
Belowzero's Bestiary

Chronicles of the beasts Belowzero has encountered and collected!
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Familiars you currently own or have achieved a bond level of Awakened
Familiars you don’t own and haven’t Awakened
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Dappled Seal
The dappled seal will make short work of the fish that are attracted by its curly mane.
Deadly Reflection
I always feel like somebody's watching me. Who's playing tricks on me?
Djamor Bat
The fluted shells of fungus direct sound, allowing this bat an even greater range of echolocation.
Dryads are only seen when spring is approaching, waking from yearlong naps to trim their leafy manes.
Duskthicket Bonepicker
Bonepicker gryphons stockpile bones for later consumption.
Ectoplasmimes are most often found in haunted areas, hiding between crates, vases, and other furniture. We don't recommend storing anything important inside.
You have not achieved any bond levels with this familiar.
The current bond level you've achieved with this familiar is Wary.
The current bond level you've achieved with this familiar is Tolerant.
The current bond level you've achieved with this familiar is Relaxed.
The current bond level you've achieved with this familiar is Inquisitive.
The current bond level you've achieved with this familiar is Companion.
The current bond level you've achieved with this familiar is Loyal.
The current bond level you've achieved with this familiar is Awakened.
You have one or more copies of this familiar in your Hoard and/or Vault.

Click or tap this icon to open your Hoard in another tab.
You have one or more copies of this familiar in your Vault.

Click or tap this icon to open your Vault in another tab.
You don't have any copies of this familiar in your Hoard or Vault.
This familiar is currently bonding with one of the dragons in your clan.

Click or tap this icon to open the dragon in another tab.
This familiar is not bonding with any of the dragons in your clan.
You've increased this familiar's bond level today.
Click or tap here to learn more about this familiar in the Flight Rising game database.