[H] Pretties [W] Fodder

Torridus' Clan
i'm terrible no one gets to eat
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how does Child...... have clothing..........

Merrow was on the front page. What a beautifully dressed dragon!

Sorry, I wasn't online to hold Ritasa for you. I'm glad you got her though! Your lair is lovely

haha, you're right! Not really blending in at all XD But so close. What good looking new siblings though!

Neither of them really catches my eye (and my lair space is extremely limited), but I don't think they should be exalted. Maybe go with your original plan, and put something in their descriptions indicating that they're old and will be/are of interest?

Direct me to the dragons in question and I'll let you know! 20k seems a bit low for 2013 dragons, if thats what they are. Especially if they're 6 digits. Thank you for thinking of me, haha.

He's just being weird. Ugh. Oh well. At least he's pleased with himself. I don't know if he's even gotten back on since you left though.

He did NOT. Oh, and you know what he made me do? Buy an Imperial dragon in the Auction House with the same colors as Bacon, breed change it to a Fae, and GET RID OF ITS IRIDESCENT AND SHIMMER GENES... So he could have another Bacon.

He's awesome, I will take very good care of him ^^

oh, no need to worry about that! that little beauty has been fed now, so it's all good! and of course thank YOU very much for selling her. that color scheme is simply gorgeous. ; v ; /

Hey, yes, I did by Seaglass and her daughter! I realized after I had purchased, and loved that I got them both! They're going to stay with me for a while and make some pretty new babies. =3

Morning Dew got her birds from the money I got from the Nocturne event, I made a bunch of gems by selling chests. um, thank you for the dragon. he's very pretty!
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