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CherryRamune's Clan
There is no war in Ba Sing Se
Clan Info

Sparsely Active
Feel free to dm offers on any of my dragons/items/Apparel
LF Currency (G>>>T) > Art > Items
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Chevy is on the front page, lovely skin + eyes combo!

Penny is really cool!

OMG! thank you for what u said about ospen, I really appreciate it!

Thank you for your kind words about Helios!

Just a fyi, I'm stealing that meme you posted in the antlers thread. I legit thought something was wrong with my phone for a sec and then had a good lol. ;P

thanks so much for picking up nebula!! ♥

Frangipani was on the front page!

Corridor is so beautiful! I love his lore and his aesthetic!

Sinbad is absolutely lovely. I love his genes, colors and his skin!

Randomly saw your avatar from my main page, congrats on the multi sight, Corridor is glorious!

Deion was on the front page! I love the way you’ve dressed him.

Thank you for accepting my friend request
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