[USD/G/T]Ombrartist's Art Shop![OPEN]

Wolfspear's Clan
Embrace the darkness and know true despair.
Clan Info

S i l v a
U m b r a r i u m


.L o r e.

.A b o u t M e .
I will exalt for dom pushes, but I have a bad habit of keeping dragons meant for exalting. Just message if I buy one of yours and you don't want it exalted!
I'm pretty chill as I lack any and all social skills lol.
I have an addiction to hatching eggs/keeping gen 1's.


S i l v a
U m b r a r i u m


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas mollis elit non metus imperdiet, non posuere augue eleifend. Quisque eu nunc faucibus, dapibus dui quis, porta quam. Proin sed lectus ornare, vehicula felis vel, varius nulla. Sed varius sem lacus. Nam aliquam sed metus id sagittis. Mauris blandit urna in tincidunt laoreet. Mauris est nisl, posuere vel sagittis non, sodales a nunc. Integer pharetra sed augue in consectetur. Morbi bibendum sagittis dui ut suscipit. Suspendisse facilisis metus sit amet diam fringilla, non accumsan leo sodales. Sed varius tincidunt nulla at volutpat. Sed orci lectus, vehicula sit amet tincidunt eu, congue sit amet risus. Quisque eros ante, maximus nec hendrerit sit amet, euismod at nulla. Vivamus feugiat quis mi in placerat. Etiam eleifend malesuada metus, volutpat aliquet justo bibendum sit amet. Aenean imperdiet faucibus purus. | . |

I will exalt for dom pushes, but I have a bad habit of keeping dragons meant for exalting. Just message if I buy one of yours and you don't want it exalted!
I'm pretty chill as I lack any and all social skills lol.
I have an addiction to hatching eggs/keeping gen 1's.

Recent Comments

Maia (#49639073) was on the front page!

Amarii was on the front page!

Hymi was on the front page!

Annesdenth was on the front page and he is stunning!!!

Wow, Grail is stunning! The accent and her Crackle work so well together!

Kalira was on front page! What a stunning imp!

Grail was on the front page! I love how you've dressed her, and the rest of your lair! ^^

Shiver was on the front page! Congrats!

Shiver was on the front page ^^

Akron was on the front page!

Arkon was on the front page

Merry X-Mas, Happy Holidays and Happy Night of The Nocturne! ^w^
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