Creepiest Dragon Above You!

Smugwing's Clan
dont dead open inside
Clan Info
Contagious Colony.
Just as the name suggest, tis best to stay clear of this deranged bunch, or you might find yourself in dire need of a medical examination.
[hello i am smugwing and i fluctuate with the activity here]
Just as the name suggest, tis best to stay clear of this deranged bunch, or you might find yourself in dire need of a medical examination.

[hello i am smugwing and i fluctuate with the activity here]
Recent Comments

idk if you still play but 81148984 is so coo!! id happily take her off your hands if your still gonna sell her next time your on :]

Fiend was on the front page. very pretty child!

Glasnant is an old relative of my most treasured bloodline, I don't know why I mention this but isn't that neat?

your tiamatl is on the front page! she's lovely, what a great outfit

This one was a solid-black Newfoundland, and by the time she hit fifteen her whole head was just this huge crown of fluffy white. It always kind of amuses me how some dog breeds go white on the head just like humans.

I try not to think about animal lifespans too much because then I start doing mental math. I had a dog once, though, whose breed average was eight years and she lived to fifteen. Best dog in the world...

Hamsters also bite. And don't get me started on guinea pigs, those things are jerks. Girl Justice loved it when I'd visit and take her out to watch television. Now I really, really miss that rat.

I am SO jealous of you right now. I love rats... Girl Justice made me a firm believer that they're one of the best small pets ever... but there's always someone I'm living with who just can't handle them and I can't have one ;-;

Okay, what is it with rat owners and great names? I knew a little girl with a pet rat once, and she named it Girl Justice. Rats are awesome, that one would sit on my shoulder to watch television with me and purr.

I just wanted to say that "Turbobutt" might be the most hilarious dragon name I've ever seen.


Saw your dragon Greed on the front page! He's lovely! ;u;
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