheries and everyone is priced as fodder regardless of looks (unless I really like a dragon), but there are some pairings I like above others, so you might see some 'designer' fodder around. If you're interested I can try a pairing for you and book a hatchling from it?
Also please don't DM me asking if I can sell you one of my dragons. If they're not in the fodder/WIP tab, they're not for sale. ^^'
Thank you for any comments in advance! I may or may not respond but I appreciate them!
Recent Comments

Was so happy to see Ember in her owl skin and with the new amazing eyes to match! ^-^ Love when my dragons find perfect homes, thank you and happy Gala!

Serenade was on the front page!

Arcana was on the front page!

Sol was on the front page! Love the blue and orange/red

Cirrus was on the front page!! I love his colors!

Cirrus was front page!

Chord was just on the front page :)

Valentia was on the front page! I didn't realize she was a triple at first, very cool :3

Valentia was on front page! I love her gene combo, it's so good. <3

Oh, thanks for letting me know! That's neat. :) I just snatched him up from the AH ages ago and slapped a skin on him, but I like him so much he's survived every single one of my hibden clear-out attempts since.

Isolde (#48805486) was on the front page!

Thank you for buying Gilden, he was the last of his siblings who hadn't found a home! I'm glad you enjoy him!
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