Sea Goat Skins & Accents
Sonora's Clan
Reality is shaped by what we believe reality should be.
Clan Info
Hi I'm Vivian and I'm a 27 year old lesbian who lives in Arizona and likes video games too much! Feel free to message me, I love talking to people!
I breed for fun so if you see a pair you want bred or any hatchlings you like let me know!
Note to self: Keep at least five spaces empty
Ivory/Chocolate/Peridot range M
Here's my wishlist!
I use both my laptop and my phone!
Deep within the Bamboo Falls, behind a wall of illusions, there lies a clearing filled with waterfalls set against a cliff. Behind some are simply the face of the cliff others lead a bit and some others lead deeper and deeper into the cliffs and below tunneling and branching everywhere. A pod of peaceful Maren have also live here in harmony with the dragons that reside here. Elsewhere, a group of mapmakers and merchants travel the land, sharing information and marketing their goods.
The clan of Whispering Falls is divided into two groups: the first is led by Katrin, a priestess who serves the Windsinger who lives hidden away in the Bamboo Falls. The second, led by Honeypot, is a group of cartographers and traders that travel across Sornieth, discovering and mapping new lands.
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they're sneaky like that
employing the mark zuckerberg thousand dollar t shirts