A New World (7/8 Open for One More!)

Canvas' Clan
Bow Chicka Ow Ow
Clan Info
Domain of Chronosium
Located at a crossroads between dimensions, the Domain of Chronosium is not a regular, compact, clan. Rather, much of it is comprised up of travelers and frequent visitors, usually from other worlds and dimensions that are very different from Sornieth. This Domain offers safety and shelter for travelers both of this world and others, and a variety of dragons gather here. It is a rare occurrence, however, for one not already initiated into the Domain to enter...
Fandoms: Tales of series, Final Fantasy, Fire Emblem, Digimon, Madoka Magica, Red Vs Blue

Wishlist (in order from most desired to least desired: Circuit, Iridescent, and Facet or Shimmer Scrolls for Church; A bogsneak (holy moly please); Any Weapon Apparel (Especially Katanas or Swords); Usermade Accents (I WISH lmao); Eliminates; Toxin and Glimmer scrolls for Colichemarde; Giraffe/Daub/Thylacine Gene Scrolls for Ebony; Sprites (I can dream so bad, haha); Gem Bird and Instrument Apparel for Matcha; Amber Shades x5 for RvB fandragons; Triple Gened Gen 1s; Gem Gene scrolls, Any Other Gene Scrolls, Pre-2016 Festival Accents/Apparel; Any non Birdskull/Wrap/Rogue/Aviator/Steampunk Apparel; Any Accent; Treasure/Gems
For give get games: NO SKINS PLEASE, I REALLY DON'T LIKE THEM BECAUSE THEY COVER UP THE WHOLE DRAGON. Also, please don't be offended if I regift or resell anything you send me- it's nothing personal or anything.
Located at a crossroads between dimensions, the Domain of Chronosium is not a regular, compact, clan. Rather, much of it is comprised up of travelers and frequent visitors, usually from other worlds and dimensions that are very different from Sornieth. This Domain offers safety and shelter for travelers both of this world and others, and a variety of dragons gather here. It is a rare occurrence, however, for one not already initiated into the Domain to enter...
Fandoms: Tales of series, Final Fantasy, Fire Emblem, Digimon, Madoka Magica, Red Vs Blue

Wishlist (in order from most desired to least desired: Circuit, Iridescent, and Facet or Shimmer Scrolls for Church; A bogsneak (holy moly please); Any Weapon Apparel (Especially Katanas or Swords); Usermade Accents (I WISH lmao); Eliminates; Toxin and Glimmer scrolls for Colichemarde; Giraffe/Daub/Thylacine Gene Scrolls for Ebony; Sprites (I can dream so bad, haha); Gem Bird and Instrument Apparel for Matcha; Amber Shades x5 for RvB fandragons; Triple Gened Gen 1s; Gem Gene scrolls, Any Other Gene Scrolls, Pre-2016 Festival Accents/Apparel; Any non Birdskull/Wrap/Rogue/Aviator/Steampunk Apparel; Any Accent; Treasure/Gems
For give get games: NO SKINS PLEASE, I REALLY DON'T LIKE THEM BECAUSE THEY COVER UP THE WHOLE DRAGON. Also, please don't be offended if I regift or resell anything you send me- it's nothing personal or anything.
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They have only C support in my save^^
But his supports can also get really deep, like his A support with Beruka or Camilla
And nope. I heared of the anime before but I never watched it, sorry