GoldenBlue's Clan

All dragons are welcome
Ancient Lair
near the

Clan Info

Hi,Welcome to my clan's profile
Let me tell you a little bit about myself:
I love:
Rocks(this is how a lot of my dragons get their names)
Undertale(I can't deny it)
Danny Phantom
Attack on Titan
Dragon Ball (z mostly)
Annoying people with puns(it's fun!)
Science(except physics)
Cry of Fear and Afraid of Monsters

I actually have two elements that I'm extremely fond of. They are lightning and water. I chose water because I'm slightly more drawn to it.

Permanent dragon couples:
Jay and Nya
Zane and Pixal
Kai and Skylor
Chlorine and Arsenic
Zeus and Nora
Kyanite and Pyrite

Matriarch (Alpha): Controls everything that happens in the clan (royal family only)

Beta: Takes over when the Matriarch is not around (royal family only)

Leading Warrior: Commands all Warriors

Leading Conqueror: Commands all Conquerors

Leading Gatherer: Commands all Gatherers

Leading Sentry: Commands all Sentries

Leading Teacher: Commands and directs all Teachers and Scholars.

Leading Inventor: Commands all Inventors and is responsible for all inventions and how they affect the clan.

Leading Inventory: Responsible for everything in inventory.

Top Scientist: Commands all Scientists and conducts all experiments.

Top Guard: Commands all Guards, especially the royal ones.

Leading Mage: Commands all Mages

Royal Guard: Only defends the royal family.

Top Strategist: Responsible for creating and applying strategies for battle and commanding all Strategists.

Warrior: Dragons that learn to battle for the sake of defending the clan during an attack or war.

Conqueror: Dragons that take pride in battling others and seek to challenge all creatures for glory and to further their strength in battle.

Gatherer: Dragons that only gather items peacefully.

Sentry: Dragons that look out for approaching enemies.

Teacher: Dragons that teach Scholars the arts, history, science, and languages of both dragons and beast clans for the sake of knowledge.

Inventor: Dragons that create inventions to help the clan.

Inventory: Dragons that sort out items received from battle or gathering.

Scientist: Dragons that further their knowledge in science by carrying out experiments.

Guard: Dragons that protect the other dragons in the clan in either peace or war.

Strategist: Dragons that create strategies for war.

Scholar: Dragons that learn everything they can about their world.

Secretary: Dragons that take care of the "paper work" of the clan.

Scavenger: Dragons that work similar to Gatherers but only go after the leftovers of battle.

Mage: Dragons that focus their energy on harnessing their elements to serve the clan.

Ambassador: Dragons that represent the clan in diplomatic relationships between other elemental flights and beast clans.

Beast Tamer: Dragons that regularly work with familiars.

Elemental Nocturne: A title only given to Nocturne dragons that are apart of a battle trio of other Nocturnes of the same element. Elemental Nocturnes are some of the clan's best warriors and are formidable allies in combat, as they take their enemies down with great efficiency and speed. The clan hopes to one day have Elemental Nocturnes for all 11 elements.

Understood rules of the clan:

1:All Nocturnes must be sentries.

2:Royal guards will be kept in certain bloodlines.
The "Royal Family" consists of any dragon from the bloodlines of Sapphire and Ion.

3:Ambassadors are not allowed to fight or increase their levels. Any ambassador that participates in a fight is to be stripped of their title, and the position of ambassador is given to another dragon fitting the criteria.

I'm going to attempt to write a backstory. Please forgive my story telling, I don't write stories often.

Ch:1 The Meeting

A young Guardian dragon wandered into distant waters. She did not know what was to become of her however; there was no going back. Ever since she was a hatchling the water around her was tainted with hate. She was viewed as the runt as well as a mistake between two traitors. One day she heard the tides call out her name as an incoming storm approached. She fled from the storm as fast as she could,but she found herself out in the open ocean.

She was both relieved and frightened. It was about a month until she found these distant waters. In a couple days she found a cave that was capable of sustaining dragons. She found it to be abandoned and started making it her new home.

A Mirror dragon of the same age watched from the shadows with fear."Is she going to kill me if she finds me? What do I do? I'm so scared...",he thought to himself. He waited until she fell asleep and made an attempt to escape. In his haste he tripped on a rock and fell head first into her back. "OW!",she exclaimed. He was paralyzed with fear as she stood up. "Hello, My name is Sapphire. What's your name?",she asked politely. "I-Ion...",He stuttered, still gripped with fear.

Sapphire managed to calm Ion down by chatting with him and explained her situation. "Do you have a clan?", She asked. Ion shook his head. "I woke up one day and found no trace of them or anything to show that they even existed", He spoke with sorrow.

The two decided that they would start their own clan and became the best of friends. They hatched two eggs together.

Ch:2 New Blood
Ion called his children to come back into the cave before the storm hit. Aquamarine, being the more adventurous of the two decided to ignore her father and swim for a little longer. She swam up to their clan's borders and stared at the oncoming storm to come. Out of one the dark ominous clouds a shining blue shape crashed into the waves.She decided to go investigate and found that it was a spiral dragon. The dragon was too weak to fly so she carried him back to the cave.

Sapphire and Ion were shocked when Aquamarine brought in the Spiral. They all pitied the poor dragon and nursed him back to health. When The Spiral was strong enough to talk he explained that his name was StarSky and that the storm blew him all the way to their waters. When they discovered that he was clan-less they invited him into their clan and he accepted gratefully. Sapphire and StarSky hatched two eggs. One was sent to serve the TideLord.

Note: Sapphire and Ion are more friends than lovers so they will see different mates.

Ch:3 The Light-bringer
Aquamarine, Cobalt, and Agua played in the waves for very long periods of time to find "gifts" for their parents. Usually these "gifts" consisted of fishes, seashells, driftwood, and very angry lobsters. On this day they brought a baby Imperial dragon back to the cave. Sapphire was livid. "WHERE DID YOU GET THAT BABY!? PUT HIM BACK!", She screamed. The kids explained that they found him on the beach all by himself and didn't want to leave him there. Sapphire took the baby up to the beach to return him to his parents. She waited for several hours until she came to the conclusion that the hatchling had been abandoned and took it back to the cave.

The hatchling was accepted into the family and was named Lloyd.

Note: Why did I choose Lloyd? *"The Weekend Whip" by The Fold Starts playing* Because. Just Because.

Ch:4 Lightning of the Stars.
Lloyd grew up into a handsome young Imperial and often played with Aquamarine, Cobalt, and Agua. However; unlike his playmates he was not as fond of the water as they were, so he would patrol the shore during a portion of his free time. One night Lloyd sat on a coral covered rock looking up at the stars.He noticed two very unusual stars out this night. One shined a bright blue and the other glimmered a brilliant shade of purple. All of a sudden the two orbs crashed into the sand behind him. "Whoa!!", Lloyd squeaked with surprise. He went to check out the two orbs of light and found that they were a baby Skydancer and a baby Nocturne dragons. Lloyd took them to the cave and they were given the names Jay and Belladonna.

Note: I sometimes refer to Jay as "Jaybird" but he is named for the same reason as Lloyd. Belladonna is named after the poisonous plant because: 1: the plant has similar colors, 2: because the plant is also known as Deadly Nightshade so I thought it would fit a Nocturne, and 3: I'M BAD AT NAMES AND IT TAKES FOREVER FOR ME TO NAME SOMETHING.

Note: *That moment when you only wanted one dragon but got four, and now you're too attached to give any of them up*. "But they're so adorable!" T_T

Ch:5 The Chest
Aquamarine, Lloyd, and Jay came back from scavenging for materials with a strange looking Chest. They handed Sapphire the chest since she was the clan leader and watched her open it. As she opened it four baby nocturnes came launching out and when running in every direction. This was not a very fun day for the clan. Jay was the first "victim" and suffered several bites on the tail, Ion tried chasing down two of them but ran into Cobalt, StarSky ended up in several knots due to a bite on the foot, two of them used Lloyd's antlers for chew toys, Sapphire and Aquamarine ended up knocking a lot of valuables over try to catch the hatchlings. after almost an hour of mayhem, Sapphire couldn't take anymore of the chaos. "ENOUGH!!",she yelled. The two hatchlings jumped down off of Lloyd's head and curled up into little balls. The other two, were now hanging off of Aquamarine's ears like a pair of very annoying and very painful set of earrings.
Eventually, all of the hatchlings fell asleep after being fed something other than their now fellow clan members. Belladonna and Agua came back from their hunting trip an hour later. Belladonna glanced over at the babies, "What happen while we were out?", she asked. "You REALLY don't want to know...", answered Cobalt. The hatchlings are now known as: Mercury, Sulfur, Zephyr,and Callicarpa (after Callicarpa americana)

Note: I only found one of them in a chest. The other three were found separate. I changed it for this failed attempt at humor.

Note:"Jump up! Kick back! Whip arou-"


Ch:6 Three More Dragons?
Lloyd was scavenging for materials when he tripped on a rock and fell down a hill and into a thorn bush. He lifted himself out and caught a glimmer of red in his eyes. "huh?", he exclaimed as the red creature whimpered in pain. Lloyd got a closer look and found it to be a young imperial. "Hey there little guy, are you ok?", He asked the hatchling. The hatchling mewed and tried to get up. Lloyd realized as the hatchling was trying to get up that the baby's leg was injured. Lloyd patched up his wounds and said goodbye since he figured the parents would be back soon. After a long journey home Lloyd entered the cave with everything he managed to collect in his bag. Lloyd decided to talk with Aquamarine before putting the stuff in the hoard. "Whose your friend there?", she asked. "Huh?", he asked dumbfounded. As Lloyd said this he heard mewing coming from the bag. Lloyd opened the bag and found the hatchling in the bag. "How in the...?", He muttered. Lloyd looked up at Aquamarine and saw a baby nocturne on her head. "A-Another one?", he squeaked. She nodded and the nocturne proceeded to jump on him and bite his antlers. "AAARRRGGGGHHH", He shouted.

Several hours later...

Jay and StarSky came back from hunting and laid the new food into the hoard. Cobalt noticed something white on Jay's back. "What's that on your back Jay?", He questioned. "Oh! We found him during our trip!", Jay chirped. "Yea, He was pretty weak when we found him.", StarSky added. At that moment Sapphire walked in. She took the hatchling and carried it with her to where she was keeping the other hatchlings and they all curled up together in a little ball. Sapphire smiled.
These hatchlings would be named Kai, Chlorine, and Zane.


Note:*Kai, the red ninja, appears with a straight-jacket* Kai: "Ok, It's time to STOP!"
Zane:"Why do you have a dragon named after me?"
Me:*lying*"umm...He looked like you?"
Zane and Kai: -_-
Kai: "You're such a fangirl..."
Me:"I know....HELP ME."

Ch:7 The Game
Sapphire and StarSky had two more children, one of which, Neptune, was sent to the Tidelord. Aquamarine and Lloyd had three Children, two of which now serve the Tidelord, the last one was known as Luck, who was sent to serve The Arcanist. Belladonna and Jay had two children, Stratus and Amethyst.

Lloyd decided to go out for an evening flight one night. He decided to land on a rock. He immediately regretted that decision. "OW!!", yelled a voice. "sorry...",Lloyd whispered. Lloyd finally saw what he tried to sit on: a young Pearlcatcher. An ancient, hateful feeling suddenly started to form in Lloyd's mind. "oh, it's a pearlcatcher...just my luck...",groaned Lloyd "so, what's your name kid?". "Yugi...",answered the pearlcatcher "I've been wandering for a few nights now."

"You travel at night?"

"Yes, I love to be surrounded by my element"

"So you belong to the Dark Flight"

"I guess you could say that. I used to being on my own though"

Lloyd decided he had enough small talk. "Well, good night Yugi.", he yawned. "Wait!", Yugi shouted "Do want to play a game with me before you go?". Lloyd pondered this for a moment before accepting the offer. Yugi pulled out a chess board and they played for a couple hours.

Yugi and Lloyd continued to meet at night to play more games. Sapphire began to pick up on how tired Lloyd was everyday. "What's wrong Lloyd? You're not yourself...", she asked with deep concern. "It's nothing!", he said nervously. A few hours later Lloyd decided to sneak out again. This time Sapphire followed him. Lloyd and Yugi start talking about their favorite games when Yugi asked a very unsual question: "Hey, who is that Guardian that followed you here? Is she going to play too?".
Lloyd made an involuntary squeak and whipped head around and saw Sapphire standing a few yards away,staring at them. The was a long moment of silence.

"So,Lloyd, this is where you have been going off to?"

"Yes Ma'am..."

"Come on, let's go Lloyd; and you should be off to your home too youngling."

"He doesn't have a home Ma'am..."

After hearing this Sapphire decides to take Yugi into the clan.

Ch:7.5 Love Storm

Jay decided to play in a thunderstorm overhead the shore. As he was flying he saw an Imperial crash into the waves. Thinking it was Lloyd he dived in the water to rescue him. When Jay approached the Imperial he realized it was a young female. She was now unconscious and severely injured from the storm. Jay carried her, to the best of his abilities, back to the cave. When She came to she explained that her name was Nya and that she had no clan to be apart of. She was accepted by everyone but especially Jay.

Note: I really need to update this more, but I must admit that my writing moods are rare and my story-writing imagination is not as strong as my imagination is for my art, sadly.

Ch:8 The Coolest Trio

Jay and Nya has three children, two of which were sent to the TideLord. The other hatchling was named Candy.

Zane decided to go into Ice territory for a swim. Although the Clan is surrounded by water, Zane likes it when the water is freezing. He has a habit of going down to the bottom and lie down until he needs to resurface. Today he goes down to the bottom like usual and lies down.

After 30 minutes a female WildClaw approaches the edge of the water and gets a glance at him. She takes in a deep breath and goes down to investigate. When she sees him she thinks that Zane is in trouble due to his eyes being closed, so she proceeds to pull him out of the water. Zane is completely caught off guard and is so shocked that he doesn't move until she brings him on land. "Are you ok?",she asked "What were you doing down there?". Zane stares at her, not sure of what to do. "My name is Pixal, What's yours?", Pixal asked politely. "Z-Zane...",he replies.

From out of the frigid sky a blue Imperial joins them. "Cyrus!",exclaims Pixal; Zane stands there a bit confused,

It turned out that Pixal and Cyrus were wandering Scientists and were looking for a clan to serve. Zane took them to Sapphire where they won her affection and were allowed to stay.

Zane, Pixal, and Cyrus will work together to make new discoveries and create inventions along with Jay and Nya. Zane and Pixal would go on to have three children, one of which was sent to the Tidelord. The other two would be called Abyss and Violet. Two Tundra dragons were found two days later and were named Voltage and Chaos.

Ch 9: The Secretary

Since Belladonna was the leading teacher, and there was only one other teacher besides herself at the time, she often had a lot work to do. One day she had a few moments of free time and decided to go to the Trading Post to pick up some supplies. As she came to the first sign, a young Fae caught her attention. He was holding a sign that stated that he was looking for work as a secretary and listed his qualifications below.

Belladonna went up to the fae and had a small conversation with him. She learned his name was Himitzu and she accepted his offer. Two weeks later a young Mirror by the name of Mizu wandered into the clan and was easily accepted by Sapphire. Mizu and Cole would go on to have two children named Corundum and fluorite.

Ch 9.5: Time

Kai and Belladonna would have two childeren : SpectrumGlider and Agate.Several days later a lone Coatl male was added,he called himself Kyanite. Two months later the clan was joined by two Ridgebacks: Zeus and Nora.They were soon followed by Thicket, a Bogsneak, and Dahlia, a Snapper.

Ch 10: The Twins

Cobalt was walking through a tough patch of seaweed and coral when he heard a small cry: "help me, please!". Cobalt started to investigate. It took him a few minutes, but he finally found who was crying for help: a young Spiral female. "Please sir, you have to help me find my sister!", she pleaded."Don't worry, I'll help you.What's you name?",he asked "Genevieve...", she responded. After an hour of searching, it was getting dark. "Come on Genevieve, we won't be able to find her in the dark...", he stated."But...",she started. "I'm sorry...",Cobalt whispered in sorrow, "We can't find her tonight...".

As they approached the lair something bit Cobalt's foot. He howls in agony and throws whatever it was off. Lloyd hears the commotion outside and calls to Cobalt,"Hey, are you alright out there?". "Something bit my foot!",Cobalt exclaims.Lloyd uses the light bulb on his head and starts to shine it everywhere."I don't see anythi-",he starts but was interrupted but a sudden pain in his ear."OWWWW!!",he yells.There was a purple Spiral chomping on his ear. "Kamoana!",Genevieve shouts with excitement. "Why do all hatchlings hate me....?",moaned Lloyd. The two hatchlings were quickly accepted.

Note: I'm going to stop the story here for personal reasons.I'm going to write some random things involving the dragons.

Lloyd's Nightmare:

After having some sweets before bed Lloyd was not having a good dream. He found himself surrounded by strange chests. Knowing what happened the first time he and the clan opened one he felt extremely nervous around them. Now that he is surrounded by them he was about to lose it.

To make things worse all of the chests started to open very slowly. To Lloyd's horror every single chest was stuffed with hungry baby Nocturnes launched out of the chest and on to his antlers. "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!",screamed Lloyd,who was trying desperately to get the hatchlings off, at the top of his lungs. Suddenly, Lloyd felt something hitting his head viciously and repeatedly.

This was enough to wake him up to see a pair of angry,blood-red,plague eyes. "Do you Mind!?",snarled a female nocturne. Lloyd realized it was Chlorine. "As much as I love to see you suffer I need my nap before my shift starts!",she growled. "Sorry.", Lloyd responded. Chlorine sighed."Alright, what's eating you?",She asked as nicely as possible (For Chlorine). "I had a dream that a bunch of baby nocturnes were trying to eat me.",Lloyd confessed. Chlorine could barely keep in her snort."Really,is that it? That's just pathetic! I thought you were stronger than that!",she laughed. Lloyd gave her a glare before muttering,"Whatever.". Chlorine walked off and Lloyd went back to sleep.

When he woke up he was horrified to find a strange chest right in front of his snout. He was about to scream but then saw a note attached to it. It was from Chlorine. Lloyd snorted then faced his fear by opening the chest. In it he found little trinkets,some sweets, and a note telling him that he owes someone a favor.

Note:Yes,Chlorine is a tsundere. BIG TIME.
Chlorine: "No I'm not!"

Sulfur: "I'm afraid you are, sis."

Arsenic: "That's right my little sugar plum!"

Chlorine:*internal and external unholy dragon screeching*

Mercury: "Yay! She is going to join us for tonight's screaming! * starts screaming*

Other Clan Members: *desperately tries to find things to stuff in their ears*

Recent Comments

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June 08, 2024 07:48:55
Carcharodon was on the front page. What a cool-looking dragon!
January 30, 2024 04:52:01
tourmaline was on the front page! what gorgeous apparel
August 30, 2023 08:12:29
nerodia was on the front page!
July 04, 2023 12:07:24
Saw Frostbite on the Front Page! Came into to see apparel. Tunic surprised me. Nice 2-tone blue Gen1. Want to see how you gene the tertiary. Happy 4th of July!
July 04, 2023 11:49:30
Frostbite was on the front page!
February 13, 2023 17:12:23
Emerald was on the front page, she has such as nice outfit! :D
February 13, 2023 17:12:01
Emerald was on the front page! Neat Fae.
February 13, 2023 17:11:45
Emerald (#54685616) was on the front page!
October 20, 2022 18:23:29
Rutile was on the front page!
May 29, 2022 12:17:40
Shade was on the front page!
September 30, 2021 14:46:29
Sapphire was on the front page! She's pretty and her lore is interesting!
September 30, 2021 14:46:19
Sapphire was on the front page!
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