
Skins and Accents

Share and sell your skin creations with other players.
TOPIC | Windbloom Wonders: [Mini Hiatus]
[img][/img] [b]Note: Revamp? Eventually. Currently printing quietly/at random. My spreadsheet is So Not Up To Date!)[/b] [center][b]Welcome to my shop![/b][/center] Here I will be publishing as many accents as you have need for, and making many more! I'll be exploring themes, attempting entries for skin contests (some of which will be rejected, and of course, brought here!) and generally improving my hand at digital finger painting. I'll also occasionally be trying suggestions, so do tell if you want to see something in particular from me! [center] [size=4][b]Table of Contents[/b][/size] [img][/img] [url=]Post 1[/url] [sub]General Rules, ToC, Dressing/Preview Rooms, On "Retired", Customs, AH listings, "On Order" (soon to be redistributed)[/sub] [url=]Post 2[/url] [sub]Special Events (/ Patreon?)[/sub] [url=]Post 3[/url] [sub]New Stuff! (Revisions...)[/sub] [url=]Post 4[/url] [sub]X (Soon to be Revised.)[/sub] [url=]Post 5[/url] [sub]x (Soon to be Revised)[/sub] [url=]Post 6[/url] [sub]x (Soon to be Revised.)[/sub] [url=]Post 7[/url] [sub]Ping List (To be Fixed)[/sub] [url=]Post 8[/url] [sub]??? Saved.[/sub] [size=4][i]1.0.2 General Rules[/i][/size] [img][/img][/center][indent][sub] - Don't send payment until I call for it..! This may be prior to an accent shipment getting in, or after one does and is being delivered to you in exchange for payment. This more or less depends wholly on how many accents are in the AH, leaving funds in limbo till they sell. - Once an accent is purchased, and sent to you, it is yours to do whatever you wish with it, you can resell, etc, that's up to you ^^ - Accents not already paid for will be delivered via private auction, and once the PA is expired x2, the copy in question will move to the general RAH. - I may, if the above occurs, send a message asking if you are still interested. I also might not, considering how I feel towards words that day. Either way, I will likely relist once more. (Unless it was declined.) - Retired* accents may be purchased still! Either by resellers, 200 gems and a blueprint sent my way. - Prices are stated under each header image! Exceptions will be labeled as well. In the case of the Etc. Section, price ranges are given. • As of 0.2, accent shop sign ups are self-filling and automatic! I now have a [url=][u]spreadsheet[/u][/url] for this~! [/sub][/indent] [center][i]Dressing Rooms[/i] [img][/img] [skin=4329][skin=4330][skin=13317][skin=21080][skin=21561][skin=7159][skin=22000][skin=23672][skin=23673][skin=23680][skin=26249][skin=27056][skin=27098][skin=27181][skin=29608][skin=31321][skin=32615][skin=32774][skin=32777][skin=33064][skin=31594][skin=32779][skin=33463][skin=32927][skin=32928][skin=33062][skin=33197][skin=34352][skin=34466][skin=34467][skin=34331][skin=34277][skin=34343][skin=34443][skin=34410][skin=34470][skin=34474][skin=35163][skin=35164][skin=35300][skin=35301][skin=35302][skin=35303][skin=35304][skin=35330][skin=35331][skin=35332][skin=35333][skin=35334][skin=35305][skin=35329] [i]Sponsored Recolors / Open Customs[/i] [img][/img] [skin=34352] [i]Hall of Fame/Limited/Retired*[/i] [img][/img] [skin=6069][skin=21982][skin=24904] [skin=23760][skin=23761][skin=23762][skin=23772][skin=23836][skin=34475] ^Shelved/Cycling [skin=6152] x 5? Copies? [skin=22357] x 5 Copies Cool thing about this one, is that the shadow and lineart layers were accidentally not applied to the silks. Hence, no more printing I guess. [skin=17712] x10 Copies, ever. [skin=3800][skin=3339][skin=3975][skin=3995] [skin=4218][skin=4519][skin=4177][skin=4137] [skin=4095][skin=4702][skin=7157][skin=7158] ^ Old and Retired [skin=27085]*1, by interest, let me know* [i]Customs[/i] [img][/img] [skin=7413]x1 [skin=19278]x1 [skin=25569]x5 [skin=31474]x5 [/center] [i]* see retired policy above for purchases of retired accents/skins[/i] [b]On Commissioned / Requested Accents or Skins (as of 5-6-20)[/b] I’m perfectly willing to do custom recolors and edits at this time, and rarely, customs on a case by case basis. Custom recolors are in total: print cost (Price of the Blueprint) + 150 to 300g per copy you keep, this amount depending on complexity of the recoloring/edits made. Sponsored edits/recolors - custom edits that are open in nature - are for this reason much cheaper, as print cost is split between you and whomever else chooses to purchase a copy, as is the recolor cost per copy. Whether the accent/skin remains open after the first printing is up to the commissioner, and usually, will not be printed prior to the opening of orders and the filling of slots. [center][img][/img] [size=6]Currently On the AH:[/size] [center] [skin=23672]x1 [skin=34343]x9 [skin=34331]x9 [skin=34277]x9 [skin=34352]x9 [size=5]On order:[/size][left] O#65538 - Frigid Manastreams F O#65618 - Rose Manastreams F O# - Tropic Manastreams O# - Tropic Manastreams F

Note: Revamp? Eventually. Currently printing quietly/at random. My spreadsheet is So Not Up To Date!)
Welcome to my shop!
Here I will be publishing as many accents as you have need for, and making many more! I'll be exploring themes, attempting entries for skin contests (some of which will be rejected, and of course, brought here!) and generally improving my hand at digital finger painting. I'll also occasionally be trying suggestions, so do tell if you want to see something in particular from me!

Table of Contents
Post 1
General Rules, ToC, Dressing/Preview Rooms,
On "Retired", Customs, AH listings, "On Order" (soon to be redistributed)

Post 2
Special Events (/ Patreon?)

Post 3
New Stuff! (Revisions...)

Post 4
X (Soon to be Revised.)

Post 5
x (Soon to be Revised)

Post 6
x (Soon to be Revised.)

Post 7
Ping List (To be Fixed)

Post 8
??? Saved.

1.0.2 General Rules

- Don't send payment until I call for it..! This may be prior to an accent shipment getting in, or after one does and is being delivered to you in exchange for payment. This more or less depends wholly on how many accents are in the AH, leaving funds in limbo till they sell.
- Once an accent is purchased, and sent to you, it is yours to do whatever you wish with it, you can resell, etc, that's up to you ^^
- Accents not already paid for will be delivered via private auction, and once the PA is expired x2, the copy in question will move to the general RAH.
- I may, if the above occurs, send a message asking if you are still interested. I also might not, considering how I feel towards words that day. Either way, I will likely relist once more. (Unless it was declined.)
- Retired* accents may be purchased still! Either by resellers, 200 gems and a blueprint sent my way.
- Prices are stated under each header image! Exceptions will be labeled as well. In the case of the Etc. Section, price ranges are given.

• As of 0.2, accent shop sign ups are self-filling and automatic! I now have a spreadsheet for this~!

Dressing Rooms

Sponsored Recolors / Open Customs

Hall of Fame/Limited/Retired*


x 5? Copies?

x 5 Copies
Cool thing about this one, is that the shadow and lineart layers were accidentally not applied to the silks. Hence, no more printing I guess.

x10 Copies, ever.

^ Old and Retired

*1, by interest, let me know*

x1 x1 x5 x5

* see retired policy above for purchases of retired accents/skins

On Commissioned / Requested Accents or Skins (as of 5-6-20)
I’m perfectly willing to do custom recolors and edits at this time, and rarely, customs on a case by case basis. Custom recolors are in total: print cost (Price of the Blueprint) + 150 to 300g per copy you keep, this amount depending on complexity of the recoloring/edits made.
Sponsored edits/recolors - custom edits that are open in nature - are for this reason much cheaper, as print cost is split between you and whomever else chooses to purchase a copy, as is the recolor cost per copy. Whether the accent/skin remains open after the first printing is up to the commissioner, and usually, will not be printed prior to the opening of orders and the filling of slots.

Currently On the AH:

x9 x9 x9

On order:

O#65538 - Frigid Manastreams F
O#65618 - Rose Manastreams F
O# - Tropic Manastreams
O# - Tropic Manastreams F
tumblr_ovtz1tN6nh1tv56zio1_75sq.png tumblr_o6ikuvf6GR1u1qfsvo1_75sq.pngc4eUz.gif
[center][size=6]Special Events[/size] [img][/img][center] [size=2][i]On the rare occasion, I will hold auctions, raffles, giveaways, or even discount periods ! You will find these here, when I do post them![/i][/size]
Special Events

On the rare occasion, I will hold auctions, raffles, giveaways, or even discount periods ! You will find these here, when I do post them!
tumblr_ovtz1tN6nh1tv56zio1_75sq.png tumblr_o6ikuvf6GR1u1qfsvo1_75sq.pngc4eUz.gif
[center][img][/img] [size=4][i]It’s All Brand New![/i][/size] [sub]the latest of my releases[/sub][/center] [columns][Img][/img][nextcol] [columns][skin=34331][nextcol]Auroral[/columns] [columns][skin=34277][nextcol]Luminous[/columns] [columns][skin=34343][nextcol]Ember[/columns] [columns][skin=xx][nextcol]Frigid[/columns] [columns][skin=xx][nextcol]Rose[/columns] [b]Manastreams, Skydancer F. [/b] 400g Sign up in the [url=]Manastreams section![/url]! [/columns] [rule]

It’s All Brand New!
the latest of my releases

Manastreams, Skydancer F.

Sign up in the Manastreams section!!

tumblr_ovtz1tN6nh1tv56zio1_75sq.png tumblr_o6ikuvf6GR1u1qfsvo1_75sq.pngc4eUz.gif
[center][img][/img] [size=4][i]Title[/i][/size] [sub]subtitle description[/sub][/center] [columns][Img]image[/img][nextcol] [skin=1] name. Sign up on the [url=]reprints section[/url]! [/columns] [rule]

subtitle description

Sign up on the reprints section!

tumblr_ovtz1tN6nh1tv56zio1_75sq.png tumblr_o6ikuvf6GR1u1qfsvo1_75sq.pngc4eUz.gif
[center] [img][/img] [size=4][i]Misc Accents[/i][/size][/center] [sub]Accents without a family, or with a sub-series. The results of my having fun. [/sub] [columns][Img][/img][nextcol] [skin=31321] [b]The Gods Are Made, Skydancer F. [/b] 400g, 450g AH. Sign up in the [url=]reprints section![/url]! [/columns] [columns][Img][/img][nextcol] [b]Manastreams, Skydancer M.[/b] 400g [columns] [skin=23672][nextcol][b]Auroral[/b][/columns] [columns] [skin=23680][nextcol][b]Ember[/b][/columns] [columns] [skin=23673][nextcol][b]Luminous[/b][/columns] Sign ups on the [url=][b]Reprint Section[/b][/url] [/columns] [columns][Img][/img][nextcol] [b]“Han Kan,”, Skydancer M[/b] 400g [skin=26249] Sign up on the [url=]Reprints Page[/url]! [/columns] [columns][Img][/img][nextcol] [b]“Hun Kan,”, Skydancer F[/b] 400g [skin=29608] Sign up on the [url=]Reprints Page[/url]! [/columns]
Misc Accents
Accents without a family, or with a sub-series. The results of my having fun.
The Gods Are Made, Skydancer F.
400g, 450g AH.

Sign up in the reprints section!!
tumblr_p8typvuIS81tv56zio1_400.gif Manastreams, Skydancer M.

Sign ups on the Reprint Section

dummy?breed=13&gender=0&skin=26249&apparel=&xt=dressing.png “Han Kan,”, Skydancer M

Sign up on the Reprints Page!
dummy?breed=13&gender=1&skin=29608&apparel=&xt=dressing.png “Hun Kan,”, Skydancer F

Sign up on the Reprints Page!
tumblr_ovtz1tN6nh1tv56zio1_75sq.png tumblr_o6ikuvf6GR1u1qfsvo1_75sq.pngc4eUz.gif
[center][img][/img] [size=4]Title[/size] x

tumblr_ovtz1tN6nh1tv56zio1_75sq.png tumblr_o6ikuvf6GR1u1qfsvo1_75sq.pngc4eUz.gif
[center][img][/img] [size=5]Ping List[/size] [img][/img][/center] [indent] [size=5] [url=]Add yourself Here![/url] [/size] Special interests: @ Lunaticus - Male imp Moongleam @ Quietsea - part of a second set of "glitterbelly" series, wildclaws. @ BitterTea - F Manastreams If you wish to be removed, also let me know![/indent]
Ping List

Add yourself Here!

Special interests:
@ Lunaticus - Male imp Moongleam
@ Quietsea - part of a second set of "glitterbelly" series, wildclaws.
@ BitterTea - F Manastreams

If you wish to be removed, also let me know!
tumblr_ovtz1tN6nh1tv56zio1_75sq.png tumblr_o6ikuvf6GR1u1qfsvo1_75sq.pngc4eUz.gif
*Reserved in case of use*

*Reserved in case of use*

tumblr_ovtz1tN6nh1tv56zio1_75sq.png tumblr_o6ikuvf6GR1u1qfsvo1_75sq.pngc4eUz.gif
@Hazeledpoppy - Clearly you are on a quest to make me very, very broke...

YES, please, I do want to be on the list for the Female PC Glitterbelly re-print if you are doing it.

I, uh, may also need Exhibit F - Cocoa King, PC M. I may need far, far more of that than I can afford. But do put me down for at least one for now, and we'll see how my finances look when you're getting close to publishing it.
@Hazeledpoppy - Clearly you are on a quest to make me very, very broke...

YES, please, I do want to be on the list for the Female PC Glitterbelly re-print if you are doing it.

I, uh, may also need Exhibit F - Cocoa King, PC M. I may need far, far more of that than I can afford. But do put me down for at least one for now, and we'll see how my finances look when you're getting close to publishing it.
Once you go Snap you never go back
Yay! :D Can I nab the Shining Deity, Fae M?
Yay! :D Can I nab the Shining Deity, Fae M?