[LF] Dragons Born 6/21!

InkedDreams' Clan
oh? on jah?
Clan Info

B L U E • C O Y O T E • M E S A
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I love random friends!
she/her | FR +2 | meme enthusiast
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(Quick link to the LG if you don't want to read bio lore.)
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___Yip! Yip yap! You hear as you trek along the sands. Your sun-addled head whips around to find the sound of the high-pitched barking. The dog calls again and it almost feels like it’s mocking you. Finally, your eyes lock onto a... a coyote? It sure looks like one, but by the gods it’s bright blue! Two more of the strange blue canines appear and all three peers at your tired visage with happy pants and wagging tails. Sparks jump off their fur and electricity arcs between two that stand very close to each other. What did you eat to hallucinate this? The trio bounds up to you and bounce in a circle around you. One shocks you with its fur as its tail brushes against your leg and you startle. Soon the trio yips at you again and start to trot away before stopping and looking back at you with pleading gazes. Follow us, you see in their eyes. Follow us! Follow us! You oblige, hoping that maybe they noticed your dehydration and know a water source.
___Soon the little blue coyotes lead you to a tall and imposing, but beautiful mesa. Your eyes are first drawn to two gargantuan hoodoos banded like a sunset that soar high above, the same height as the mesa’s top. Between them sits a lopsided natural arch of the same bright bands. Many huge boulders surround the structure and as you walk closer, following the dogs, you stare in amazement at detailed etchings in the boulders. Strange but wonderous pictures. The fading light of day spilt across the ground and cast the already blazing geography in an aura of golden fire. All too suddenly the clack of long talons on stone pulls you from wonder to see three huge Ridgebacks sliding down the sheer rock faces. Two came from atop the hoodoos and one jumped down from the peak of the stone arch. The three guards walked up to you, trying to appear unthreatening. The lead, a scarred female, stopped at a cordial distance, towering over you easily, and stretching open her mottled wings.
___”Welcome stranger, state your business.” She greeted, her voice bold yet gentle, sonorous, and echoing off the stones. You explained you had been travelling around Sornieth. “Ah, a journey worth the trouble! I am Mesa, Captain, Guardian of the Blazeset Gate, and proud Daughter of the Blue Coyote.” Mesa shook your talon formally before introducing you to the sun-colored Ridgebacks behind her, Mojave, and Kalahari. With a flick of her tail the two guards turned back to climb back to their posts, but not before turning on several special lights around the entrance. You saw several lights go on around the mesa in response. Mesa leads you to a cave entrance beneath the arch and gave a scarily accurate mimic of a short coyote howl and bark. The message was relayed far into the burrow system as Mesa led you inside. She motioned for you to stop and continued to trot up to a wall at the back of the chamber. You heard a soft click and soon warm yellow lanterns hummed to life above and around you.
___”Welcome to the Blue Coyote Mesa!” the guard’s voice boomed in the chamber. She stood proudly on a stone dais in front of a huge crystalline dragon, and on either side of it hung two large white banners decorated with the clan’s emblem. Signposts for two tunnels on either side of the wall stood boldly against the stone. Mesa hopped down from the platform and placed a protective wing over your back. “I must apologize for delaying you shelter, I see you are tired and in need of water. Protocol simply cannot be skipped, though.” Mesa offered as she walked you to a bar built into the cave’s left side. A bright Ridgeback male gave jaunty salute before beginning his spiel with a jovial laugh that resembled coyote barks. “Step up, step up! I can see the sun’s toll on you. Sit anywhere.” He gestured to a series of colorful beanbag cushions that made the seating at and around the bar at small tables. You take a seat at the bar. The male turns his back and busies himself with the many differently colored and sized bottles, jars, and cupboards of the station. He quickly and cleanly fills a deep wooden bowl with water and sets it in front of you. He begins again as you drink. “Agave, Son of the Blue Coyote. I ain’t usually manning the canteen but instead the library. But I closed early after two kids came and decided the library foyer made a good wrestlin’ ring. Wooiee! You were thirsty, well there’s more where it were from.” He refilled your bowl and turned to grab a bowl for himself. You noticed Mesa had in the meantime disappeared.
___”So you’ve been all across the continent? Well I’m mighty honored you found our clan, it ain’t often we get visitin’ folk.” The two of you had been talking for a bit as you cooled off. Night had long since blanketed the sky outside, but the burrow was well lit with the warm light from electric bulbs. You asked about the clan and then the Blue Coyote Mesa, remembering the strange blue canines that had led you here. Agave laughed his barking laughter once again. “Oh, them little rascals, they love new people. They’re a lil’ bit strange from normal coyotes you’ll see elsewhere. I’d answer your questions in a dang heartbeat but I ain’t as good as our Lorem Gypsum. They’s the storyteller of Blue Coyote.” You tilt your head in confusion. “Ah my apologies, the Lorem Gypsum, it’s that there statue you saw Mesa in front of. ‘Twas carved by our very own Fulgurite. He spent months on it, then Cactus enchanted it, then Fulgurite recorded all the lines it has. If you want history, that marvel could do it a hundred times better than meself.” Agave pointed with his whole talon to the Lorem Gypsum.
___Soon the little blue coyotes lead you to a tall and imposing, but beautiful mesa. Your eyes are first drawn to two gargantuan hoodoos banded like a sunset that soar high above, the same height as the mesa’s top. Between them sits a lopsided natural arch of the same bright bands. Many huge boulders surround the structure and as you walk closer, following the dogs, you stare in amazement at detailed etchings in the boulders. Strange but wonderous pictures. The fading light of day spilt across the ground and cast the already blazing geography in an aura of golden fire. All too suddenly the clack of long talons on stone pulls you from wonder to see three huge Ridgebacks sliding down the sheer rock faces. Two came from atop the hoodoos and one jumped down from the peak of the stone arch. The three guards walked up to you, trying to appear unthreatening. The lead, a scarred female, stopped at a cordial distance, towering over you easily, and stretching open her mottled wings.
___”Welcome stranger, state your business.” She greeted, her voice bold yet gentle, sonorous, and echoing off the stones. You explained you had been travelling around Sornieth. “Ah, a journey worth the trouble! I am Mesa, Captain, Guardian of the Blazeset Gate, and proud Daughter of the Blue Coyote.” Mesa shook your talon formally before introducing you to the sun-colored Ridgebacks behind her, Mojave, and Kalahari. With a flick of her tail the two guards turned back to climb back to their posts, but not before turning on several special lights around the entrance. You saw several lights go on around the mesa in response. Mesa leads you to a cave entrance beneath the arch and gave a scarily accurate mimic of a short coyote howl and bark. The message was relayed far into the burrow system as Mesa led you inside. She motioned for you to stop and continued to trot up to a wall at the back of the chamber. You heard a soft click and soon warm yellow lanterns hummed to life above and around you.
___”Welcome to the Blue Coyote Mesa!” the guard’s voice boomed in the chamber. She stood proudly on a stone dais in front of a huge crystalline dragon, and on either side of it hung two large white banners decorated with the clan’s emblem. Signposts for two tunnels on either side of the wall stood boldly against the stone. Mesa hopped down from the platform and placed a protective wing over your back. “I must apologize for delaying you shelter, I see you are tired and in need of water. Protocol simply cannot be skipped, though.” Mesa offered as she walked you to a bar built into the cave’s left side. A bright Ridgeback male gave jaunty salute before beginning his spiel with a jovial laugh that resembled coyote barks. “Step up, step up! I can see the sun’s toll on you. Sit anywhere.” He gestured to a series of colorful beanbag cushions that made the seating at and around the bar at small tables. You take a seat at the bar. The male turns his back and busies himself with the many differently colored and sized bottles, jars, and cupboards of the station. He quickly and cleanly fills a deep wooden bowl with water and sets it in front of you. He begins again as you drink. “Agave, Son of the Blue Coyote. I ain’t usually manning the canteen but instead the library. But I closed early after two kids came and decided the library foyer made a good wrestlin’ ring. Wooiee! You were thirsty, well there’s more where it were from.” He refilled your bowl and turned to grab a bowl for himself. You noticed Mesa had in the meantime disappeared.
___”So you’ve been all across the continent? Well I’m mighty honored you found our clan, it ain’t often we get visitin’ folk.” The two of you had been talking for a bit as you cooled off. Night had long since blanketed the sky outside, but the burrow was well lit with the warm light from electric bulbs. You asked about the clan and then the Blue Coyote Mesa, remembering the strange blue canines that had led you here. Agave laughed his barking laughter once again. “Oh, them little rascals, they love new people. They’re a lil’ bit strange from normal coyotes you’ll see elsewhere. I’d answer your questions in a dang heartbeat but I ain’t as good as our Lorem Gypsum. They’s the storyteller of Blue Coyote.” You tilt your head in confusion. “Ah my apologies, the Lorem Gypsum, it’s that there statue you saw Mesa in front of. ‘Twas carved by our very own Fulgurite. He spent months on it, then Cactus enchanted it, then Fulgurite recorded all the lines it has. If you want history, that marvel could do it a hundred times better than meself.” Agave pointed with his whole talon to the Lorem Gypsum.
Recent Comments

Grove was on the front page! she's pretty ^w^

Fulgurite was on the front page!

She looks even more beautiful now with gnarlhorns and so does Thor with the falcon! Thank you very much for the compliment, your lair is very beautiful!

Your Gaoelrs look beautiful! I love their lore

Thank you for buying Mjoll, she looks amazing as a Gaoler! ^^

Starglare was on the front page, and he looks really neat!

your dragon alioth is very beautiful, i love her colors :)

Haha, no problem~! He's a good boi

Thank you for the sparkbomb.


EXACTLY THAT HAHAHA. "You're looking for Pirate Outbacks? Sorry, m8, they only have a vacation lot here, you'll have to go somewhere else." But honestly though, Lightning territory is so much better for a DESERT clan than Nature is. Off to Bossman I go

AGREED. I'm just trying to make my dragons as unique as possible, that's all. Like people leT ME LIVE. But HM I have clan lore related to the Behemoth so if I go to Lightning that's probably gonna cause some problems. I guess we'll just own a lot in Nature
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