My Burning Hatred for Capsule

Polyhymnia's Clan
Remember when you had to kill robots to get on the internet?
Clan Info
I'm still here! Sometime I just don't feed dragons!
Wishlist Dragon
Genes to breed for for acheivements:
Primary: Bar, Falcon, Mosaic, Petrified, Chorus, Soil
Secondary: Blaze, Breakup, Clouded, Edged, Eel, Fissue, Hypnotic, Lode,
Myrrid, Patchwork, Rosette, Saddle, Sarcophagus, Saturn, Seraph, Loam
Tertiary: Keel, Polkadot, Scales, Wish, Gecko
Eggs left to hatch: fire, nature, plague, water, wind
Clan Wompnir
Life-like statues had been created to protect the clan's lair. Rouge dragons, seeking shelter from a storm, would spot the towering statues in blizzards and steer away. The gruesome teeth and mangled jaws of the statues terrifying almost anyone that couldn't tell the difference between a dragon and a statue. |
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![]() | The magnificent art pieces did their job well. Too well according to some clan members. The clan members that were scared of them wanted to throw the talented artist out. The ice sculptures, although a testament to the artist's talent, were too fearsome and were considered bad omens. |
The clan had existed in the Southern Icefields for a long time and relocating would be difficult, but the clan leader, Sealbriyi, didn't want to toss out their peaceful artist. She had heard the call of the Arcanist, feeling the tug on her very soul and magic to move anyway. What better reason than now? Without the ice and snow the artist would not be able to make their incredibly life-like sculptures and the clan's dragons would be at peace with them. |
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![]() | Almost without any troubles or regrets, the clan packed up shop and moved. Upon arriving in the new magical territory, Sealbriyi was overcome with special marks along her body. The mark of the Arcanist that showed her and her clan that they had all made the correct choice. The Arcanist welcomed them into his land without even making himself physically present, but his gift was welcomed. |
Sometimes, Sealbriyi stares into the distance at other lands, shifting her gaze across the horizon as she hears the call of other gods and goddesses. Her magic, in tuned to the elements, is tugged in all directions, sometimes settling on one type of magic in particular. Maybe, if the pull is strong enough and her clan feels ready, they will move again. |
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Things were changing, the air felt charged. Sealbriyi couldn't understand it, but the force that she had felt all those years ago was once again crawling over her scales, leaving them charged. The air almost crackled around her. Although there was no change to her outward appearance, as there had been when the clan moved to the Arcanist's domain she knew that they had made the right choice. For now, the desolate sands would be their home and they would learn to survive with their new counterparts. Life was about constantly learning... and there was certainly much to learn here! |

Stop using the same apparel:

Recent Comments

Douwwe in your hibden was on the front page!

Sorry for taking so long to get back to you, life inhaled all my free time. You can totally use my design! If I find a good beekeeper dragon you'll be the first to know :) I'd love to see your dragons bundled up if you wind up dressing them in the future, too <3

Hello! I just wanted to say that I LOVE the outfit you put together for the Layers Challenge in Snapcon! I audibly gasped when I saw it. Is it okay if I use that design for one of my snappers in the future? I'd leave credit! If not I totally understand, I just wanted to ask <3

Hello hello! Yes, it's a super pretty gene!

Yay!!! Thanks :)))

Thank you, I'm glad you like! And yes, I'll ping you if I do decide to attempt to print.

You and one of my dragons share a name! :3

Will do as well, thank you!

Saw one of your posts, and I just had to say your signature is beautiful, the Ridgeback and skydancer look adorable!

Hiiii! We do have the same join date how cool! Nice to meet you :D

Oh my gosh you're so sweet! Thank you! Trick & Treat were a gift from a friend and their lore hit me in a bolt of inspiration. I hope, if you ever glance the Museum's way again, you enjoy what's to come <3

Hey, thank you for buying that dragon from me! Holy heck have you put in work on them, I'm so glad they've gone to a loving home.
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