Lift Yourself! (wings n things skincent)

Reborn's Clan
Clan Info
all of my dragons are starving because I spend all of my currency on accents and gen1s whoot
I am the most forgetful person in the world, so if you sent me a message or a ping and I haven't replied in a reasonable amount of time, you are more than welcome to give me a poke. :)
I am the most forgetful person in the world, so if you sent me a message or a ping and I haven't replied in a reasonable amount of time, you are more than welcome to give me a poke. :)
My main goal on this site is to acquire a double Gen1 of every shade of blue (... and then gene them in my favourite way bye treasure/gems forever). You can find my searching thread here. I've acquired all of the old shades of blue already! Now, the hard part... the new blues:
- orca* (just a maybe since it's only blue with irishim - would need to be xxy which will suuuck)
- mint* (idk for sure since it's in the green range.. but it's so blue, idk man)
* = probably the death of me
+ = might want to trade/sell mine for what's in the brackets
Recent Comments

How much for the all sunshine Coatl girl? Perfect Fire rep. :)

Your welcome :)

Your profile pic is pretty ^.^

Tropi is gorgeous ;o;

Hiya :) I just bought a lovely Rose/Jungle/Jungle guy from Wendigo, who had bought it from you. I just wanted you to know that this guy will never be exalted or sold ever again, and that he is in good hands. He's part of the Rose nature subspecies now :)

I hope this isn't creepy, but I saw you randomly on the forums and had to pop in to say: the accent you have on Sturckle is STUNNING. Really wonderful; works great with his apparel, too!

I was just looking at your profile and I was curious; are you going to be collecting double blue-range GenOnes for the new colors, as well? :O

Thank you for buying my Noc-babe! He didn't really fit my lair. Your plans for him look amazing! I'll keep an eye on him c:

Oh, that's good! It's always better when it's easier! Or you could wait for ghost? I think that would look nice!

I personally prefer cherub/shimmer/spines (XYX is soo hard to work with), but if you already have plans go right ahead!

Hello Reborn! Thank you for buying my XYX!

Aaa! I'm so glad Fayne went to such a good home. Those gene plans you have for her both look gorgeous!
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