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owlfeathers' Clan

just feathers, no pellets
Venerable Lair
hidden within the
Shrieking Wilds icon

Clan Info

Wild Moss Clan


Hello there! Here is my clan, here are my dragon babies, welcome welcome. You can call me Owl, and she/her or ze/zir pronouns are good.

Wondering if I would mind being sent a hatchling letter? I'd be delighted to receive one! :D (Though if it's to Slate and Cork, make sure not to refer to Slate as father, please, since she's a lady, too!)

Friend requests are welcome, but if we haven't talked or interacted at all before, I probably won't accept.

If a dragon has a familiar, it's not for sale--sorry!

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Gloomwillow Guide
Witch's Herb Pouch
Full set of cats (Black Cat, Calico Cat, Mainecoon, Orange Tabby, Scottish Fold)
Twice-dyed Mantle
Nekomata familiars
Lightburst Flora accent
Seedling skin
Endless lair expansions sob
Starlight Cloak?
Springly Sprouts accent
Magic Nymph, Ichor Nymph, Electric Nymph, Sparkle Nymph

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whimsicalwinds' avatar
August 09, 2018 06:15:05
I thought of you with the new forum vista!! xD
xPhantom's avatar
August 01, 2018 14:57:23
Thank you so much! That really made my day n.n
Windows98's avatar
July 27, 2018 15:57:45
Aluthane was on the front page! ^^
whimsicalwinds' avatar
July 15, 2018 08:46:11
I see his list price is 75kt - would you accept 55kt for him?
whimsicalwinds' avatar
July 14, 2018 18:53:37
Oh! Such lovely coatls, goodness! I really am torn between the leaf wings and sunshine wings, but I think I will snatch the sunshine boy - is there haggleability? I look forward to a gal with slightly darker green wings hopefully in the next nest!
whimsicalwinds' avatar
July 14, 2018 14:32:21
Hey! Your tabby cute are quite cute, but I will hold off for now. Would love to be added to a few pairings in your hatchery though if you don''t mind! Love the conditional construct pair and Arboreal Tigers pair!!
LadyRenStar's avatar
December 18, 2014 14:27:21
Glacier is featured on the front page right now~ He's so pretty! Love those colors~
fuwafuwa's avatar
October 29, 2014 03:55:03
Heya! So I noticed you're looking for a Lightrunes accent? I have one I'd be willing to offer at a discount :D
profmeowmers' avatar
October 29, 2014 03:15:47
Why thank you! I appreciate your appreciation of my comedic genius :D
Decres' avatar
September 19, 2014 21:03:01
Aw thank you for the compliment! :D And yeah she has a very normal and non-suspicious mate eh heh *spindashes into the forest*
Danerys' avatar
September 15, 2014 13:34:54
I love this game, I really do. The lack of communication is just a constant frustration. I've seen really good games and sites fall apart under poor leadership and I hope that doesn't happen here. :(
Danerys' avatar
September 11, 2014 14:37:41
I had forgotten about that exalting/eating suggestion... You're totally right, though. Even small nudges from the staff (either "good idea, keep brainstorming" or "we don't like this idea as is") could stop a lot of drama.
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Date Joined
Jul 10, 2013

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PashaDreaming (#66561)

O manusha khelevan tut - clan Vai' datha
whimsicalwinds' avatar
whimsicalwinds (#334335)

Can you paint with all the coatls of the wind?

Recent Activity

Aug 18
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Tundra Male, 1 Tundra Female
Aug 15
Welcomed new hatchlings!
Aug 10
Welcomed new hatchlings!

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