G/T/AT Toldentops bust sketches! OPEN

MikaelHart's Clan
there's no path to follow once you're here
Clan Info
*waggles fingers* Yo! Name’s Mikael --good to meetcha! I’m something of a bookworm and a wordsmith, and with the right tools in hand, even a bit of a doodler. My hobbies generally lean towards creative outlets (working on original characters/stories and other personal projects) or information gathering (research is fun, science is awesome, and I have reference folders for everything.) I also enjoy seasons of gaming, avatar/pet sites, and a bit of anime.
flight rising.
favorite breed: imps, coatls, dancers, noodles
favorite familiar: rasas
I’m always up for a good chat, and I don’t mind helping peeps here navigate the site, so feel free to hit me up if you wanna talk or if you have any questions. I don’t take random friend requests though, mostly because I want to recognize the people who are actually on the list, pfft.
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I’m working on a project for the festival Kitsune subspecies, and miss 36732196 fits along the parameters for that subspecies. Is there a chance she might be for sale?
Unnamed #45280512