

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Lost but Found? (1x1 with Loreanth)

Chrysalis trekked carefully through the winding paths of the Tangled Woods. This was not a familiar place to her and had some how found her way into the Wispwillow Grove rather than on her way back toward the Scarred Wastelands. She stopped for a moment realizing her mistake, looking around at her surroundings closely. It was difficult to see which way she should be going from the ground but a slight accident with one of the hatchlings she had been careing for weeks earlier had left one of her delicate wings still too sore to soar into the sky long enough to scout her way back. Chrysalis shifted her weight side to side for a moment, debating her options as she looked around further.

No matter which way she went, she could be walking in cirlces around in minutes, forcing her to decide to keep moving forward in hopes of finding someone that knew this area better. Chrysalis sighed softly as she began to trot forward, her wings tucked close to her sides as she went. "You really should pay more attention, Chrysalis, just because a hatchling is need, does not mean you just wander off" She huffed to her self, knowing well that she still would do it again if needed.

Chrysalis trekked carefully through the winding paths of the Tangled Woods. This was not a familiar place to her and had some how found her way into the Wispwillow Grove rather than on her way back toward the Scarred Wastelands. She stopped for a moment realizing her mistake, looking around at her surroundings closely. It was difficult to see which way she should be going from the ground but a slight accident with one of the hatchlings she had been careing for weeks earlier had left one of her delicate wings still too sore to soar into the sky long enough to scout her way back. Chrysalis shifted her weight side to side for a moment, debating her options as she looked around further.

No matter which way she went, she could be walking in cirlces around in minutes, forcing her to decide to keep moving forward in hopes of finding someone that knew this area better. Chrysalis sighed softly as she began to trot forward, her wings tucked close to her sides as she went. "You really should pay more attention, Chrysalis, just because a hatchling is need, does not mean you just wander off" She huffed to her self, knowing well that she still would do it again if needed.
Fii's sensitive hearing picked up a voice on the wind, he closed his eyes to listen closer. Feminine, adult, unfamiliar. Probably someone who wasn't native to the Wood. Likely lost.

He spread his wings and took to the air, following the sound until he spotted the Skydancer from which it had originated. Her pale colouration made her stand out in the dark woods.
Trusting that, as a fellow Skydancer, she would sense his approach, he angled his wings downward and glode down the ground, flapping his wings to make a soft landing.

"Greetings," He began, lowering his head to her. "You walk upon my clan's territory, do you come seeking something?"
Fii's sensitive hearing picked up a voice on the wind, he closed his eyes to listen closer. Feminine, adult, unfamiliar. Probably someone who wasn't native to the Wood. Likely lost.

He spread his wings and took to the air, following the sound until he spotted the Skydancer from which it had originated. Her pale colouration made her stand out in the dark woods.
Trusting that, as a fellow Skydancer, she would sense his approach, he angled his wings downward and glode down the ground, flapping his wings to make a soft landing.

"Greetings," He began, lowering his head to her. "You walk upon my clan's territory, do you come seeking something?"
Chrysalis stopped walking as the familiar scent of another Skydancer drifted across her nose. She looked around slightly before hearing the wings fluttering as her head turned towards them. Chrysalis made a point to stay still, making sure she wasn't threatening just in case he was not actually friendly. She was not in any condition to fight if she had needed. "Hello, I aplogize for intruding if I did. I seem to have found myself lost here" She sighed softly as she looked upon the brightly colored male before her. "I come from the Seedscar in the wastes" She added on after just a second, not knowing just how off course she had gotten in her walk back home.
Chrysalis stopped walking as the familiar scent of another Skydancer drifted across her nose. She looked around slightly before hearing the wings fluttering as her head turned towards them. Chrysalis made a point to stay still, making sure she wasn't threatening just in case he was not actually friendly. She was not in any condition to fight if she had needed. "Hello, I aplogize for intruding if I did. I seem to have found myself lost here" She sighed softly as she looked upon the brightly colored male before her. "I come from the Seedscar in the wastes" She added on after just a second, not knowing just how off course she had gotten in her walk back home.
He raised a brow at that. "The Seedscar?" he rumbled, "You are a long way off course then. This is the Wispwillow Grove, we're about as far from the Wasteland as you can get in shadow territory."

He looked around at the area where they were standing. "I should be happy to show you the way back to plague territory. My clan should not miss me for the time it takes." He offered. To travel the Woods alone was dangerous, getting lost for eternity was an unfortunately present possibility.
He raised a brow at that. "The Seedscar?" he rumbled, "You are a long way off course then. This is the Wispwillow Grove, we're about as far from the Wasteland as you can get in shadow territory."

He looked around at the area where they were standing. "I should be happy to show you the way back to plague territory. My clan should not miss me for the time it takes." He offered. To travel the Woods alone was dangerous, getting lost for eternity was an unfortunately present possibility.
"Oh dear, I was afraid that was the case" she frowned, her feathers a little more ruffled with worry over having gotten so far into the Tangled woods without realizing it. "I really should have asked for better instructions from those Guardians" she shook her head gently before looking back up at the Skydancer "that would be wonderful if it isn't too much trouble for you. I wouldn't want to keep you from your clan for too long" she hated being a burden but this was one case where she had to admit defeat and ask for help either way.

(I must rest so I will respond tomorrow, good night)
"Oh dear, I was afraid that was the case" she frowned, her feathers a little more ruffled with worry over having gotten so far into the Tangled woods without realizing it. "I really should have asked for better instructions from those Guardians" she shook her head gently before looking back up at the Skydancer "that would be wonderful if it isn't too much trouble for you. I wouldn't want to keep you from your clan for too long" she hated being a burden but this was one case where she had to admit defeat and ask for help either way.

(I must rest so I will respond tomorrow, good night)
He bowed his head towards her. "I would be most pleased to escort you, I do not often get a chance to visit the western side of the Wood." He spread his wings, as if to take to the sky again, but paused. "But where are my manners? My name is Fii." he introduced.
He bowed his head towards her. "I would be most pleased to escort you, I do not often get a chance to visit the western side of the Wood." He spread his wings, as if to take to the sky again, but paused. "But where are my manners? My name is Fii." he introduced.
She shifted her wings, allowing the feathers to lay flat once more but kept them neatly tucked against her sides. "Thank you so very much for accompanying me" she bowed her head slightly in gratitude before noticing his wings spread for flight. Chrysalis was about to say something about it when he spoke up to introduce himself "oh im so sorry, I should have introduced myself before. My name is Chrysalis" she responded softly, slightly embarrassed by the over sight
She shifted her wings, allowing the feathers to lay flat once more but kept them neatly tucked against her sides. "Thank you so very much for accompanying me" she bowed her head slightly in gratitude before noticing his wings spread for flight. Chrysalis was about to say something about it when he spoke up to introduce himself "oh im so sorry, I should have introduced myself before. My name is Chrysalis" she responded softly, slightly embarrassed by the over sight
"Pleased to make your acquaintance." He assured, before pushing over the ground, hovering low as we waited for Chrysalis to join him.
"Pleased to make your acquaintance." He assured, before pushing over the ground, hovering low as we waited for Chrysalis to join him.
She nodded her head slightly, with a small smile "You as well" She commented before he pushed off the ground. Chrysalis glanced back at her wing, safely tucked against her at the moment "Unfortunately I am unable to fly at the moment. I haven't fully gotten my strength back from my last injury" She informed Fii after just a moment, she didn't like that it was this way but was hoping that it would be back soon enough.
She nodded her head slightly, with a small smile "You as well" She commented before he pushed off the ground. Chrysalis glanced back at her wing, safely tucked against her at the moment "Unfortunately I am unable to fly at the moment. I haven't fully gotten my strength back from my last injury" She informed Fii after just a moment, she didn't like that it was this way but was hoping that it would be back soon enough.
He blinked at her for a moment, before allowing himself to drop back down onto the earth. "My apologies. We shall walk, then." He took a moment to observe their surroundings, walking in the Wood was always more dangerous than flying, so he didn't do it often.

Once he had oriented himself he turned, and began to walk. "If you cannot fly, then traversing the Foxfire Bramble will be more difficult." He informed her. Normally you'd just fly over it, but they'd have to go through it.
He blinked at her for a moment, before allowing himself to drop back down onto the earth. "My apologies. We shall walk, then." He took a moment to observe their surroundings, walking in the Wood was always more dangerous than flying, so he didn't do it often.

Once he had oriented himself he turned, and began to walk. "If you cannot fly, then traversing the Foxfire Bramble will be more difficult." He informed her. Normally you'd just fly over it, but they'd have to go through it.