[H] Elemental Ancients NEW HATCHES 2/5
Belowzero's Clan
Welcome to my little nest!
Clan Info
★★★ About MeWhen I first joined FR I immediately fell in love with the Crystalline and Facet genes. I quickly developed a collection of dragons and started breeding them in all kinds of colors for the community. Having recently come back I have developed a taste for the lovely Starmap and Constellation combination as well. |
★★★ What I Do I still breed these combinations in various colors and I love to do giveaways for the community! If you ever see anything in my lair that interests you feel free to leave a comment or message and I will let you know when the next nests will be! I typically do giveaways once a month. |
★★★ Waitlist peraspera - Ren and Tania |
graphics by Drytil, osiem, and mammoth-rising
bio code by anxiousghost
bio code by anxiousghost
Babysitter for the Ice Flight!
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Thank you! I'm glad you liked the Lilith lore! Thank you very much for her!
Thank you for the kind words! :)
Thank you kindly for giving Ren a home~
Thank you for beautiful pairs!
Thank you for your generosity! :>
Ahh, thank you so much! ^-^/
Thanks you! :D I was really blessed to get him and his lovely girl Xiu.
Thank you for the (surprisingly warm,) nICE welcome.
Thank you ^_^ (Although sometimes I think it looks a mess in comparison to other people's who have an actual theme aha)
I'm ready for him, if you want to send the cr! :D
Sorry it took me so long to reply! I'd love to buy the SD male (aqua, aqua, emerald) from you :) Could you hold him?
oh ok thanks
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