amaerin Added to Forest gatherer! (Also thank you!)
rainbowometal @
Nikole Added to Imprisoned emperor!
Llaren Added to Ancient emperor!
Thunderwyvern thank you, I'd like a slot for Imprisoned emperor
Thunderwyvern hi! Can I get a slot for Forest Gatherer and Fisher Friends? Thank you!
Thunderwyvern hi! Can I get a slot for Forest Gatherer and Fisher Friends? Thank you!

Could I get two (2) slots for Ancient Emperor and two (2) slots Imprisoned Emperor, please?
Could I get two (2) slots for Ancient Emperor and two (2) slots Imprisoned Emperor, please?
Thunderwyvern, Slot for Imprisoned emperor please!
Thunderwyvern Can I be added to your general pinglist please?
"You are a violent and irrepressible miracle. The vacuum of cosmos and the stars burning in it are afraid of you. Given enough time you would wipe us all out and replace us with nothing - just by accident."