

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Vendetta [Dragon RP] [Open!]
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@Maus @gamzeemakara @Blackcat0989 @Onyxgallant

The Tribe

Backing up into the shadows of the trees, Nikita scanned the area again for fellow Tribe members. She growled, wishing they were close enough to get their attention silently. Tilting her head back she let out a warning roar, loud enough for the sound to reach the lake, to alert the others that Hellions were nearby. She stepped back further, knowing her dark shadow stripes would keep her hidden.

"Yes," Elva nodded. She turned to watch the water lapping at the shore, then snapped around at the loud cry and then splash as someone plunged into the lake. She darted over, wondering if she should go in to help or if the dragon would just swim out themselves. A roar came from in the distance as she hesitated, just barely audible. She glanced at Gallani and Stag. "That sounded like Nikita! Did you hear it?"


A soft growl of irritation quickly died in her throat. Fine, let them have their way. This would be perfect to test some of her newest concoctions. She landed gracefully near the two. "Nolevi," she hissed his name with distaste, having never liked the Wildclaw much. Her lips curled into a sneer. "How wonderful," her voice laced with sarcasm, "Why, I simply can't imagine a better way to spend my time than killing dragons who, apparently, are invisible." Her fiery eyes swept over the forest below. "The only one I've noticed is that Wildclaw who answered your challenge a bit ago, Hannibal. The others don't seem to have noticed. Perhaps we should fix that," Nevara lifted her head and shrieked, the sound like that of a falcon's cry magnified several times over. "Maybe we'll see more of them now."

(I'll be editing Nevara's description a bit sometime soon. Roleplaying is the best way to get to know your dragons, in my opinion, and Nevara is a bit different than I initially imagined her.)
@Maus @gamzeemakara @Blackcat0989 @Onyxgallant

The Tribe

Backing up into the shadows of the trees, Nikita scanned the area again for fellow Tribe members. She growled, wishing they were close enough to get their attention silently. Tilting her head back she let out a warning roar, loud enough for the sound to reach the lake, to alert the others that Hellions were nearby. She stepped back further, knowing her dark shadow stripes would keep her hidden.

"Yes," Elva nodded. She turned to watch the water lapping at the shore, then snapped around at the loud cry and then splash as someone plunged into the lake. She darted over, wondering if she should go in to help or if the dragon would just swim out themselves. A roar came from in the distance as she hesitated, just barely audible. She glanced at Gallani and Stag. "That sounded like Nikita! Did you hear it?"


A soft growl of irritation quickly died in her throat. Fine, let them have their way. This would be perfect to test some of her newest concoctions. She landed gracefully near the two. "Nolevi," she hissed his name with distaste, having never liked the Wildclaw much. Her lips curled into a sneer. "How wonderful," her voice laced with sarcasm, "Why, I simply can't imagine a better way to spend my time than killing dragons who, apparently, are invisible." Her fiery eyes swept over the forest below. "The only one I've noticed is that Wildclaw who answered your challenge a bit ago, Hannibal. The others don't seem to have noticed. Perhaps we should fix that," Nevara lifted her head and shrieked, the sound like that of a falcon's cry magnified several times over. "Maybe we'll see more of them now."

(I'll be editing Nevara's description a bit sometime soon. Roleplaying is the best way to get to know your dragons, in my opinion, and Nevara is a bit different than I initially imagined her.)
(( I'm adding a female to my characters, so it will even out our Tribe population! Everyone meet Blair, the Tribe shaman and "witch" of the group!! Her bio has been placed in my character post along with Stag and Hannibal. Also, apologies for the huge post... characters tend to take over when I write posts. ))

(( Also, @mageofembers, you're accepted! Jump right in whenever you're ready! ))

@gamzeemakara @Blackcat0989 @Onyxgallant @TwilitRaven

Stag - Tribe
The neutral Imperial flinched a bit as the shrieking scream of the Hellion Imperial entered his ears. He turned his head to see the Obsidian male perched atop the Hellion's cliff. He was asking for a fight, and no one had responded with violence yet. Hopefully, it remained that way.

He turned his head as Eiriaza crashed into the lake, sending small droplets of crisp, freezing water onto his scales. He let out a hearty laugh, walking over to the clumsy female. He offered her a paw. "Ah, Eiriaza, a hunt gone wrong! Are you alright?" he chuckled.

As he offered his paw, a loud roar echoed in the air. "Nikita?" Stag whispered. His head snapped around in every direction, looking for the female. "Nikita?!" he shouted, now beginning to worry. Had a Hellion entered the territory and charged after her? "We must find her, she seems to be warning us of something important. And we cannot afford to ignore any warnings, lest the Gods bring wrath upon us," he said, helping Eiriaza to her feet.

Hannibal - Hellions
Hannibal sneered at Noveli's eagerness. His head lowered, and his body followed until he was standing steadily on all four feet again. He shook his head and neck, ruffling his mane arrogantly. His gaze turned to the male. "What shall we do? We shall begin scouting the area soon, observing and marking every little hiding spot in their savage territory," he informed. His voice was low and rumbling, and Hannibal enjoyed hearing his voice echo in his ears.

Hannibal noticed Noveli bat his wings, and became slightly annoyed at his eagerness to fight the savages below them. "We cannot slaughter them yet, Noveli. We must catch them off guard. We need to hunt them, observe their behavior and reactions to stimuli, such as the call I sounded. Before we attack, we must learn," he said, sounding quite wise in his own head. And it was true, the Hellions needed to learn about their prey before attacking.

Blair - Tribe
Hearing the warning call Nikita sounded, Blair stood, her skulls and beads rattling with every minuscule movement. The Mirror yawned quietly, stretching and popping bones as she awoke. It was much, much too early for all of this.

The female sauntered out onto the shore, near the gatherings of the other Tribe members. She rattled her birdskull headdress, ruffling the tattered feathers. The feathers must be replaced soon, or else their protection will wear off, or so she believed. "Nikita is not hurt, dear Stag," she said, her voice deep and maternal. She lifted her head and inhaled the scent of nature, the cool water lapping at the shore. "She is sending a warning. Hellions are nearby," she informed.

Blair looked around, noticing that Garatia was missing. "Where is our dear Garatia?" she asked. Blair knew that the Tundra was practicing her spells and potions, but she was also beginning to become concerned with the current issue - Hellions may be planning an ambush. No one should be left alone at the current time; the Tribe had strength in numbers.
(( I'm adding a female to my characters, so it will even out our Tribe population! Everyone meet Blair, the Tribe shaman and "witch" of the group!! Her bio has been placed in my character post along with Stag and Hannibal. Also, apologies for the huge post... characters tend to take over when I write posts. ))

(( Also, @mageofembers, you're accepted! Jump right in whenever you're ready! ))

@gamzeemakara @Blackcat0989 @Onyxgallant @TwilitRaven

Stag - Tribe
The neutral Imperial flinched a bit as the shrieking scream of the Hellion Imperial entered his ears. He turned his head to see the Obsidian male perched atop the Hellion's cliff. He was asking for a fight, and no one had responded with violence yet. Hopefully, it remained that way.

He turned his head as Eiriaza crashed into the lake, sending small droplets of crisp, freezing water onto his scales. He let out a hearty laugh, walking over to the clumsy female. He offered her a paw. "Ah, Eiriaza, a hunt gone wrong! Are you alright?" he chuckled.

As he offered his paw, a loud roar echoed in the air. "Nikita?" Stag whispered. His head snapped around in every direction, looking for the female. "Nikita?!" he shouted, now beginning to worry. Had a Hellion entered the territory and charged after her? "We must find her, she seems to be warning us of something important. And we cannot afford to ignore any warnings, lest the Gods bring wrath upon us," he said, helping Eiriaza to her feet.

Hannibal - Hellions
Hannibal sneered at Noveli's eagerness. His head lowered, and his body followed until he was standing steadily on all four feet again. He shook his head and neck, ruffling his mane arrogantly. His gaze turned to the male. "What shall we do? We shall begin scouting the area soon, observing and marking every little hiding spot in their savage territory," he informed. His voice was low and rumbling, and Hannibal enjoyed hearing his voice echo in his ears.

Hannibal noticed Noveli bat his wings, and became slightly annoyed at his eagerness to fight the savages below them. "We cannot slaughter them yet, Noveli. We must catch them off guard. We need to hunt them, observe their behavior and reactions to stimuli, such as the call I sounded. Before we attack, we must learn," he said, sounding quite wise in his own head. And it was true, the Hellions needed to learn about their prey before attacking.

Blair - Tribe
Hearing the warning call Nikita sounded, Blair stood, her skulls and beads rattling with every minuscule movement. The Mirror yawned quietly, stretching and popping bones as she awoke. It was much, much too early for all of this.

The female sauntered out onto the shore, near the gatherings of the other Tribe members. She rattled her birdskull headdress, ruffling the tattered feathers. The feathers must be replaced soon, or else their protection will wear off, or so she believed. "Nikita is not hurt, dear Stag," she said, her voice deep and maternal. She lifted her head and inhaled the scent of nature, the cool water lapping at the shore. "She is sending a warning. Hellions are nearby," she informed.

Blair looked around, noticing that Garatia was missing. "Where is our dear Garatia?" she asked. Blair knew that the Tundra was practicing her spells and potions, but she was also beginning to become concerned with the current issue - Hellions may be planning an ambush. No one should be left alone at the current time; the Tribe had strength in numbers.
Maus - she/her
Roleplayer/Clan Lore Builder
Resolute - Hellions

A large skydancer female comes up from behind to stand near Hannibal and Noveli, moving silently, her gait slow and ponderous. Her belly is a soft purple and speckles of the same color dot her sides. Shuffling on the spot as she stares sightlessly out over the Tribe territory, Resolute mumbles softly to herself. After a moment of internal debate she turns her head in Hannibal's direction and speaks.

"Do the savages make moves to attack? Can you see any of them now?" The dragonelle's voice is clear and rings when unleashed into the air. As she speaks two other skydancers join the assembly, also female. They both have the same pattering on their bodies but one's speckles are far darker, like shadows. The other has bright purple speckles, more like amethyst.

Denver - Hellions

Denver swoops in to land beside her sister Intrepid, who circles to the left of Resolute with a soft chirrup of greeting. Foregoing the company of her quiet siblings, Denver ventures over to Hannibal's side.

"Hey there! What's all the noise for?" Her usual, overly cheery voice fails to inspire much happiness at the moment.

Resolute snorts restlessly, turning to Intrepid in order to better fill the darker dragonelle in on the situation as she knows it while keeping an ear out for more information. "Sister, Hannibal is beginning to collect information on the movements and responses of the savages. From what I can tell, no response so far.

Steel glitters in Intrepid's eyes as she hears this. Claws flexing powerfully are the only indication the dark dragonelle give of her glee at the prospect of a fight. Though it takes a great deal to rouse her anger, she does not easily forget or forgive and the scum below have managed to infuriate her deeply.

"I should prepare." A simple, concise statement. Resolute nods and the two skydancers turn to go sharpen their claws.

Denver is still cheery, though her lame leg is painful tonight. Carefully keeping her weight off it, she looks speculatively at the forest.

Intrepid - Hellions

Harsh anger rises in Intrepid's gut as she walks with Resolute, occasionally steering her sister with light touches. It's an automatic response by now, one she does not bother to control.

Soon, she thinks, these savages shall pay. My siblings suffered because those backwards creatures refused to aid them with anything but herbs and spellwork...Yes. There will be blood spilt.

(OOC: Don't actually know who to tag, so... @Maus @gamzeemakara @Blackcat0989 @Onyxgallant @TwilitRaven Hope that's everyone.)
Resolute - Hellions

A large skydancer female comes up from behind to stand near Hannibal and Noveli, moving silently, her gait slow and ponderous. Her belly is a soft purple and speckles of the same color dot her sides. Shuffling on the spot as she stares sightlessly out over the Tribe territory, Resolute mumbles softly to herself. After a moment of internal debate she turns her head in Hannibal's direction and speaks.

"Do the savages make moves to attack? Can you see any of them now?" The dragonelle's voice is clear and rings when unleashed into the air. As she speaks two other skydancers join the assembly, also female. They both have the same pattering on their bodies but one's speckles are far darker, like shadows. The other has bright purple speckles, more like amethyst.

Denver - Hellions

Denver swoops in to land beside her sister Intrepid, who circles to the left of Resolute with a soft chirrup of greeting. Foregoing the company of her quiet siblings, Denver ventures over to Hannibal's side.

"Hey there! What's all the noise for?" Her usual, overly cheery voice fails to inspire much happiness at the moment.

Resolute snorts restlessly, turning to Intrepid in order to better fill the darker dragonelle in on the situation as she knows it while keeping an ear out for more information. "Sister, Hannibal is beginning to collect information on the movements and responses of the savages. From what I can tell, no response so far.

Steel glitters in Intrepid's eyes as she hears this. Claws flexing powerfully are the only indication the dark dragonelle give of her glee at the prospect of a fight. Though it takes a great deal to rouse her anger, she does not easily forget or forgive and the scum below have managed to infuriate her deeply.

"I should prepare." A simple, concise statement. Resolute nods and the two skydancers turn to go sharpen their claws.

Denver is still cheery, though her lame leg is painful tonight. Carefully keeping her weight off it, she looks speculatively at the forest.

Intrepid - Hellions

Harsh anger rises in Intrepid's gut as she walks with Resolute, occasionally steering her sister with light touches. It's an automatic response by now, one she does not bother to control.

Soon, she thinks, these savages shall pay. My siblings suffered because those backwards creatures refused to aid them with anything but herbs and spellwork...Yes. There will be blood spilt.

(OOC: Don't actually know who to tag, so... @Maus @gamzeemakara @Blackcat0989 @Onyxgallant @TwilitRaven Hope that's everyone.)
~*Honey, you should see me in a crown...*~
@TwilitRaven, @gamzeemakara, @Maus, @Blackcat0989, @mageofembers

The Tribe

Gallani heard the roar from Nikita. He knew that meant trouble. He would be ready for it since the Hellions always regarded as savages. The guardian rose to his feet and looked to Stag and Elva.

"Hellions. They never let us be," he growled.

"Thanks, Stag," Eiriaza coughed as she was helped out of the water. The mirror heard the roar of Nikita and knew what it meant. She looked to her fellow tribe dragons. "What's the problem?"

Meanwhile, Garatia pushed her bowl of concoction to the side. The healing salve would be ready in case anyone need it. The arcane wielder and herbalist shook her head and sighed when she heard the roar. The tundra then climbed out of her den and walked towards the group at the lake.
@TwilitRaven, @gamzeemakara, @Maus, @Blackcat0989, @mageofembers

The Tribe

Gallani heard the roar from Nikita. He knew that meant trouble. He would be ready for it since the Hellions always regarded as savages. The guardian rose to his feet and looked to Stag and Elva.

"Hellions. They never let us be," he growled.

"Thanks, Stag," Eiriaza coughed as she was helped out of the water. The mirror heard the roar of Nikita and knew what it meant. She looked to her fellow tribe dragons. "What's the problem?"

Meanwhile, Garatia pushed her bowl of concoction to the side. The healing salve would be ready in case anyone need it. The arcane wielder and herbalist shook her head and sighed when she heard the roar. The tundra then climbed out of her den and walked towards the group at the lake.
@Onyxgallant @gamzeemakara @Maus @Blackcat0989 @mageofembers

The Tribe

Nikita watched as more Hellions joined the Imperial on the cliffs, then darted off toward the lake. She was fairly fast on the ground, so she made good time to the lake, joining the growing group of tribe members. "There's six of them so far, at the cliffs. Four Skydancers, a Wildclaw, and an Imperial. What should we do?"

"Oh, Nikita, I'm glad you're safe," Elva spoke when she spotted the Wildclaw approaching the group. Her tail flicked nervously as Nikita quickly reported what she'd seen to the rest of the group. She glanced around, hoping this wouldn't result in violence.


"We should wait until night. It'd be easier to strike, or we could simply spy on them," Nevara spread her dark wings slightly. "I blend in well in the darkness. I could easily find out information about them if necessary. Or we could flank them now. Send in a few from both sides then the rest from the front. It's your call, Hannibal."
@Onyxgallant @gamzeemakara @Maus @Blackcat0989 @mageofembers

The Tribe

Nikita watched as more Hellions joined the Imperial on the cliffs, then darted off toward the lake. She was fairly fast on the ground, so she made good time to the lake, joining the growing group of tribe members. "There's six of them so far, at the cliffs. Four Skydancers, a Wildclaw, and an Imperial. What should we do?"

"Oh, Nikita, I'm glad you're safe," Elva spoke when she spotted the Wildclaw approaching the group. Her tail flicked nervously as Nikita quickly reported what she'd seen to the rest of the group. She glanced around, hoping this wouldn't result in violence.


"We should wait until night. It'd be easier to strike, or we could simply spy on them," Nevara spread her dark wings slightly. "I blend in well in the darkness. I could easily find out information about them if necessary. Or we could flank them now. Send in a few from both sides then the rest from the front. It's your call, Hannibal."
@Onyxgallant @gamzeemakara @Maus @TwilitRaven @mageofembers



Castiel woke with a start at the sound of Nikita's roar, jolting to his feet and immediately dashing for the lake. He pounced to a halt with the group of hunters, nodding in acknowledgement at his friend, Dean.

He glanced around, waiting for someone to share a plan. When no one answered, he offered one of his own. "I don't want to resort to violence, but they'll attack us so we have to be ready. Why don't we ambush them?" he offered. "Hide in the trees and attack when the come down from the cliffs. Magical attacks should be able to give us the element of surprise."


Dean was already at the lake when the call was sounded, the blue imperial wading in the shallows and basking in the warmth of the sun. He bound out of the water and towards the fighters, murmuring quiet greetings to them all. He listened to Castiel's plan, considering all the angles and actions that could occur. "Shadow magic could hide us until it's time to attack." He put in. "Plant magic could bind them and prevent them from attacking us. The fewer Hellions that actually attack us, the fewer we'll need to injure ourselves."


Sam stared down the cliffs with disgust in her eyes, watching as the barbarians of the Tribe scampered into hiding at the sound of a dragon's roar, probably an alarm of a sort. It was pathetic, disgusting. Why choose to be so weak, when so much strength came from technology?

"Perhaps we should send a small party to scout them out now, Hannibal?" Sam asked, sitting placidly at the cliff's edge several dragon's down from their leader. "Just one or two of our smaller dragons. We should try to find out what they're planning. I don't doubt that they'd be preparing for our attack."
@Onyxgallant @gamzeemakara @Maus @TwilitRaven @mageofembers



Castiel woke with a start at the sound of Nikita's roar, jolting to his feet and immediately dashing for the lake. He pounced to a halt with the group of hunters, nodding in acknowledgement at his friend, Dean.

He glanced around, waiting for someone to share a plan. When no one answered, he offered one of his own. "I don't want to resort to violence, but they'll attack us so we have to be ready. Why don't we ambush them?" he offered. "Hide in the trees and attack when the come down from the cliffs. Magical attacks should be able to give us the element of surprise."


Dean was already at the lake when the call was sounded, the blue imperial wading in the shallows and basking in the warmth of the sun. He bound out of the water and towards the fighters, murmuring quiet greetings to them all. He listened to Castiel's plan, considering all the angles and actions that could occur. "Shadow magic could hide us until it's time to attack." He put in. "Plant magic could bind them and prevent them from attacking us. The fewer Hellions that actually attack us, the fewer we'll need to injure ourselves."


Sam stared down the cliffs with disgust in her eyes, watching as the barbarians of the Tribe scampered into hiding at the sound of a dragon's roar, probably an alarm of a sort. It was pathetic, disgusting. Why choose to be so weak, when so much strength came from technology?

"Perhaps we should send a small party to scout them out now, Hannibal?" Sam asked, sitting placidly at the cliff's edge several dragon's down from their leader. "Just one or two of our smaller dragons. We should try to find out what they're planning. I don't doubt that they'd be preparing for our attack."
@Twilitraven @Maus @mageofembers

Nolevi rolled his eyes at Nevara and let out a bloodcurdling chortle.

"Don't let that deter you Nevara!" he remarked cheerfully. "I mean, I understand how someone with your level of ineptitude could feel dissuaded but if you just believe maybe even you can kill them! Hee hee hee!"

He snickered to himself more before joining into the call with Hellion and Nevara.

"Well I can do the scouting if you'd like!" he threw his mask up in the air in an overdramatic gesture. "We all know how good I am when it comes to sleuthing!"

Though arrogant, the statement was true. If it wasn't for Nolevi's superior sneaking skills and defensive tactics he would have been disowned by the clan a long time ago. Nolevi had long been curious about the rituals of the tribe and being sent in as a spy could be his chance to learn!

Nolevi waved eagerly to resolute and squinted through his mask at the Tribe below.
"None of them are attacking yet," he remarked to Resolute. "At least I think they're not," he scratched his head.

Nolevi smiled up at Denver. Her cheeriness always cheered his as well through osmosis and continued smiling demonically at the scene below.

"I have a couple hoods and dark clothing stored in my hoard for any sleuther that wants it," Nolevi remarked to the crowd. "Whatever we do I'm sure it will be great," making an overdramatic hand gesture. "As soon as we spy on them, we can learn there ways and their weak spots. We will abort the womb in their faulty systems and use the ashes of their empire to build something much more appropriate and grandiose. All with the help of Hannibal!"

Nolevi gave Hannibal a jovial pat on the shoulder and slid back in the shadows to resume his place in line to not overcrowd Hannibal
@Twilitraven @Maus @mageofembers

Nolevi rolled his eyes at Nevara and let out a bloodcurdling chortle.

"Don't let that deter you Nevara!" he remarked cheerfully. "I mean, I understand how someone with your level of ineptitude could feel dissuaded but if you just believe maybe even you can kill them! Hee hee hee!"

He snickered to himself more before joining into the call with Hellion and Nevara.

"Well I can do the scouting if you'd like!" he threw his mask up in the air in an overdramatic gesture. "We all know how good I am when it comes to sleuthing!"

Though arrogant, the statement was true. If it wasn't for Nolevi's superior sneaking skills and defensive tactics he would have been disowned by the clan a long time ago. Nolevi had long been curious about the rituals of the tribe and being sent in as a spy could be his chance to learn!

Nolevi waved eagerly to resolute and squinted through his mask at the Tribe below.
"None of them are attacking yet," he remarked to Resolute. "At least I think they're not," he scratched his head.

Nolevi smiled up at Denver. Her cheeriness always cheered his as well through osmosis and continued smiling demonically at the scene below.

"I have a couple hoods and dark clothing stored in my hoard for any sleuther that wants it," Nolevi remarked to the crowd. "Whatever we do I'm sure it will be great," making an overdramatic hand gesture. "As soon as we spy on them, we can learn there ways and their weak spots. We will abort the womb in their faulty systems and use the ashes of their empire to build something much more appropriate and grandiose. All with the help of Hannibal!"

Nolevi gave Hannibal a jovial pat on the shoulder and slid back in the shadows to resume his place in line to not overcrowd Hannibal
Denver - Hellions

As the plans were made Denver listened intently, waiting to speak.

"Wouldn't it be good to have one in the air, one on the ground? I'm great at flying silently," she volunteered.

From behind them Resolute's clear, ringing voice answers. "But would you be able to aid the other if they got into trouble? You cannot fight, sister, and I will not lose you or worse tonight." The large dragonelle has sharpened her claws to vicious points, ready to aid in defense if necessary. "Go sharpen your claws if you must, but stay here."

Denver does not like what her sister is saying, shifting with pent up energy. She bows her head in submission, though, and limps away out of sight. For now Resolute can tell her what to do but Denver hopes in her excited, optimistic way to change that. It's not like I actually want to fight, she tells herself. Just scout so I can be more than funny! I can show them that I'm useful, even with my leg! Her leg had been a burden for a long time now, all because of those Tribe scum. Pathetic! Denver isn't concerned about revenge, oddly enough. She desperately wants to prove that she's good for something besides joking and gathering materials.

Resolute - Hellions

As her sister leaves Resolute turns her attention to Hannibal, Noveli and the others. The mix of fear and eagerness in the large dragonelle's face, not unusual for her, indicated that she wanted to go herself, though she couldn't. "Noveli, do not allow my sister to go with you. Promise me. Denver may yet try, and she cannot fight. If there was some kind of trouble I shudder to think what might happen."

Intrepid - Hellions

Intrepid, sharpening her claws still, glanced up at the sky occasionally as she worked to see if any of her clan had left yet. By chance she noticed the familiar flight pattern of her sister Denver, heading straight into enemy territory. Intrepid sucked in a breath as she saw this, wondering with alarm what Hannibal and Noveli were thinking. How could they let Denver, of all dragons, do such a thing?

Heading immediately back toward the others, Intrepid glanced up at the patches of stars winking down on her from the sky. They were cold and distant, like tiny eyes gleaming in a gloomy cave.

@Twilitraven @Maus @gamzeemakara @Onyxgallant @Blackcat0989
Denver - Hellions

As the plans were made Denver listened intently, waiting to speak.

"Wouldn't it be good to have one in the air, one on the ground? I'm great at flying silently," she volunteered.

From behind them Resolute's clear, ringing voice answers. "But would you be able to aid the other if they got into trouble? You cannot fight, sister, and I will not lose you or worse tonight." The large dragonelle has sharpened her claws to vicious points, ready to aid in defense if necessary. "Go sharpen your claws if you must, but stay here."

Denver does not like what her sister is saying, shifting with pent up energy. She bows her head in submission, though, and limps away out of sight. For now Resolute can tell her what to do but Denver hopes in her excited, optimistic way to change that. It's not like I actually want to fight, she tells herself. Just scout so I can be more than funny! I can show them that I'm useful, even with my leg! Her leg had been a burden for a long time now, all because of those Tribe scum. Pathetic! Denver isn't concerned about revenge, oddly enough. She desperately wants to prove that she's good for something besides joking and gathering materials.

Resolute - Hellions

As her sister leaves Resolute turns her attention to Hannibal, Noveli and the others. The mix of fear and eagerness in the large dragonelle's face, not unusual for her, indicated that she wanted to go herself, though she couldn't. "Noveli, do not allow my sister to go with you. Promise me. Denver may yet try, and she cannot fight. If there was some kind of trouble I shudder to think what might happen."

Intrepid - Hellions

Intrepid, sharpening her claws still, glanced up at the sky occasionally as she worked to see if any of her clan had left yet. By chance she noticed the familiar flight pattern of her sister Denver, heading straight into enemy territory. Intrepid sucked in a breath as she saw this, wondering with alarm what Hannibal and Noveli were thinking. How could they let Denver, of all dragons, do such a thing?

Heading immediately back toward the others, Intrepid glanced up at the patches of stars winking down on her from the sky. They were cold and distant, like tiny eyes gleaming in a gloomy cave.

@Twilitraven @Maus @gamzeemakara @Onyxgallant @Blackcat0989
~*Honey, you should see me in a crown...*~
@Maus, @Blackcat0989, @TwilitRaven, @gamzeemakara, @mageofembers

The Tribe

Garatia looked at Castiel and Dean, blinking.

"Good ideas, but I propose we talk to these Hellions before any blood is spilled, " the tundra said. "Let us hear what they have to say, think, and send them on their way. We should attack if they attack first."

Eiriaza snorted. "Talk to Hellions? What will that do? They will say the same thing: give up the tribal life and the land."

"Be that as it may we should try to be civil with them. They already believe us to be savages and brutes, which is not true." Garatia winked a purple eye at the mirror dragon and looked to Castiel and Dean. "Ambush sounds like a good idea of attack. I would recommend scaring them or humiliating them."

Gallani sighed. "I like Castiel and Dean's ideas better. The Hellions won't listen to us or accept our ways. But we could try talking to them."

"Would you agree?" Garatia asked looking to Elva and Stag and Dean and Castiel.
@Maus, @Blackcat0989, @TwilitRaven, @gamzeemakara, @mageofembers

The Tribe

Garatia looked at Castiel and Dean, blinking.

"Good ideas, but I propose we talk to these Hellions before any blood is spilled, " the tundra said. "Let us hear what they have to say, think, and send them on their way. We should attack if they attack first."

Eiriaza snorted. "Talk to Hellions? What will that do? They will say the same thing: give up the tribal life and the land."

"Be that as it may we should try to be civil with them. They already believe us to be savages and brutes, which is not true." Garatia winked a purple eye at the mirror dragon and looked to Castiel and Dean. "Ambush sounds like a good idea of attack. I would recommend scaring them or humiliating them."

Gallani sighed. "I like Castiel and Dean's ideas better. The Hellions won't listen to us or accept our ways. But we could try talking to them."

"Would you agree?" Garatia asked looking to Elva and Stag and Dean and Castiel.
@Onyxgallant @Blackcat0989 @TwilitRaven @gamzeemakara @mageofembers

Stag - Tribe
Stag nodded in agreement to Garatia. "Yes, she is right. We shall not be the cause of violence," he said calmly. But, after a moment, he reconsidered his options. "Perhaps an ambush would be proper. However, we must ambush them when they enter our territory, and not chase them down," he added, changing his opinion.

The male lifted his head and looked around, scanning the territory for spots of possible ambushes. On the edge of the shoreline lay a sparse forest, and the foot of the cliff. "Does anyone have any specific hiding areas for us all?" he asked.

Hannibal - Hellions
Listening to Resolute's question, he answered calmly. "They have not shown any signs of violence or agitation yet, so no, I have not noticed any attack signals," he grumbled. He then turned to Nevara. "Yes, night will provide cover for us and make us harder to spot. That is the best choice for our time of attack," he answered, giving a sinister grin down to the Tribe.

Hannibal was growing tired of Noveli's optimism and name calling. And then he was touched on the shoulder. Hannibal hated being touched. Arching his neck around, the Imperial twisted his body and snapped his jaws in the male's face. "Silence!" he snarled. Hannibal got down on all fours again, taking a deep breath. "The hoods will not be necessary, as they will ruffle in the wind and cause noise," he retorted, now slightly calmer.

Before he could say anything else, Hannibal heard the Skydancer sisters suggest options. He noticed Denver became very submissive, limping away from her larger sisters. He turned to Resolute. "Denver is not to leave; she will endanger herself and all of us. And she is crippled, which makes her quite vulnerable," he commanded.

Within moments, Intrepid was scampering back to the gathering. Hannibal instantly knew what was wrong as his head snapped to the sky. "Dammit, Denver! Someone chase her and snatch her from the sky before she ruins our plan of attack!" he snapped, pushing himself off of the ground to chase her down.

Blair - Tribe
As the Tribe continued discussing ideas, Blair gazed up at the sky. The stars were beginning to come out, coating the sky in glitter. She smiled. Lightweaver was at work, spreading her glittery light throughout the nighttime sky.

But what was this she saw? A figure, flying amongst the stars? She turned to look at the Tribe, wondering if anyone else saw it. "Excuse me, everyone, but... does anyone see that figure in the sky?" she questioned, turning back to look at the flying object.
@Onyxgallant @Blackcat0989 @TwilitRaven @gamzeemakara @mageofembers

Stag - Tribe
Stag nodded in agreement to Garatia. "Yes, she is right. We shall not be the cause of violence," he said calmly. But, after a moment, he reconsidered his options. "Perhaps an ambush would be proper. However, we must ambush them when they enter our territory, and not chase them down," he added, changing his opinion.

The male lifted his head and looked around, scanning the territory for spots of possible ambushes. On the edge of the shoreline lay a sparse forest, and the foot of the cliff. "Does anyone have any specific hiding areas for us all?" he asked.

Hannibal - Hellions
Listening to Resolute's question, he answered calmly. "They have not shown any signs of violence or agitation yet, so no, I have not noticed any attack signals," he grumbled. He then turned to Nevara. "Yes, night will provide cover for us and make us harder to spot. That is the best choice for our time of attack," he answered, giving a sinister grin down to the Tribe.

Hannibal was growing tired of Noveli's optimism and name calling. And then he was touched on the shoulder. Hannibal hated being touched. Arching his neck around, the Imperial twisted his body and snapped his jaws in the male's face. "Silence!" he snarled. Hannibal got down on all fours again, taking a deep breath. "The hoods will not be necessary, as they will ruffle in the wind and cause noise," he retorted, now slightly calmer.

Before he could say anything else, Hannibal heard the Skydancer sisters suggest options. He noticed Denver became very submissive, limping away from her larger sisters. He turned to Resolute. "Denver is not to leave; she will endanger herself and all of us. And she is crippled, which makes her quite vulnerable," he commanded.

Within moments, Intrepid was scampering back to the gathering. Hannibal instantly knew what was wrong as his head snapped to the sky. "Dammit, Denver! Someone chase her and snatch her from the sky before she ruins our plan of attack!" he snapped, pushing himself off of the ground to chase her down.

Blair - Tribe
As the Tribe continued discussing ideas, Blair gazed up at the sky. The stars were beginning to come out, coating the sky in glitter. She smiled. Lightweaver was at work, spreading her glittery light throughout the nighttime sky.

But what was this she saw? A figure, flying amongst the stars? She turned to look at the Tribe, wondering if anyone else saw it. "Excuse me, everyone, but... does anyone see that figure in the sky?" she questioned, turning back to look at the flying object.
Maus - she/her
Roleplayer/Clan Lore Builder
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