
Skins and Accents

Share and sell your skin creations with other players.
TOPIC | Drytil's S/A- Gilded/Mystic Wonder
[center] [img][/img] WELP. Pardon the mess. [b]Pinglist for updates and new skins/Accents:[/b] [pinglist=1736] [b]Pinglist for all reprints:[/b] [pinglist=2006] [img][/img] [size=6][color=#feb322][u][b]Drytil's Skins/Accents[/b][/u][/color][/size] [u][b]Navigator[/b][/u] [b]Post 1[/b] [url=]Policies | Pinglist | Newest Releases | AH[/url] [b]Post 2[/b] [url=]Unlimited | Available Accents/Skins[/url] [b]Post 3[/b] [url=]Future skins | Limited Skins | Full Gallery[/url] [quote="Drytil"][u][b]Update:[/b][/u] Hi Everyone! It's been a long time coming but I feel I need to clean up this thread a bit. For a long time I've held most of my accent/skins as an unlimited status to make sure they are always available, but with the years it takes to reprint some of them they may as well be retired at this point. So I'll needed to rethink my shop a bit. [b]Reprinting[/b] From now on I'll be asking beforehand how many are interested in a reprint right before printing to gather interest. If you've been added beforehand to the pinglists for the specific skin/accent you'll be notified that it'll soon reprint as well [b]Shelving Accents/Skins[/b] I've decided I need to balance things out and move some of my work into a shelved status instead. Meaning they are still available to reprint but it'll only be through 1-copy blueprints + a 100g fee. Similar to what I have now when people don't want to wait months or even years for a reprint. Now this will only apply to some of the very old works I still have available and some of the more unpopular stuff. But I'll make sure to give it a chance of a final run so it'll be possible to get one at its original price before they end up shelved. I'll try to only do this with a few at a time to ease into it. Mainly a series of three at a time.[/quote] [b][u]Policies:[/u][/b] [i](Updated 08/07-23)[/i] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][left][list][*]Gem ratio [b]1g:1100t[/b] [*]Gems are prefered, but treasure or mixed payments are absolutely fine. [*]Yell at me if you want to be put on or removed from the pinglist. I can be quite slow in updating it but I'll add each and every one commenting <3 [*]If you're on the [u]general pinglist[/u] you'll [b]not be notified for reprints[/b]. General reprints have their own pinglist. [*]Asking to be pinged for a specific skin/accent will automatically put you on a reserve list for that skin/accent. [b]IF[/b] you however find yourself on such a pinglist and you are not interested in buying the skin/accent at that moment or changed your mind just give me a ping/message. [b]You are never in any way forced to buy it![/b] [*]Reserved copies will now be sent out through private auctions for gems. If you however prefer to pay in treasure or mixed payment you may simply send a 2-way crossroad or a PM with payment and I'll answer it as soon as I can. [*][b]All accents and skins will be available to purchase from the Auction House unless stated otherwise[/b] (If you can't find it there, it may be expired or out of stock. In any case always check here to be sure~) [*]I tend to reprint when 3-5 or more people are interested in a skin/accent. This can vary if the accent/skin is popular or not. Just ping/message me for interest in a reprint. [*]I do not take pre-payment unless stated otherwise for a specific accent/skin. [*]I do make customs, however this may take some time and depending on how real life goes I may say no. But if you have interest in a custom just ask. I'll add you to the interest list. (Details on customs are specified in the third post) [*]Details on how many copies have been printed of the regular accents/skins can be found in the pinglist spreadsheet under "Data - Full Gallery". [*][b]"Unlimited"[/b] accents / skins are not retired and are available to be put on a pinglist/reserve list for the next time they reprint. However if you do not want ot wait too long it's possible to reprint a single copy by providing a 1-copy blueprint + 100g. [*][b]"Shelved"[/b] accents / skins are not retired and are still available however you'll need to provide a 1-copy blueprint + 100g fee. [/list][/left][/columns] [img][/img][img][/img] [size=5][b]Pinglist[/b][/size] All pinglists are tracked in the spreadsheet [u][b][url=]>> LINK TO PINGLIST SPREADSHEET <<[/url][/b][/u] (The Spreadsheet is non-editable. Please ping/message me to be added) [left][b]Contains[/b] [list][*]General pinglist (New skins / interest checks) [*]General reprint pinglist (all reprints) [*]Special pinglist (Specific pings - example - only imperials etc) [*]Custom interest pinglist [*]Reprints pinglist (specific accents/skins) [*]Interest checks / Future accents pinglists [*]Full Gallery with data of all accents and skins ever printed. + amount of prints for each[/list][/left] [img][/img][img][/img] [size=5][b]Latest Realeases[/b][/size] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][u][b]Gilded Wonder[/b][/u] [b]500g/550kt[/b] [skin=57189] [url=]reSKIN[/url][/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][u][b]Mystic Wonder[/b][/u] [b]500g/550kt[/b] [skin=57192] [url=]reSKIN[/url][/columns] [size=5][b]Shelving Soon[/b][/size] [skin=10246][skin=10319] [skin=15007][skin=15051] [skin=17744][skin=17745] [skin=8279][skin=8335][skin=8361] [img][/img] [size=5][b]Currently Available at the Auction House[/b][/size] (Updated 5th of May 2024) [skin=42494][skin=18283][skin=23384][skin=13485][skin=13671][skin=53694][skin=18839][skin=22224][skin=37206][skin=37596] [left][size=5][b]Recently Reprinted[/b][/size] [list] [*]none [/left]

Pardon the mess.

Pinglist for updates and new skins/Accents:

Pinglist for all reprints:

Drytil's Skins/Accents


Post 1
Policies | Pinglist | Newest Releases | AH
Post 2
Unlimited | Available Accents/Skins
Post 3
Future skins | Limited Skins | Full Gallery
Drytil wrote:
Hi Everyone!
It's been a long time coming but I feel I need to clean up this thread a bit.

For a long time I've held most of my accent/skins as an unlimited status to make sure they are always available, but with the years it takes to reprint some of them they may as well be retired at this point. So I'll needed to rethink my shop a bit.

From now on I'll be asking beforehand how many are interested in a reprint right before printing to gather interest. If you've been added beforehand to the pinglists for the specific skin/accent you'll be notified that it'll soon reprint as well

Shelving Accents/Skins
I've decided I need to balance things out and move some of my work into a shelved status instead. Meaning they are still available to reprint but it'll only be through 1-copy blueprints + a 100g fee. Similar to what I have now when people don't want to wait months or even years for a reprint.

Now this will only apply to some of the very old works I still have available and some of the more unpopular stuff. But I'll make sure to give it a chance of a final run so it'll be possible to get one at its original price before they end up shelved. I'll try to only do this with a few at a time to ease into it. Mainly a series of three at a time.

(Updated 08/07-23)
  • Gem ratio 1g:1100t
  • Gems are prefered, but treasure or mixed payments are absolutely fine.
  • Yell at me if you want to be put on or removed from the pinglist. I can be quite slow in updating it but I'll add each and every one commenting <3
  • If you're on the general pinglist you'll not be notified for reprints. General reprints have their own pinglist.
  • Asking to be pinged for a specific skin/accent will automatically put you on a reserve list for that skin/accent. IF you however find yourself on such a pinglist and you are not interested in buying the skin/accent at that moment or changed your mind just give me a ping/message. You are never in any way forced to buy it!
  • Reserved copies will now be sent out through private auctions for gems. If you however prefer to pay in treasure or mixed payment you may simply send a 2-way crossroad or a PM with payment and I'll answer it as soon as I can.
  • All accents and skins will be available to purchase from the Auction House unless stated otherwise (If you can't find it there, it may be expired or out of stock. In any case always check here to be sure~)
  • I tend to reprint when 3-5 or more people are interested in a skin/accent. This can vary if the accent/skin is popular or not. Just ping/message me for interest in a reprint.
  • I do not take pre-payment unless stated otherwise for a specific accent/skin.
  • I do make customs, however this may take some time and depending on how real life goes I may say no. But if you have interest in a custom just ask. I'll add you to the interest list. (Details on customs are specified in the third post)
  • Details on how many copies have been printed of the regular accents/skins can be found in the pinglist spreadsheet under "Data - Full Gallery".
  • "Unlimited" accents / skins are not retired and are available to be put on a pinglist/reserve list for the next time they reprint. However if you do not want ot wait too long it's possible to reprint a single copy by providing a 1-copy blueprint + 100g.
  • "Shelved" accents / skins are not retired and are still available however you'll need to provide a 1-copy blueprint + 100g fee.


All pinglists are tracked in the spreadsheet
(The Spreadsheet is non-editable. Please ping/message me to be added)

  • General pinglist (New skins / interest checks)
  • General reprint pinglist (all reprints)
  • Special pinglist (Specific pings - example - only imperials etc)
  • Custom interest pinglist
  • Reprints pinglist (specific accents/skins)
  • Interest checks / Future accents pinglists
  • Full Gallery with data of all accents and skins ever printed. + amount of prints for each


Latest Realeases
dummy?itemid=57189&auth=00acb9772de165ca7ef29714b3c030bdf99320cf&dummyext=prev.png Gilded Wonder

dummy?itemid=57192&auth=44f16c2d841eb20adfdbcab1315e656d79f1aa99&dummyext=prev.png Mystic Wonder


Shelving Soon


Currently Available at the Auction House
(Updated 5th of May 2024)

Recently Reprinted
  • none
JNfvHTf.png FAqTCzx.png NvI7dqY.png
[center][img][/img] [u][b]Navigator[/b][/u] [b]Post 1[/b] [url=]Policies | Pinglist | Newest Releases | AH[/url] [b]Post 2[/b] [url=]Unlimited | Available Accents/Skins[/url] [b]Post 3[/b] [url=]Future skins | Limited Skins | Full Gallery[/url] [img][/img] [size=6][u][b]Unlimited Accents / Skins[/b][/u][/size] [img][/img] [i][b]"Unlimited"[/b] accents / skins are not retired and are available to be put on a pinglist/reserve list for the next time they reprint. However if you do not want ot wait too long it's possible to reprint a single copy by providing a 1-copy blueprint + 100g.[/i] [size=5][b]Accents[/b][/size] [u][b]500g / 550kt[/b][/u] [left][b]Banescale Accents[/b][/left] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Gilded Wonder[/u][/b] [skin=57189][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Mystic Wonder[/u][/b] [skin=57192][/columns] [left][b]Coatl Accents[/b][/left] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Hoarded Amber[/u][/b] [skin=8279][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Hoarded Emeralds[/u][/b] [skin=8335][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Hoarded Sapphires[/u][/b] [skin=8361][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Elden [/u][/b] [skin=18283][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Cyberlike [/u][/b] [skin=22063][/columns] [left][b]Fae Accents[/b][/left] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Ignis Papilio[/u][/b] [skin=14368][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Aqua Papilio[/u][/b] [skin=22903][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Glitzium [/u][/b] [skin=17316][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Glitzinite [/u][/b] [skin=20697][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]The Delicate One[/u][/b] [skin=26229][/columns] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]The Royal One[/u][/b] [skin=26230][/columns] [left][b]Guardian Accents[/b][/left] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Transcendent Rawglass[/u][/b] [skin=9672][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Filigreed [/u][/b] [skin=17553][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Filinet [/u][/b] [skin=17554][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]The Backyard [/u][/b] [skin=23893][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Dark Apparatus EX[/u][/b] [skin=32873][/columns] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Light Apparatus EX[/u][/b] [skin=32874][/columns] [left][b]Imperial Accents[/b][/left] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Windguide [/u][/b] [skin=9548][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Window Cirquit[/u][/b] [skin=10246][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Window Cirquit Gold[/u][/b] [skin=10319][/columns] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Window Cirquit M[/u][/b] [skin=15007][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Window Cirquit Gold M[/u][/b] [skin=15051][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Ten past Seven[/u][/b] [skin=18705][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Aurulent Tenvis[/u][/b] [skin=20761][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Skymning [/u][/b] [skin=31665][/columns] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Midnatt [/u][/b] [skin=31666][/columns] [left][b]Obelisk Accents[/b][/left] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Solar Flammeus [/u][/b] [skin=40478][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Solar Venetus [/u][/b] [skin=40479][/columns] [left][b]Pearlcatcher Accents[/b][/left] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Dedication [/u][/b] [skin=18880][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Flaming Decor [/u][/b] [skin=22223][/columns] [left][b]Ridgeback Accents[/b][/left] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Datakeeper [/u][/b] [skin=10433][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Gigahertz Datakeeper[/u][/b] [skin=10489][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Mechanical Eye R-B[/u][/b] [skin=23384][/columns] [left][b]Skydancer Accents[/b][/left] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Navigator's Gear[/u][/b] [skin=13999][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Gem Mechanic [/u][/b] [skin=15480][/columns] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Northen Glass [/u][/b] [skin=16403][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Cirquit Windows[/u][/b] [skin=17744][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Cirquit Windows Gold[/u][/b] [skin=17745][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Tale of Creation[/u][/b] [skin=18174][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Tale of Myths[/u][/b] [skin=18175][/columns] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]All Strings Attached[/u][/b] [skin=22901][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Ornamental [/u][/b] [skin=26502][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Inner Radiance[/u][/b] [skin=26506][/columns] [left][b]Snapper Accents[/b][/left] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Copper Pipes [/u][/b] [skin=12572][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Exaltation [/u][/b] [skin=18282][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Solar Sanctuary[/u][/b] [skin=19613][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Peacock Jewelry[/u][/b] [skin=32580][/columns] [left][b]Spiral Accents[/b][/left] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Ovanlig Maskerad[/u][/b] [skin=31819][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Udda Maskerad[/u][/b] [skin=31820][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]White Queen [/u][/b] [skin=33530][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Black Queen [/u][/b] [skin=33531][/columns] [left][b]Tundra Accents[/b][/left] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Detached [/u][/b] [skin=15481][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Floralis [/u][/b] [skin=17315][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Wheels of Glamour[/u][/b] [skin=20673][/columns] [left][b]Undertide Accents[/b][/left] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Glimmerize M [/u][/b] [skin=48563][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Glimmerize F [/u][/b] [skin=48564][/columns] [left][b]Veilspun Accents[/b][/left] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Spring Remnants[/u][/b] [skin=42494][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Summer Remnants[/u][/b] [skin=42495][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Autumn Remnants[/u][/b] [skin=42496][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Winter Remnants[/u][/b] [skin=42497][/columns] [left][b]Wildclaw Accents[/b][/left] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Kristall [/u][/b] [skin=9769][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Chained by Gold[/u][/b] [skin=23172][/columns] [img][/img] [size=5][b]Skins[/b][/size] [u][b]800g / 880kt[/b][/u] [left][b]Banescale Skins[/b][/left] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Tale of Revival[/u][/b] [skin=35369][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Tale of Rebirth[/u][/b] [skin=35370][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Regality [/u][/b] [skin=39020][/columns] [left][b]Coatl Skins[/b][/left] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Technus [/u][/b] [skin=15431][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Aureate [/u][/b] [skin=22224][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Tale of Colors[/u][/b] [skin=24291][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Aestus Machina[/u][/b] [skin=30303][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Tranquillum Machina[/u][/b] [skin=30304][/columns] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Exalted Pride [/u][/b] [skin=40174][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Exalted Dreams [/u][/b] [skin=40296][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Exalted Glamour [/u][/b] [skin=40297][/columns] [left][b]Fae Skins[/b][/left] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Warm Glyph [/u][/b] [skin=17999][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Searing Smoke[/u][/b] [skin=19427][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Clear Data [/u][/b] [skin=22062][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]The Delicate Prince[/u][/b] [skin=29348][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]The Royal Prince[/u][/b] [skin=29349][/columns] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Steampunk Flugel[/u][/b] [skin=32581][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Joyful Celebration[/u][/b] [skin=35870][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Serene Celebration[/u][/b] [skin=35871][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Silent Celebration[/u][/b] [skin=35872][/columns] [left][b]Guardian Skins[/b][/left] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Fragmented [/u][/b] [skin=19026][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Ignited Blacksmith[/u][/b] [skin=21447][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Dust Blacksmith[/u][/b] [skin=22949][/columns] [left][b]Imperial Skins[/b][/left] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Flammeus Prime[/u][/b] [skin=9696][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Venetus Prime[/u][/b] [skin=9971][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Viridis Prime[/u][/b] [skin=9991][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Luteous Aurulent[/u][/b] [skin=16634][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Cardinal Aurulent[/u][/b] [skin=16650][/columns] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Azure Aurulent[/u][/b] [skin=16698][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Smaragdine Aurulent[/u][/b] [skin=16751][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Smaragdine Argent[/u][/b] [skin=16882][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Cardinal Argent[/u][/b] [skin=16883][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Azure Argent[/u][/b] [skin=16948][/columns] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Luteous Argent[/u][/b] [skin=16949][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Chronograph [/u][/b] [skin=17574][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Abyss Chronograph[/u][/b] [skin=17652][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Tale of Stars[/u][/b] [skin=18839][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Maxlevel 101 [/u][/b] [skin=19095][/columns] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Maxlevel 357 [/u][/b] [skin=19096][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Maxlevel 999 [/u][/b] [skin=19097][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Magmatic Burst [/u][/b] [skin=20226][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Aquatic Shore [/u][/b] [skin=20227][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Honor in Gold[/u][/b] [skin=23799][/columns] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Blacksand Blacksmith[/u][/b] [skin=37204][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Wasteland Blacksmith[/u][/b] [skin=37205][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Leviathan Blacksmith[/u][/b] [skin=37206][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Mirrorlight Blacksmith[/u][/b] [skin=37595][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Greatwyrm Blacksmith[/u][/b] [skin=37596][/columns] [left][b]Mirror Skins[/b][/left] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Arcanum Alae[/u][/b] [skin=21234][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Excessum [/u][/b] [skin=22349][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Excessum Svart[/u][/b] [skin=22350][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Coracinus Soldier[/u][/b] [skin=24594][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Auric Soldier[/u][/b] [skin=24613][/columns] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Tale of Essence[/u][/b] [skin=25372][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Tale of Life[/u][/b] [skin=25373][/columns] [left][b]Nocturne Skins[/b][/left] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Square Guard [/u][/b] [skin=18891][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Square Scout [/u][/b] [skin=18892][/columns] [left][b]Pearlcatcher Skins[/b][/left] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Cold Engine [/u][/b] [skin=14615][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Engine Failure [/u][/b] [skin=14656][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]CrystalClad [/u][/b] [skin=26507][/columns] [left][b]Ridgeback Skins[/b][/left] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Jadeite Guard [/u][/b] [skin=15610][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Fancy That Blue[/u][/b] [skin=27516][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Fancy That Red[/u][/b] [skin=27517][/columns] [left][b]Skydancer Skins[/b][/left] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Captain's Compass[/u][/b] [skin=13485][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Cryptic Compass[/u][/b] [skin=13671][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]No More Time[/u][/b] [skin=15974][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Tale of Fantasies[/u][/b] [skin=19401][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Reactivated [/u][/b] [skin=20225][/columns] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Bright Commander[/u][/b] [skin=22793][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Steampunk Gizmo[/u][/b] [skin=22794][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]AI Aphelion [/u][/b] [skin=26744][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]AI Perihelion [/u][/b] [skin=26745][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Eternal Layers[/u][/b] [skin=33410][/columns] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Abyssal Layers[/u][/b] [skin=33411][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Mystic Layers[/u][/b] [skin=39021][/columns] [left][b]Spiral Skins[/b][/left] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Exterior [/u][/b] [skin=21626][/columns] [left][b]Tundra Skins[/b][/left] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Solid Gemstone[/u][/b] [skin=14741][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Euphoric Roots[/u][/b] [skin=21313][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Liquid Coat [/u][/b] [skin=22347][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Ancient Aileron[/u][/b] [skin=25514][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Restart Program[/u][/b] [skin=39022][/columns] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Dreadful Duality[/u][/b] [skin=34916][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Bright Duality[/u][/b] [skin=35003][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Unknown Duality[/u][/b] [skin=35004][/columns] [left][b]Veilspun Skins[/b][/left] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Galaxy Breath[/u][/b] [skin=38123][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Nebula Breath[/u][/b] [skin=38124][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Meteor Breath[/u][/b] [skin=38125][/columns] [left][b]Wildclaw Skins[/b][/left] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Glorification [/u][/b] [skin=11319][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Glorification M [/u][/b] [skin=12862][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Zenith Hurricane[/u][/b] [skin=22036][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Chained Cosmos[/u][/b] [skin=23171][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]ColorCoded [/u][/b] [skin=26268][/columns] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Automaton Reload [/u][/b] [skin=45817][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Automaton Delay [/u][/b] [skin=45818][/columns] [img][/img] [size=6][u][b]Shelved Accents / Skins[/b][/u][/size] [img][/img] [i][b]"Shelved"[/b] accents / skins are not retired and are available. However you need to provide a 1-copy blueprint + 100g. If you're unsure where to get a blueprint it's fine to send the payment for the blueprint and I'll buy it for you. (Accents: 1100g or for Skins: 2100g)[/i] [size=5][b]Accents[/b][/size] [u][b]1-copy accent blueprint (1000g) +100g fee[/b][/u] Strap-Armor Series [i](Shelved 16th of July 2023)[/i] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Lightstrap Armor[/u][/b] [skin=9126][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Flarestrap Armor[/u][/b] [skin=9291][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Aquastrap Armor[/u][/b] [skin=9320][/columns] Snowflake Duo [i](Shelved 14th of October 2023)[/i] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Golden Snowflake[/u][/b] [skin=8651][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Gilded Snowflake[/u][/b] [skin=8843][/columns] [size=5][b]Skins[/b][/size] [u][b]1-copy skin blueprint (2000g) +100g fee[/b][/u] [i]None atm :'D[/i] [img][/img]
Post 1
Policies | Pinglist | Newest Releases | AH
Post 2
Unlimited | Available Accents/Skins
Post 3
Future skins | Limited Skins | Full Gallery

Accents / Skins

"Unlimited" accents / skins are not retired and are available to be put on a pinglist/reserve list for the next time they reprint. However if you do not want ot wait too long it's possible to reprint a single copy by providing a 1-copy blueprint + 100g.

500g / 550kt

Banescale Accents
x Gilded Wonder
x Mystic Wonder
Coatl Accents
x Hoarded

x Hoarded

x Hoarded

x Elden

x Cyberlike

Fae Accents
x Ignis

x Aqua

x Glitzium

x Glitzinite

x The Delicate

x The Royal

Guardian Accents
x Transcendent

x Filigreed

x Filinet

x The Backyard

x Dark
Apparatus EX

x Light
Apparatus EX

Imperial Accents
x Windguide

x Window

x Window
Cirquit Gold

x Window
Cirquit M

x Window
Cirquit Gold M

x Ten past

x Aurulent

x Skymning

x Midnatt

Obelisk Accents
x Solar Flammeus

x Solar Venetus

Pearlcatcher Accents
x Dedication

x Flaming Decor

Ridgeback Accents
x Datakeeper

x Gigahertz

x Mechanical
Eye R-B

Skydancer Accents
x Navigator's

x Gem Mechanic

x Northen Glass

x Cirquit

x Cirquit
Windows Gold

x Tale of

x Tale of

x All Strings

x Ornamental

x Inner

Snapper Accents
x Copper Pipes

x Exaltation

x Solar

x Peacock

Spiral Accents
x Ovanlig

x Udda

x White Queen

x Black Queen

Tundra Accents
x Detached

x Floralis

x Wheels of

Undertide Accents
x Glimmerize M

x Glimmerize F

Veilspun Accents
x Spring

x Summer

x Autumn

x Winter

Wildclaw Accents
x Kristall

x Chained by

800g / 880kt
Banescale Skins
x Tale of

x Tale of

x Regality

Coatl Skins
x Technus

x Aureate

x Tale of

x Aestus

x Tranquillum

x Exalted Pride

x Exalted Dreams

x Exalted Glamour

Fae Skins
x Warm Glyph

x Searing

x Clear Data

x The Delicate

x The Royal

x Steampunk

x Joyful

x Serene

x Silent

Guardian Skins
x Fragmented

x Ignited

x Dust

Imperial Skins
x Flammeus

x Venetus

x Viridis

x Luteous

x Cardinal

x Azure

x Smaragdine

x Smaragdine

x Cardinal

x Azure

x Luteous

x Chronograph

x Abyss

x Tale of

x Maxlevel 101

x Maxlevel 357

x Maxlevel 999

x Magmatic Burst

x Aquatic Shore

x Honor in

x Blacksand

x Wasteland

x Leviathan

x Mirrorlight

x Greatwyrm

Mirror Skins
x Arcanum

x Excessum

x Excessum

x Coracinus

x Auric

x Tale of

x Tale of

Nocturne Skins
x Square Guard

x Square Scout

Pearlcatcher Skins
x Cold Engine

x Engine Failure

x CrystalClad

Ridgeback Skins
x Jadeite Guard

x Fancy That

x Fancy That

Skydancer Skins
x Captain's

x Cryptic

x No More

x Tale of

x Reactivated

x Bright

x Steampunk

x AI Aphelion

x AI Perihelion

x Eternal

x Abyssal

x Mystic

Spiral Skins
x Exterior

Tundra Skins
x Solid

x Euphoric

x Liquid Coat

x Ancient

x Restart

x Dreadful

x Bright

x Unknown

Veilspun Skins
x Galaxy

x Nebula

x Meteor

Wildclaw Skins
x Glorification

x Glorification M

x Zenith

x Chained

x ColorCoded

x Automaton

x Automaton

Accents / Skins

"Shelved" accents / skins are not retired and are available. However you need to provide a 1-copy blueprint + 100g.

If you're unsure where to get a blueprint it's fine to send the payment for the blueprint and I'll buy it for you. (Accents: 1100g or for Skins: 2100g)

1-copy accent blueprint (1000g) +100g fee

Strap-Armor Series (Shelved 16th of July 2023)
x Lightstrap

x Flarestrap

x Aquastrap

Snowflake Duo (Shelved 14th of October 2023)
x Golden

x Gilded

1-copy skin blueprint (2000g) +100g fee

None atm :'D

JNfvHTf.png FAqTCzx.png NvI7dqY.png
[center][img][/img] [u][b]Navigator[/b][/u] [b]Post 1[/b] [url=]Policies | Pinglist | Newest Releases | AH[/url] [b]Post 2[/b] [url=]Unlimited | Available Accents/Skins[/url] [b]Post 3[/b] [url=]Future skins | Limited Skins | Full Gallery[/url] [img][/img] [Size=5][b][u]Possible future accents/Skins[/u][/b][/size] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][b]RGB Caster[/b] (Skincent) Brightshine Jubilee entry [url=](previews)[/url][/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][b]Crystal Keeper[/b] (Accent)[/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][b]Crystal Seeker[/b] (Accent)[/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][b]Created by Light[/b] (Skincent)[/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][nextcol][b][u]The Other Backyard[/u][/b] (Accent) [/columns] [img][/img] [size=5][u][b]Full Gallery[/b][/u][/size] [url=]Check the "Full Gallery" worksheet[/url] [img][/img] [size=6][u][b]Limited Skins[/b][/u][/size] [size=5][b]Retired skins/accents[/b][/size] (These will [u]NOT[/u] come back) [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Fire Crystal Wings[/u][/b] [skin=7194][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Positive Charge[/u][/b] [skin=6889][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Fused With Rubies[/u][/b] [skin=7706][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Navigator's Compass[/u][/b] [skin=6682][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Coracinus Prime[/u][/b] [skin=10022][/columns] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Dualcore Datakeeper[/u][/b] [skin=10490][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Laughing Pumpkin[/u][/b] [skin=14141][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Spirit Pumpkin[/u][/b] [skin=14208][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Mystic Compass[/u][/b] [skin=17747][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Disloyalty[/u][/b] [skin=18729][/columns] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Spectrum Aurulent[/u][/b] [skin=19612][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Flameforger's Lantern[/u][/b] [skin=23837][/columns] [img][/img] [size=5][b]Customs[/b][/size] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Forest Inferno[/u][/b] 1 copy printed [i](Maye)[/i] [skin=13960][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Devotion[/u][/b] 6 copies printed [i](Malafunfun)[/i] [skin=16835][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Twilight Zone[/u][/b] 6 copies printed [i](Hybro)[/i] [skin=17410][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Athena's Garden[/u][/b] 2 copies printed [i](Heathers)[/i] [skin=18234][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Desert Symphony[/u][/b] 5 copies printed [i](Erisalia)[/i] [skin=18517][/columns] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Dread Slayer[/u][/b] 5 copies printed [i](Xairathan)[/i] [skin=18704] [nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Phases of Venus[/u][/b] 1 copy printed [i](Moosesushi)[/i] [skin=19204] [nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Immeasurable Heavens[/u][/b] 1 copy printed [i]([s]Draziwrok[/s] - SensitivePigeon)[/i] [skin=19553][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Serene Thought[/u][/b] 5 copies printed [i](Drytil)[/i] [skin=19611] [nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Cassandra's Vanity[/u][/b] 1 copy printed [i](Heathers)[/i] [skin=19813] [/columns] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Devotion - Hash[/u][/b] 5 copy printed [i](Malafunfun)[/i] [skin=19880][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Carrot Divinity[/u][/b] 1 copy printed [i](Drytil)[/i] [skin=21328][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Tettares[/u][/b] 1 copy printed [i](Astraya)[/i] [skin=21495][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Heart's Fortress[/u][/b] 1 copy printed [i](Liraeth)[/i] [skin=21763][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Desolation[/u][/b] 1 copy printed [i](Malafunfun)[/i] [skin=22905][/columns] [columns][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Desolation - Hash[/u][/b] 1 copy printed [i](Malafunfun)[/i] [skin=22906][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Light of Indira[/u][/b] 1 copy printed [i](aecasia)[/i] [skin=23215][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Prismaniac[/u][/b] 5 copies printed [i](Drytil)[/i] [skin=23758][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Spectrum Dreams[/u][/b] 5 copies printed [i](Erisalia )[/i] [skin=25307][nextcol][color=transparent]x[/color][nextcol][b][u]Ethereal Blacksmith[/u][/b] 5 Copies Printed (Ashfall Alliance) [skin=36251][/columns] [img][/img] [size=5][b]Official Skins/Accents[/b][/size] [skin=6072][skin=11210][skin=16390][skin=18009][skin=21142][skin=23591][skin=24896][skin=26150][skin=27554][skin=28192][skin=31758][skin=39210][skin=46742][skin=47879][skin=50978][skin=59148] [img][/img] [center][b][size=5]Customs[/size][/b][/center] Status: [b]Reworking prices [/b]/ [b]Snail pace[/b] [i]Will contact the next in line once I get the time needed to focus on a custom.[/i] [u]Custom Interest List[/u] [url=]Found here[/url] [center][b][u]Guidelines for customs[/u][/b] [i](May be updated in the future if I start doing customs again)[/i][/center] [columns][img][/img][nextcol] [LIST] [*][b]Gems only[/b] (No USD unfortunately) [*]Provided blueprint + payment required [*]Depending on how many copies you want of it (maximum 5-print) will cost +1000g for each copy (Max +4000g). If I get to keep 1 copy from your custom you do not need to pay this extra price. [*]Take note that the lineart/shadows can not be altered, so too much detail can be bad at times. I'll be extra careful if you want a very dark or light custom as these tends to be more tricky when it comes to the FRs skin rules! [*]Be extra careful when sending references of copyrighted material. I'll do my best to tweak designs to not fall into being too close to the reference material. But keep in mind that anything that has a specific shape might need to be tweaked. [/LIST][nextcol][img][/img][/columns] [left][u]Price ranges[/u] [LIST] [*]Price can vary depending on complexity / coverage / workload / difficulty [*]Accent - 3000g - 6000g [*]Skincent/skin - 5000g - 10000g [*]The price will go up by 1000g for each extra copy (Max 4) Example: If you want a 5-copy run it'll cost base price + 4*1000g. [/LIST][/left] [center][img][/img][/center] [left][u]Steps for making your custom[/u] [LIST=1] [*] You'd need to send me information and tell me what you'd like, colors/theme/breed. Giving some pictures as inspiration is a great plus and will help tremendously. Moodboards or scribbles of your own are gold worth! [*] I'll make a few (very) rough sketches for you to study. These can contain amount of coverage the custom might do or where several details should be held. [*]Sketches on design choices may come as well to study styles and the like you'd want in your custom. - These will look very messy but it'll be a good starting point for the custom. [*] Once a rough sketch has been chosen/fixed I'll proceed to work on the custom and give you several updates on it. These will give you plenty of opportunities to point out what you want changed or add details and other ideas of your choice. [*] I'll continue to work on the custom until it's to your liking, color corrections can easily be fixed if you choose to change your mind and previews can be provided if needed. [*] Once a finalized version is ready and you've given it the green light I'll ask for the blueprint and submit it, please specify what you want it to be named! If it for some reason would be rejected/denied I'll contact you as fast as possible with the blueprint and we'll work on fixing the errors of the custom to fit the criteria specified. [*]If it takes longer than 2 weeks between each update, feel free to nudge me to see how it goes! [/LIST][/left]


Post 1
Policies | Pinglist | Newest Releases | AH
Post 2
Unlimited | Available Accents/Skins
Post 3
Future skins | Limited Skins | Full Gallery


Possible future accents/Skins

ULIxCag.png RGB Caster
Brightshine Jubilee entry
6Yb91Uc.png Crystal Keeper
ApbdVd8.png Crystal Seeker
mc9MZUm.png Created by Light
iA09bvs.png The Other Backyard


Full Gallery
Check the "Full Gallery" worksheet


Limited Skins

Retired skins/accents
(These will NOT come back)
x Fire Crystal

x Positive

x Fused With

x Navigator's

x Coracinus

x Dualcore

x Laughing

x Spirit

x Mystic

x Disloyalty
x Spectrum

x Flameforger's


x Forest

1 copy printed
x Devotion
6 copies printed
x Twilight

6 copies printed
x Athena's

2 copies printed
x Desert

5 copies printed
x Dread Slayer
5 copies printed
x Phases of

1 copy printed
x Immeasurable

1 copy printed
- SensitivePigeon)

x Serene

5 copies printed
x Cassandra's

1 copy printed
x Devotion - Hash
5 copy printed
x Carrot

1 copy printed
x Tettares
1 copy printed
x Heart's

1 copy printed
x Desolation
1 copy printed
x Desolation
- Hash

1 copy printed
x Light of

1 copy printed
x Prismaniac
5 copies printed
x Spectrum

5 copies printed
(Erisalia )
x Ethereal

5 Copies Printed
(Ashfall Alliance)


Official Skins/Accents

Status: Reworking prices / Snail pace Will contact the next in line once I get the time needed to focus on a custom.

Custom Interest List
Found here

Guidelines for customs
(May be updated in the future if I start doing customs again)
  • Gems only (No USD unfortunately)
  • Provided blueprint + payment required
  • Depending on how many copies you want of it (maximum 5-print) will cost +1000g for each copy (Max +4000g). If I get to keep 1 copy from your custom you do not need to pay this extra price.
  • Take note that the lineart/shadows can not be altered, so too much detail can be bad at times. I'll be extra careful if you want a very dark or light custom as these tends to be more tricky when it comes to the FRs skin rules!
  • Be extra careful when sending references of copyrighted material. I'll do my best to tweak designs to not fall into being too close to the reference material. But keep in mind that anything that has a specific shape might need to be tweaked.
Price ranges
  • Price can vary depending on complexity / coverage / workload / difficulty
  • Accent - 3000g - 6000g
  • Skincent/skin - 5000g - 10000g
  • The price will go up by 1000g for each extra copy (Max 4) Example: If you want a 5-copy run it'll cost base price + 4*1000g.
Steps for making your custom
  1. You'd need to send me information and tell me what you'd like, colors/theme/breed. Giving some pictures as inspiration is a great plus and will help tremendously. Moodboards or scribbles of your own are gold worth!
  2. I'll make a few (very) rough sketches for you to study. These can contain amount of coverage the custom might do or where several details should be held.
  3. Sketches on design choices may come as well to study styles and the like you'd want in your custom. - These will look very messy but it'll be a good starting point for the custom.
  4. Once a rough sketch has been chosen/fixed I'll proceed to work on the custom and give you several updates on it. These will give you plenty of opportunities to point out what you want changed or add details and other ideas of your choice.
  5. I'll continue to work on the custom until it's to your liking, color corrections can easily be fixed if you choose to change your mind and previews can be provided if needed.
  6. Once a finalized version is ready and you've given it the green light I'll ask for the blueprint and submit it, please specify what you want it to be named! If it for some reason would be rejected/denied I'll contact you as fast as possible with the blueprint and we'll work on fixing the errors of the custom to fit the criteria specified.
  7. If it takes longer than 2 weeks between each update, feel free to nudge me to see how it goes!
JNfvHTf.png FAqTCzx.png NvI7dqY.png
@Drytil Ahh I'm sorry, the accent is lovely but a bit too expensive for me I'm afraid, could i be taken off the list please?
@Drytil Ahh I'm sorry, the accent is lovely but a bit too expensive for me I'm afraid, could i be taken off the list please?
Of course! (:
Of course! (:
JNfvHTf.png FAqTCzx.png NvI7dqY.png
@drytil Same for me, It'd take pretty much all my gems right now and I don't have a dragon for it yet
@drytil Same for me, It'd take pretty much all my gems right now and I don't have a dragon for it yet
Noted~ (:
Noted~ (:
JNfvHTf.png FAqTCzx.png NvI7dqY.png
@Drytil oooh this is great!! Could I be pinged only for Imperials, Guardians, and female skydancers? I don't have the other breeds ahaha. Thanks in advance!
@Drytil oooh this is great!! Could I be pinged only for Imperials, Guardians, and female skydancers? I don't have the other breeds ahaha. Thanks in advance!

Oh man, the Navigator's compass looks amazing. :O Just out of curiosity, how many copies of it have been released/printed?

Oh man, the Navigator's compass looks amazing. :O Just out of curiosity, how many copies of it have been released/printed?

Can I get a ping if you release any more Imp M accents?

Can I get a ping if you release any more Imp M accents?