

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | A New Rose(Private)
(Visural :The City of Roses
Waterfalls runoff Waterfall City and into this city. Welcome to the City of Roses, a vast gate of roses surrounds the city mostly decorated in red. Inside the gates is an array of colored roses. The weather is not to benefit the people but the roses, with consistent short bursts of rain. The sun shows just enough to make the roses grow without fading their colors and the air is just warm enough for them to thrive.

Inside the city roses cover the houses. Gardens are everywhere with amazing statues inside them, each holding a story. There is one garden in the middle of the city that is said that faeries can be seen frolicking through the flowers making them grow into amazing colors and have a long, rich life. Many consider this garden sacred and stay out. In the middle are two lone roses. Beautiful and seeming to glow. Legend has it the roses hold the faeries. Others don't believe in that garbage. Why not view it for yourself? Or you can ask the roses...

At the moment the king of the city was in the said garden that most stay out of. Mostly for fear of becoming trapped by the fairies and imprisoned by them,but it was mostly a made up story to make sure people stayed out of the kings true garden. Where he took long strolls at night enjoying the crisp clean air of the night and enjoying the quietness of it all. A slight enchanted fill to the garden. Though that is if you enjoy the smell of roses.....there intoxicating alluring smell that can bring many to there knees if not careful. Just as magical as the garden is it still holds many secrets that the king doesn't let many see.....for example the rare blue and purple roses are the two that glow and only show themselves to those who truly deserve to see there beauty. Silver at the moment was laying on his back on a stone bench in the garden staring up at the clear starry night. It was a perfect quiet night and what more can make it even better?

@miloudoll @midnight305
(Visural :The City of Roses
Waterfalls runoff Waterfall City and into this city. Welcome to the City of Roses, a vast gate of roses surrounds the city mostly decorated in red. Inside the gates is an array of colored roses. The weather is not to benefit the people but the roses, with consistent short bursts of rain. The sun shows just enough to make the roses grow without fading their colors and the air is just warm enough for them to thrive.

Inside the city roses cover the houses. Gardens are everywhere with amazing statues inside them, each holding a story. There is one garden in the middle of the city that is said that faeries can be seen frolicking through the flowers making them grow into amazing colors and have a long, rich life. Many consider this garden sacred and stay out. In the middle are two lone roses. Beautiful and seeming to glow. Legend has it the roses hold the faeries. Others don't believe in that garbage. Why not view it for yourself? Or you can ask the roses...

At the moment the king of the city was in the said garden that most stay out of. Mostly for fear of becoming trapped by the fairies and imprisoned by them,but it was mostly a made up story to make sure people stayed out of the kings true garden. Where he took long strolls at night enjoying the crisp clean air of the night and enjoying the quietness of it all. A slight enchanted fill to the garden. Though that is if you enjoy the smell of roses.....there intoxicating alluring smell that can bring many to there knees if not careful. Just as magical as the garden is it still holds many secrets that the king doesn't let many see.....for example the rare blue and purple roses are the two that glow and only show themselves to those who truly deserve to see there beauty. Silver at the moment was laying on his back on a stone bench in the garden staring up at the clear starry night. It was a perfect quiet night and what more can make it even better?

@miloudoll @midnight305
As a soft wind blows among the roses a figure walks in the light of the moon. Confused of the new land around her Arossa walks into the king's garden. She is enchanted by the number of roses by all colors as she has never seen so many in her life.Her long silk dress drags be hide her as it pick up fallen petals off the ground. As she walks around she doesn't notice the King of this land resting on a stone bench.
@midnight305 (dont mind the short paragraphs i'm still new to doing paragraph rps but i'll get the hang of it)
As a soft wind blows among the roses a figure walks in the light of the moon. Confused of the new land around her Arossa walks into the king's garden. She is enchanted by the number of roses by all colors as she has never seen so many in her life.Her long silk dress drags be hide her as it pick up fallen petals off the ground. As she walks around she doesn't notice the King of this land resting on a stone bench.
@midnight305 (dont mind the short paragraphs i'm still new to doing paragraph rps but i'll get the hang of it)
(Ok that's fine. @miloudoll I mostly dish out what I get's all goods as long as it isn't one or two sentences I should be fine. lol)

As the king laid there he had caught the slight scent of something else fantly mixed in with the intoxicating scent of the roses that lingers in the air. He inhaled the beautiful scent and turned his head to glance around the area. Not seeing the figure from laying down he had sat up as he had caught the head of a young women from behind a rose bush to an other path in the garden. Who was this women he wondered as his blood red eyes watched her. She seemed enchanted by the smell of the roses and he sat there silently watching her for now.
(Ok that's fine. @miloudoll I mostly dish out what I get's all goods as long as it isn't one or two sentences I should be fine. lol)

As the king laid there he had caught the slight scent of something else fantly mixed in with the intoxicating scent of the roses that lingers in the air. He inhaled the beautiful scent and turned his head to glance around the area. Not seeing the figure from laying down he had sat up as he had caught the head of a young women from behind a rose bush to an other path in the garden. Who was this women he wondered as his blood red eyes watched her. She seemed enchanted by the smell of the roses and he sat there silently watching her for now.
Not noticing the king watching her she wonders more into the garden slightly dancing in the moon light. She couldn't help but laugh at her childish act. "This is quite a beautiful place I wonder upon"she said to herself and she bends down to pick on of the roses, and looks at it details mother nature placed into her roses.

@midnight305 (thx for understanding)
Not noticing the king watching her she wonders more into the garden slightly dancing in the moon light. She couldn't help but laugh at her childish act. "This is quite a beautiful place I wonder upon"she said to herself and she bends down to pick on of the roses, and looks at it details mother nature placed into her roses.

@midnight305 (thx for understanding)
"Well thank you"Whispered the king from behind her a few feet after watching her dance a bit in the moonlight and glanced at her after she had picked one of the roses from his garden. Though anyone else that did it he usually got mad,but he couldn't help,but be nice to this lovely women.It had been a long time since he had caught something that smelled as wonderful as his roses.

(@miloudoll Your welcome)
"Well thank you"Whispered the king from behind her a few feet after watching her dance a bit in the moonlight and glanced at her after she had picked one of the roses from his garden. Though anyone else that did it he usually got mad,but he couldn't help,but be nice to this lovely women.It had been a long time since he had caught something that smelled as wonderful as his roses.

(@miloudoll Your welcome)
Jumping back a bit surpised and a bit embrassed that someone was watching her. Feeling a bit uneasy but soon calms down when she sees he means no harm. "You did all of this?"looking at the garden then at him"I'm enchanted by it's beautiful I'm sorry for wondering in your masterpiece"she said as she looks off to the side and sees a way out of the garden planing on leaving him back in peace.
@midnight305 (Grammer!)
Jumping back a bit surpised and a bit embrassed that someone was watching her. Feeling a bit uneasy but soon calms down when she sees he means no harm. "You did all of this?"looking at the garden then at him"I'm enchanted by it's beautiful I'm sorry for wondering in your masterpiece"she said as she looks off to the side and sees a way out of the garden planing on leaving him back in peace.
@midnight305 (Grammer!)
(grammar what? btw going to go it's getting late and my hands tensing up....stupid thing)@miloudoll

"Oh I am sorry for scaring you...I didn't mean to"He said smiling at her. "And it is perfectly seemed to be enjoying yourself so I thought I would come over and say hi...and yes I did all this...though it did take a lot of years to reach this magnificent beauty. Oh and forgive name is Silver...what might your name be?"He asked her softly.
(grammar what? btw going to go it's getting late and my hands tensing up....stupid thing)@miloudoll

"Oh I am sorry for scaring you...I didn't mean to"He said smiling at her. "And it is perfectly seemed to be enjoying yourself so I thought I would come over and say hi...and yes I did all this...though it did take a lot of years to reach this magnificent beauty. Oh and forgive name is Silver...what might your name be?"He asked her softly.
(@midnight305 i understand sam ehere)
smiles at him after hearing she can stay and enjoy his garden with him"Nice to meet you Silver my name is Arossa" She walks around a bit with him right beside her"So tell me how many years did it take to make your masterpiece?"
(@midnight305 i understand sam ehere)
smiles at him after hearing she can stay and enjoy his garden with him"Nice to meet you Silver my name is Arossa" She walks around a bit with him right beside her"So tell me how many years did it take to make your masterpiece?"
(@midnight305 i understand sam ehere)
smiles at him after hearing she can stay and enjoy his garden with him"Nice to meet you Silver my name is Arossa" She walks around a bit with him right beside her"So tell me how many years did it take to make your masterpiece?"
(@midnight305 i understand sam ehere)
smiles at him after hearing she can stay and enjoy his garden with him"Nice to meet you Silver my name is Arossa" She walks around a bit with him right beside her"So tell me how many years did it take to make your masterpiece?"
"Well Arossa . It took me a long time you see I was dealing with my family and the problems around family life as well as other stuff with after all that happened I was finally able to build the city how I wanted to. I suppose it took about five years.....on and off since I was so busy tending to other things as a king"He added"So...your new to the area I take it.Where did you come from?"He asked her as they walked.

"Well Arossa . It took me a long time you see I was dealing with my family and the problems around family life as well as other stuff with after all that happened I was finally able to build the city how I wanted to. I suppose it took about five years.....on and off since I was so busy tending to other things as a king"He added"So...your new to the area I take it.Where did you come from?"He asked her as they walked.
