2L 'Xi' 7-digit Unbred G1 Slvr/Aqua/Cyan

Starfire0's Clan
Clan Info
My lair consists of mainly gen ones as you will notice. I seem to have an addiction ^^'
Also plays CS and DV
My Gen 1 Selling Thread
My Gen 1 Seeking Thread
Accent Shop
Personal Quest
Complete Festival chests collection quest
Also plays CS and DV
My Gen 1 Selling Thread
My Gen 1 Seeking Thread
Accent Shop
Personal Quest
Complete Festival chests collection quest

Recent Comments

I am so sorry! I ended up trading with someone else. The timings didn't work out. ;-;

4 Beautiful Eggies!!

i just realised i don't have quite enough gems... so never mind! sorry to bother

TY Again for trading shards for that light egg, she turned out GORGEOUS! Yellow/Eggplant/White :3

is there any chance you have a glitched angel skin left?

Oh sorry, i moved acceents from my vault to my hoard and it broke the crossroads. Sorry for that. Sending new one!

I knew I recognized you, you're the one who bought Meyneth! She's looking lovely with the apparel you gave her <3

Your trickmurk entry is awesome! The colors look great

Wonderful! What would you like for it?

Is it possible to buy your Pearl/Vermilion/Pthalo unnamed mirror or an offspring in a close colour range?

Love your entry!

Meyneth was on the front page!
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