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Delibird's Clan
Every day Delibird is hustlin'
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Dream dragon hunting:
Dream dragon hunting:

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omg!!! I didn't think anyone would recognize him :D I was SO happy to see your dragon up for sale bc he was PERFECT colorwise :D

thank you!!! dawn fm is an album by the weeknd, i was hunting down hatchlings that matched its colours + were hatched on january 7th, i was looking for literally 20 minutes until your hatchling popped up and i was so happy. literal knight in shining armour

(I'm an idiot and thought you meant a different dragon, you can have that dragon for fodder price whatever that is, I'll send a cr and you can add to it what you see fit)

Potentially yes! What's your offer?

Yeah absolutely! :) I'll send him over!

I bought 98761503 after seeing her on the AH every day for 2 weeks and finally caving lol. I'm trying to get a Dust/White/Robin male coatl so I'm interested if you continue breeding Arisen! :)

could you send me a link to which one you're talking about? i play in multiple versions of open the door.

Thanks for buying Eurgaia! I hope she serves you well^^

Magister was front!

2 eggs!

3 eggy!

2 eggs from your beautiful pair!
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