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Ventoux's Clan

Is it true I can spread my wings?
Ancient Lair
floating upon the
Cloudsong icon

Clan Info

Ventoux #297364

"There's no wrong color combos, there are only not matching genes."


~ About me ~

AzWEmYL.png Timezone FR+9 (Poland) AzWEmYL.png She/Her AzWEmYL.png Call me Ventoux or Ven AzWEmYL.png Yup, Comic Sans is my basic font AzWEmYL.png Joined on February 2017 Welcome Week AzWEmYL.png "Active" status is not equal to me acutally being available, may just have tab opened AzWEmYL.png

~ My Interests ~

AzWEmYL.png History, especially various lesser known random facts (current history status: would scream for hours about the 1750s and 1760s)
AzWEmYL.png Various video games (Favourites include: Assassin's Creed series, Horizon Zero Dawn/Forbidden West, Death Stranding)
AzWEmYL.png Drawing, mainly fantasy animals (including FR dragons) and cartoon characters
AzWEmYL.png Writing, mainly shorter forms as I never finished writing a true book xD
AzWEmYL.png Music, I can't actually live without music. Generally various music in 50s to 90s timeline, plus some newer ones including: Bastille, Imagine Dragons, Coldplay, OneRepublic, Florence and The Machine, Low Roar...)
AzWEmYL.png Cycling, since June 29th, 2013 (Don't love it as much as it used to for nearly 11 years but still has a special place in my heart)
AzWEmYL.png Marvel, mainly into MCU but have read and own a few comics as well.
AzWEmYL.png Dragons in general, isn't that... obvious though?
AzWEmYL.png Cats, love those cute living fluffballs. (Well, I even own one!)
AzWEmYL.png Stargazing, got to hunt those Messier objects!

~Important Notes~

AzWEmYL.png Current avatar dragon is Wolfe

AzWEmYL.png Dragons in Hibernal Den matter as much as in the Active Lair, otherwise wouldn't be able to have more than 220 dragons

AzWEmYL.png Not an English native, may make grammar/spelling mistakes and/or may have problems with catching context.

AzWEmYL.png My dragons' gender is same as in site mechanics, if dragon has male sign pronouns are he/him, if dragon has female sign pronouns are she/her. There's three exceptions that is this fandragon (she/her instead of he/him) and Aberration dragons (usually they/them, due to them being basically 2 dragons in one, unless statted otherwise in their bio)

AzWEmYL.png Here can be found the clan lore thread (forever in unfinished state) and in Chateauroux's bio there can be found important notes on what is canon in my lore (yup, also in forever unfinished state xD)

AzWEmYL.png None of my dragons aren't a reference* unless it's statted in their bio or are in Fandragons tab. This includes also colors :)
*meaning that there may be only a random cycling reference in hatchday as I mentioned before like 90% of lair is made of these

AzWEmYL.png Ya can send me friend requests though it's not guaranteed I will accept it

AzWEmYL.pngIt's a 100% non-exalt lair and not really (re)-selling lair (selling only in case of desperate need for lair space), so ya don't have to worry if I bought your dragon, there's 99% of chance they're staying here.

AzWEmYL.png Always feel free to let me know that my dragon was on the front page (thank y'all in advance for letting me know ❤️) or thank me for buying your dragon.

AzWEmYL.png Thank y'all for all your compliments, the fact I don't respond to all doesn't mean I ignore them!

AzWEmYL.png Liking my dragons is absolutely OK! I really like to see the likes on them. I also throw likes here and there, never doing that out of spite. Giving likes on dragons is just my way of saying "Hey, nice dragon, I really like them" or "Hey, I like this character!"

AzWEmYL.png A link for the Chasing The 100th May 29th Dragon project can be found here if lost


~ Can be found also on... ~

AzWEmYL.pngDappervolk, I'm here as Ventoux #21854. Inactive, once in a blue moon revisiting for playing the mini-games basically

AzWEmYL.png DragonVale (my friend code is Ventoux#3757, need also yours if want to be added, PM me with your code or post on my profile! I have lots of rare dragons and could help!)

AzWEmYL.png Gryffs, a rather obscure site about griffins, here as Ventoux #8531

AzWEmYL.png Pixel Cat's End, as Ventoux (#4492). Inactive at the moment.

AzWEmYL.png Lorwolf, as ThunderChild (#1259). Visiting once in a few months basically.

AzWEmYL.png Dragon Village Collection as Ventoux (I'm on Europe server only)

AzWEmYL.png Dragon Cave as, here as Ventoux

AzWEmYL.png Cookie Run: Kingdom as VentouxPL (Hollyberry server)

~Flight Travels Log~

Lightning (start) - February 12th, 2017 to March 3rd, 2017

Nature - March 3rd, 2017 to February 20th, 2019
Wind - February 21st, 2019 to August 25th, 2021
Shadow - August 26th, 2021 to March 27th, 2022
Wind (return) - March 27th, 2022 to March 11th, 2023
Water - March 11th, 2023 to September 13th, 2023
Arcane - September 13th, 2023 to March 17th, 2024
Wind (return #2) - March 17th, 2024 to ?

*Always and forever a Wind member, if not in Wind at the moment, then I am doing the Wind thing aka travelling*

List of the Broadcast Messages (at least ones I remember):

"All your May 29th dragons belong to me" - Pretty self-explanatory by looking at lair (2018? - 2019?)

"Voices, another sound. Can you hear me now?" - A line of lyrics from Duran Duran's song "Planet Earth" (Jul - Sept 2019 or about)

"Living on the edge is to have too long socks xD" - A reference to UCI's weird regulation on socks length and the way Evenepoel tried to avoid this rule on World Championships 2019, aka just internal joke on weird cycling stuff (Sep 2019 - Aug 4, 2020)

"When the wind blows, we can work it out." - A line of lyrics from Tears For Fears' song "Mothers Talk", thought it'd match Wind Flight nicely (Aug 4th, 2020 - Aug 27th, 2020)

"Roses are red, violets are blue... Pinot will be in yellow!" - Pretty self - explanatory, yellow is the color of leader's jersey on Tour de France(Aug 27th, 2020 - Sep 5th, 2020)

"Another Tour, another heartbreak... - reference to events on stage 8 of Tour de France 2020 (Sep 5th,2020 - Sep 9th, 2020)

"Maillot a Pois, what you gonna do, when they come for you?" - A reference to Cosnefroy's fight for KOM classification (that has the so-called Maillot a Pois/Polka Dot Jersey as distinctive jersey) on Tour 2020 (Sep 9th, 2020 - Sep 27th, 2020)

"LOULOU CHAMPION DU MONDE!" - Special thing for the fact that Alaphilippe has won the World Championships! (Sep 27th, 2020 - Oct 30th, 2020)

"Maillot a Pois, here I go again..." - Line from modified "Mamma mia" lyrics, made for Oct 17th,2020 (Oct 30th, 2020 - Mar 10th, 2021)

"No, counting Chargers surely won't help you to fall asleep." - Pretty self - explanatory, Chargers are ram - shaped machines from HZD (Mar 10th,2021 - Mar 27th, 2021)

"Wherever the wind blows, that's where I'm heading." - A line of lyrics from Low Roar's song "Dreamer", thought it'd match Wind Flight as well (Mar 27th, 2021 - Aug 26th, 2021 and June 8th, 2024 - June 27th, 2024)

"Tonight I cannot go hunting for stars." - A line of lyrics from Sebalter's song "Hunter of Stars" (Aug 26th, 2021 - Aug 31st, 2021)

"There are important things, more important and a loot box." - Own joke coming from AC2 where I can go for a loot box literally in the middle of mission, this could apply to 99% of video games I play, though xD (Sep 1st, 2021 - August 23rd, 2022)

"Which jersey is the blue one?" - A quote from absolutely tired Jonas Vingegaard (aka the later in 2022 Tour de France winner) from an interview that was done after stage 4 of Tirreno - Adriatico 2022, that quote has pretty quickly become a cute meme in the cycling community. (August 23rd, 2022 - June 8th, 2024)

"Is it true I can spread my wings?" - A line of lyrics from ABBA's song "The Eagle" (June 27th, 2024 - ?)

qd7QmLu.png Credits:
Sidebar with compass and with night sky by FluffySnake
Messenger's Scroll icon on left by Drytil
Cat meme pixel by Dovalore
100x100 Round icon by Limanya
Tiny (Wind) Flight pixels by Baelfin
Writing Scribbles, Edgar and Swipp GIFs by DogiCrimson
Animated Coli Sidebar by Nirwana

The statue of Wolfe icon in my sig is a slightly edited fragment of a 1845 oil painting Landscape with Monument to Wolfe by Joseph Legare


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KilluaKitty's avatar
February 27, 2025 17:11:16
your mlp fandragons are so accurate and pretty!! also 100% agree with the quote about no wrong colour combos, im always determined to make them look good even if theyre initially a little bit of an eyesore
Gabbiani's avatar
February 26, 2025 20:31:17
Just wanted to say congrats on completing your Silly Vanilly Pure Vanilla fanderg
Kwikiwii's avatar
December 19, 2024 13:51:46
Jonathan was on the front page! he has such a cool outfit :o
1863's avatar
November 16, 2024 10:41:36
thanks for buying salvation ^_^
Windexx's avatar
September 27, 2024 14:19:44
Vin was on the front page!!!! He’s absolutely GORGEOUS
Spadefish's avatar
September 27, 2024 14:18:54
Vin was on the front page! Gorgeous dragon!!
drakota77749's avatar
May 30, 2024 14:24:49
Thank you!!
noirlecrow's avatar
April 28, 2024 20:32:00
Kassandra (#39706301) was on the front page, so so stunning!!! an assassin's creed fandragon!!!
frankenfurta's avatar
April 15, 2024 18:36:30
Hello! It has indeed XD. Oh dang! That’s fair though haha interests change. Mid 18th century history sounds interesting! I don’t know much about it but I love different historical time periods. In a few months near me there’s a medieval festival I’m going to which will be cool haha. Hope you’ve been good these past however long it’s been!
frankenfurta's avatar
April 11, 2024 19:45:26
Pscicicdragon001's avatar
March 01, 2024 15:49:30
Rune was on the front page! they're rlly pretty :O
ROTPLUSH's avatar
March 01, 2024 15:48:21
Rune was on the front page! Lovely lad
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Kigiku (#145434)

In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous.
bittersuite's avatar
bittersuite (#244603)

peep the horror
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JCTupacz (#138860)

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Serigruh's avatar
Serigruh (#74035)

Meow !
idlewildly's avatar
idlewildly (#200948)

Nim licks your cursor...
Siennia's avatar
Siennia (#52186)

Into a Dragon
Gryffion's avatar
Gryffion (#17832)

Recent Activity

Mar 01
Became friends with Kalervo
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
Feb 27
Became friends with Shped
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
Feb 27
Became friends with HarpyLady
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.

Recent Achievements

Feb 22
Irresistable Satin Finish
Jan 09
Actually, I'm Something of a Pet Expert Myself (200)
Jan 03
How Dare You Call this "Useless Knowledge" (500)
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