Your Flight Rising " Neighbors"

RavenTheMagicCat's Clan
Clan Info
Yeah, so I'm gonna put better info here later, but for now I just wanna say that I'm a really shy person, and at the moment, since I'm so new here, I'm only comfortable adding friends that I already know. But feel free to talk to me! If we get to know each other then we can probably be friends! ^^
Other info:
Female, 26 years old, artist. I have a deviantart and a tumblr, both under RavenTheMagicCat.
Other info:
Female, 26 years old, artist. I have a deviantart and a tumblr, both under RavenTheMagicCat.
Recent Comments

Yggdrasil was on the front page! You have such a stunning lair!!

Hello! I was wondering if I could get that little Bill Cipher derg in treasure, not gems? If we are working on a 500t = 1g, then that would be 7,500t. I'm willing to pay 10k tho~

leonidas was featured! your lair is adorable and i love it omg

I love your Trickmurk skin omg. Seriously hoping it wins!!

Hmm...let me know when your coatls breed~


Haha, take good care of him! cough pleasedontexalt cough

Ah, right. My bad. This should help you out:

"CR" is short for "Crossroads". It's the trading system here. Otherwise I'd put it up for auction and risk someone else buying it before you had the chance to. Dragons are the only things I can't send to you through mail. XD

Funny. That's who I'm breeding right now. Only one egg, so hopefully you like what comes. XD I'll let you know when the derg's hatched so you can offer a CR.

Let me know if you need any baby dergs. Just pick a couple and I'll breed em (as long as they're not siblings)
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