Kerrynwood Lore Hatchery - {OPEN}

Sphinzz's Clan
Clan Info
Sphinzz ㅣ 스핑
just returned from a long hiatus :)
Any Festival related Apparel/Skin/Accent/Familiar before 2016
Dragon Giveaways

just returned from a long hiatus :)
Any Festival related Apparel/Skin/Accent/Familiar before 2016
Dragon Giveaways

Recent Comments

Realized I've bought two dragons from you at separate times, didn't even realize they were brothers! Both hatchlings from Cinaed and Kalinda!

I haven't got the gems right now but just thought I'd let you know: I love your Fire Monarch Aethers! <3

허겁지겁받아버리기 *꼬옥*

히히뭘요 u//u) 흑흑 구러게요.. 사실 여기서보다 링크로 더 많이 들어와서 친추 했는지 안 했는지 잘 모르고 살아요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 문득 놀러온김에 둘러봤는데 효가 너무 잘생겼네요...... 한눈에 들어오는 예쁨 내 최애픽


Yunseul was on the front page! They're such a pretty dragon, I love their gene+color combination so much

DrHyelein was on the front page again! So cool!!!

Meirwen is absolutely beautiful!

DrHyelein was on the front page and my god he's beautiful

I'm glad you like the graphics :) BTW- Your Starlight is a very handsome fellow! I can't wait to see what his babies look like! You have so many beautiful dragons <3 ~ Feel free to keep in touch! ~ =)

안녕하세용!! 잘부탁드려용>///<🌹

Sion was the random dragon! He's so gorgeous, his accent is perfect on him!!
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