
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
This looks amazing and well put together! I wish I had the online social skills (chat/RP skills) to be a worthy contestant. LOL, I don't. Going to definitely be a spectator though!
This looks amazing and well put together! I wish I had the online social skills (chat/RP skills) to be a worthy contestant. LOL, I don't. Going to definitely be a spectator though!
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Seems really fun! Excited for this :D
Seems really fun! Excited for this :D
Yooo Survivor!
Gosh,you've seriously came up with an amazing idea! I honestly have been thinking about re-creating Survivor here as well,but I'm glad someone like you made the thing real. <3
Still debating whether to join or not,I tend to get busy sometimes haha. But there's a few days left so I'll see.

But even though I read the rules,I have some questions since I'm slightly uncertain:
- Will it be necessary to chat in a roleplay style,or can participants just speak normally?
- Will there be tribe leaders? Or will participants be assigned to tribes at random?
- Do people need to be constantly active,everyday in order to play/participate? I mean,real life is a thing and anything could happen.

Sorry if some of these questions are a bit too generic! And if any of these make you uncomfortable,then you can skip them.
Yooo Survivor!
Gosh,you've seriously came up with an amazing idea! I honestly have been thinking about re-creating Survivor here as well,but I'm glad someone like you made the thing real. <3
Still debating whether to join or not,I tend to get busy sometimes haha. But there's a few days left so I'll see.

But even though I read the rules,I have some questions since I'm slightly uncertain:
- Will it be necessary to chat in a roleplay style,or can participants just speak normally?
- Will there be tribe leaders? Or will participants be assigned to tribes at random?
- Do people need to be constantly active,everyday in order to play/participate? I mean,real life is a thing and anything could happen.

Sorry if some of these questions are a bit too generic! And if any of these make you uncomfortable,then you can skip them.
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Thank you for the questions, @Suomi ;)

1. Contestants are not expected to use RP style. Now, that's not me saying there won't be any RP elements in the game. But generally, we'll all communicate in a normal way.

2. When it comes to tribe roles and trivbe division, I won't reveal these details just yet. But players and spectators will learn about them in due time ;)

3. I definitely want to give players freedom to do whatever they need to/want to do in real life as I understand those responsibilities come first :) Therefore, the game is, for the most part, structured in a way that enables the contestants to be offline fairly often.

For example, a team challenge will usually take around 2 days to finish, and during those 2 days you can be present and try to do some required tasks, and when you have to go to school, work or somewhere else, you simply go and other players who are available, "cover" for you. Same with deliberation period before the vote - it is usually at least 24 hours, so everyone can have time to hop online and have a say in the matter of voting.

I can't technically measure the activity of players (and I will penalize them with additional votes only for not doing particular, concrete things in time), but in a way, the competitors can - ultimately, they are the ones deciding what it means to "be diligent enough" and have the power to eliminate someone who they think doesn't pull their weight. This also means, while the contestants can be offline as much as they like, if they want to go deep into the game, they'll have to invest more of their time into it ;)
Thank you for the questions, @Suomi ;)

1. Contestants are not expected to use RP style. Now, that's not me saying there won't be any RP elements in the game. But generally, we'll all communicate in a normal way.

2. When it comes to tribe roles and trivbe division, I won't reveal these details just yet. But players and spectators will learn about them in due time ;)

3. I definitely want to give players freedom to do whatever they need to/want to do in real life as I understand those responsibilities come first :) Therefore, the game is, for the most part, structured in a way that enables the contestants to be offline fairly often.

For example, a team challenge will usually take around 2 days to finish, and during those 2 days you can be present and try to do some required tasks, and when you have to go to school, work or somewhere else, you simply go and other players who are available, "cover" for you. Same with deliberation period before the vote - it is usually at least 24 hours, so everyone can have time to hop online and have a say in the matter of voting.

I can't technically measure the activity of players (and I will penalize them with additional votes only for not doing particular, concrete things in time), but in a way, the competitors can - ultimately, they are the ones deciding what it means to "be diligent enough" and have the power to eliminate someone who they think doesn't pull their weight. This also means, while the contestants can be offline as much as they like, if they want to go deep into the game, they'll have to invest more of their time into it ;)
[i][/i]@pinglist-20154 [img][/img] [center][font=Arial Narrow][size=4][color=#20603f][i]1. Khamir[/i] For him, the less you talked, the better. Noise was bothersome for this pensive Obelisk. It never brought anything of value and certainly did not help with all the work he would have to do. Silence was his companion, a source of calm, which made all the responsibilities an adult usually has to face a little less daunting. Ever since he had reached maturity, travelled away from his motherland and settled near Hewn City, he focuse on cultivating his small field, day and night. He rarely rested and infrequently socialised. His deep thought brought him much more enjoyment than silly gossip or conventional gatherings. While he slowly grew accustomed to his neighbours and would not avoid exchanging pleasantries with them at all cost, he did not go out of his way to befriend them either. Until her. An intriguing sight in town. A mysterious newcomer, who would greet anyone with a bright smile and courteous few words – enough to make one feel welcomed, but no more than necessary. Slowly, but surely, the field became much less important. At first, he would not even dare to approach her, but the silence stopped bringing him delight, and restlessness dominated his heart instead. He would find peace again only when she passed by his farm while going on her walks – occasionally, and then, every day. He began regularly joining her on them after a few months filled with timid glances, seemingly accidental touches and smiles that could light up the world. That day, she almost ran out of her house, thrilled to share her newest ideas and ask for his. But when she finally reached her destination, he was not there. His absence filled the wide-open homestead with a disturbing sense of bareness. The only thing heard in that empty space was the klinking of the bone necklace, a piece of memorabilia from homeland, hanged on his wall and delicately moved by the wind. He would not have disappeared without warning. He would not have left the gates unlocked. He would have told her. Something was wrong.[/center] [img][/img]
@Survivor updates

1. Khamir

For him, the less you talked, the better.

Noise was bothersome for this pensive Obelisk. It never
brought anything of value and certainly did not help with
all the work he would have to do. Silence was his
companion, a source of calm, which made all the
responsibilities an adult usually has to face a little less
daunting. Ever since he had reached maturity, travelled
away from his motherland and settled near Hewn City,
he focuse on cultivating his small field, day and night.
He rarely rested and infrequently socialised. His deep
thought brought him much more enjoyment than silly
gossip or conventional gatherings. While he slowly grew
accustomed to his neighbours and would not avoid
exchanging pleasantries with them at all cost, he did
not go out of his way to befriend them either.

Until her.

An intriguing sight in town. A mysterious newcomer, who
would greet anyone with a bright smile and courteous few
words – enough to make one feel welcomed, but no more
than necessary.

Slowly, but surely, the field became much less important.

At first, he would not even dare to approach her, but the
silence stopped bringing him delight, and restlessness
dominated his heart instead. He would find peace again
only when she passed by his farm while going on her
walks – occasionally, and then, every day. He began
regularly joining her on them after a few months filled
with timid glances, seemingly accidental touches and
smiles that could light up the world.

That day, she almost ran out of her house, thrilled to
share her newest ideas and ask for his.

But when she finally reached her destination, he
was not there.

His absence filled the wide-open homestead with
a disturbing sense of bareness. The only thing heard in
that empty space was the klinking of the bone necklace,
a piece of memorabilia from homeland, hanged on his
wall and delicately moved by the wind.

He would not have disappeared without warning.
He would not have left the gates unlocked.
He would have told her.

Something was wrong.

[emoji=obelisk scared size=1][emoji=looking glass size=1]
Just a sleepy little tiefling
- Tiefling Treasures: A D&D Themed Hatchery
- Wishlist
- 50+ Oldies for Sale
- Toyhouse for Sale
Oooo - lore :O

I'm a sucker for lore and the fact that it looks like this will have some is very exciting to me, ehe. I'll be eagerly waiting to see who the contestants are!
Oooo - lore :O

I'm a sucker for lore and the fact that it looks like this will have some is very exciting to me, ehe. I'll be eagerly waiting to see who the contestants are!
Ohoho, some mystery! [emoji=banescale happy size=1]
Ohoho, some mystery!
Sounds interesting, excited for more! [emoji=guardian tongue size=1]
Sounds interesting, excited for more!
Just popping in and letting everyone know the casting call ends in 5 days.
There's still plenty of time to apply, but the sooner, the better ;D
Just popping in and letting everyone know the casting call ends in 5 days.
There's still plenty of time to apply, but the sooner, the better ;D