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IttyBittyDragon's Clan
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Hi I am itty bitty ,my dad an memom, an my two aunties,an my brother are on here too we have fun with the dragons I am very shy i had my memom write this for me but i enjoy my dragons alot
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Numa was on the front page!

PrincessOfTheSea was on the front sea!

IttySBaby was on the front page!

Alright, see you soon!

Yeah, I also heard that as well, and it's true! You know, your lair is still close to your mom. ;)

dragon* :p

Your lair's already huge! It makes me wonder how people don't forgot about each dragons. Heck! Even I forget I own a couple!

Oh! Your welcome. I'm glad you think she's pretty. ^_^

Hey there IttyBittty! I see you've got the dragon 22760756 here... I've been looking for a dragon just like him but I need more money. Do you think we could arrange a CR or could you hold him for me? Just until I have enough treasure. Thanks!

Hello and thanks! I'm happy that you like my dragon! You have nice dragons too! :D

Hello IttyBitty your mum bought Mileeta off me, I hope you enjoy her company as I love corals too! :)

oh thank u
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