
Skins and Accents

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It seems your sign-up sheet isn't shared publicly. I get the "you need access" prompt for each of the "order here" links.
It seems your sign-up sheet isn't shared publicly. I get the "you need access" prompt for each of the "order here" links.
@Vyraxhaalas -- Whoops, my bad -- I forgot I'd created a new sheet for the event and would need to update permissions. It should be working, now!
@Vyraxhaalas -- Whoops, my bad -- I forgot I'd created a new sheet for the event and would need to update permissions. It should be working, now!
@Kaenith I just checked and it looks like it’s on view only rn!
@Kaenith I just checked and it looks like it’s on view only rn!
ROyFQqy.png windsingerMp3Aanp.png
I can get in now, but it's still on View Only.
I can get in now, but it's still on View Only.
can i be put down for void cherubim? absolutely lovely [img][/img]
can i be put down for void cherubim? absolutely lovely

5AHK8Y7.png •Ripley
•Art Shop : Working
W5O5MZj.png __digitalmirage.gif

I am interested in reprints of
Rosy Lantern-Bearer
Familiar Moon and
Dustcarve Discovery.

Thank you and have a good rest of your week.

I am interested in reprints of
Rosy Lantern-Bearer
Familiar Moon and
Dustcarve Discovery.

Thank you and have a good rest of your week.
@VenitianFlames @Vyraxhaalas -- Dang I'm scatterbrained today oTL Now it should be working. Sorry for the bugs!

@Vabam -- Sure thing! That's a lovely dragon :D
@VenitianFlames @Vyraxhaalas -- Dang I'm scatterbrained today oTL Now it should be working. Sorry for the bugs!

@Vabam -- Sure thing! That's a lovely dragon :D
@DragonsMom -- I put you down for Rosy Lantern-Bearer! Will consider Familiar Moon and Dustcarve Discovery if there are others who are interested in those, too. Have a good week to you, as well!
@DragonsMom -- I put you down for Rosy Lantern-Bearer! Will consider Familiar Moon and Dustcarve Discovery if there are others who are interested in those, too. Have a good week to you, as well!
Signup sheet works now, confirmed!
Signup sheet works now, confirmed!
Whew, thank goodness ^^;;
Whew, thank goodness ^^;;
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